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10,339 words

550 votes and 2.5k comments, and the next chapter comes your way as soon as i'm done writing it

this chapter was... sort of incredible to write, and i'm definitely happy with how it finishes, so please please please leave comments for me to read

To understand blood malediction, one must understand the kind of magic that is—a curse.

There are three kinds of Dark charms (jinxes, hexes, and curses), and by far, the topic of this study is the most heinous. Curses are the very worst kind of Dark charms. Their incantations vary as do their effects, but there is one thing they all have in common as a rule: extensive suffering. They come in many strengths and forms, but they are typically reserved to inflict upon their victim excruciating pain, total control, or even death.

In this comprehensive study of blood malediction as a form of curses and blood magic, I will leave it up to my individual readers to decide which of pain, control, or death are the worst fate.

Though all Dark charms are known to inflict discomfort of varying severity, what distinguishes a curse from the others is its strength, ability to last long, resistance to reversion, and inherent wickedness. There should be no confusion why a blood malediction would thus be classified as a (blood) curse. As a general rule in magic, the stronger the incantation, the stronger the skill. It takes a great amount of power to successfully cast a curse, the kind of power that is not acquired in a proper way.

Blood malediction is a very specific kind of curse, a type of magic that requires understanding of not just Dark charms, but blood magic. However, as I am only an expert in Dark charms, I will primarily approach blood malediction from such a perspective in this exploration.

It is also an old magic, older than most magics in fact. Older than the realization that a wand can hone and channel a witch's magic, older than anything you know. And still, despite its roots, there is not much known on this form of magic, because it's usage isn't so prevalent anymore. While many have persisted and continue to exist today, one will find it difficult to come across a witch or wizard actively placing such curses, as there are now far more effective and simple ways of exacting revenge.

Nevertheless, it is important to learn about and understand the magic.

(Note: It is important to understand that as blood malediction falls under the classification of curse, it is impossible for a malediction to form naturally without a catalyst and caster. And, thus, since only magic can bear such a curse, it is theorized that only magic can reverse or subdue it if such a thing is even possible.)

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