𝟎𝟐𝟕 - 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐚𝐠𝐞

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—heyyy!! today i learned how to spell cabbage—

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heyyy!! today i learned how to spell cabbage

"Is this your tie or mine?" Graham asks, holding it up near his face and squinting at it.

"Does it matter?" I mutter, snatching it out of his hand and tucking it under my collar to quickly tie snuck to my neck. I grab my grey sweater, sliding it on over my clothes before properly tucking my shirt into my skirt and slipping my feet back into my shoes.

I bump into Graham and nearly topple over, making an unamused noise. It's our lunch break, and he managed to convince me to participate in a quickie in a broom closet. A cramped one, at that, so we ended up doing it standing.

"Did you use the spell?" I ask as I lean against a particularly large bucket to lace up my shoes.

"What?" he responds in a confused voice.

I freeze, tilting my head up to look at him sternly. "The spell, Graham. The Contraceptive Charm. The one that makes sure that nine months from now, we aren't cradling an ugly little baby. Protego Exgravida. Ring any fucking bells in that hollow head of yours?" I snap, looking back down to my shoe to quickly finishing tying.

"Oh," he says, then laughing slightly. "Yeah, totally. I did it right after you took your panties off—"

"Okay, great," I say, snatching my bag up and slinging it over my shoulders. I glance at my watch, cursing softly when I see that I'm late to my study session. "Bye."

"Wait," Graham calls right as my hand touches the doorknob, making me sigh exasperatedly and turn to give him an impatient look.

"Can I help you?" I ask dryly, tapping my foot on the hardwood floor.

"So, uh, Valentine's Day is this weekend," he says, smiling his lopsided smile and rubbing the back of his neck as he glances away at a broomstick leaning against the wall.

My heart stops. "Yeah, and?" I ask as casually as possible.

"Well, I mean, I was just wondering if you might want to go to Hogsmeade with me?" he asks with a slight shrug. He's still panting softly from our previous activities, lips slightly parted, hair flopping over his forehead that glistens slightly. Merlin, he's an attractive guy, but he's gotta be stupid if he thinks I'm saying yes.

"Like a date?" I grimace slightly, my hand on the doorknob tightening before I let go and turn fully to look at him. "Are you asking me out on a date, Montague?"

His eyebrows lift slightly. He then clears his throat, puffs his chest out a bit, and drops his voice a whole octave to say, "I mean, I think it'd be kinda cool to spend some time with you outside all the closets and dorm rooms, you feel?"

I look at him blankly, absolutely astounded by what I'm hearing, my lips parting and brows furrowing as I wonder what words to use to let Graham know that absolutely the fuck not without hurting his feelings and having to find a different sex buddy to keep on call.

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