𝟎𝟔𝟔 - 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.

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hey guys! if you ever make tiktok videos about CORE, please tag me (.thirstymalfoy) so i can see ❤️

also vote and comment pls!! 7929 words. shoutout to helloimthecoochieman for getting it right

"What do you mean you're not coming?"

Draco almost deflates as I frown at him, glaring slightly as I watch him ruffle his hair.

"It's not that I'm not coming, it's that I can't come to Hogsmeade," he says lowly, glancing out the door to his dorm and down the hallway to see if any of the boys are walking by.

"Why not?" I press with a scowl, crossing my arms and turning my chin up at him with irritation. "You're joking, right?"

"I'm not—I really can't. I have detention with McGonagall," he sighs heavily, eyes closing while his hand roughly rubs his face. "You'll have to go without me."

"Det—Detention? You're fucking with me, right? You're the one that's constantly—get your ass out of my way, Malfoy," I snap, shoving at his shoulder, and though I don't use much power, he stumbles back anyway, holding the door open and sighing tiredly while I stride into his room, feeling my hair blow out of my face. "Close that door."


"No, you listen," I turn swiftly on my heel, my curls slapping on my own face as I see him close the door gently and then lean back against it, his arms crossing under his chest. The sleeves of his thin sweater are pushed up, revealing the way his strong forearms flex, but my mind is more on the hidden Mark on the inside. "You are the one constantly getting on my ass about this fucking task! You're the one giving me shit every other day for—for being ten seconds late to the library, or not remembering which obscurely titled textbook had one obscure, useless piece of information. Alright? You're the one constantly telling me—"

"I know—"

"—that I'm not giving enough shits about this, that I'm fucking careless and—"

He sighs heavily, pushing off the door to approach me. "Celeste—"

"No, you're the one that's been riding my ass all this time, and now that it's finally... time to..." I laugh dryly, throwing my hands up in the air. "We're finally doing it! We're finally fucking killing him, and you're telling me—"

I cut myself off with a muffled gasp when he abruptly lunges forward, one hand going to grab the back of my neck and pull me towards him, the other hand practically slapping over my mouth, fingers and thumb gripping my face while he pulls me in close to his chest, glowering down at me with a threatening gleam in his kaleidoscopic eyes.

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