𝟏𝟎𝟐 - 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟

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been a minute! 10 days, which is a shorter length of time than last time, so progress??

anyway, can we get to 3k comments and 600 votes?

"Don't you dare get my hair wet," I sigh, clinging to Draco's shoulders while he lowers me into the bath.

He sighs heavily but doesn't say anything. Instead, he eases me into the water, only retracting his arms from under my knees and my back when I'm settled comfortably. I tilt my head back to rest it against the edge, eyes shut. His lips press against my forehead before I hear the water slosh and form small waves as he too steps in. It's a spacious bathtub, just like all the others in the manor.

I just barely open my eyes to see him settled across from me, the surface of the water dancing against his abdomen. His eyes are shut and head tilted back to expose the column of his pale throat, hair ruffled and sticking up all over the place.

I lazily extend one of my legs to nudge his thigh with my heel. He doesn't open his eyes, but he does groan tiredly. I give him another nudge, really a gentle kick, and this time one eye pries open.

I flash him a coy smile, at which he glares playfully. Slowly, I move my tired muscles to shift into my hands and knees. Draco doesn't move as I make my way to him, though he rubs his finger against his lip.

I stop right beside him, pushing at his thigh in hopes to nestle myself between his legs. He only quirks an eyebrow at me, watching me with silvery amusement in his eyes that makes my skin feel warm and stomach twist nervously.

"Is there something you'd like from me?" Draco asks coolly, gaze heavy.

I open my mouth and shut it like a fish. He smirks, setting his arms down across the edge of the bath. "I don't know," I sigh, scowling fiercely. "Attention?"

His smirk grows into a grin. "I spent all night making you feel good, and that wasn't enough for you?"

"I have high expectations."

"You mean you're high maintenance," Draco corrects me dryly, his tongue darting out to lick his lips.

My scowl deepens as I move to shift back to my side of the bath. Before I can, however, he grabs me around my waist and tugs me onto his lap, stifling my gasp with a hungry kiss. My tired muscles relax on top of him immediately. I could fall asleep right there in his grasp. The only thing keeping me awake his his touch—the way his hands move all over my body to feel all of me, to squeeze my ass, to scratch my back, to tangle with my hair. I don't even care if he gets it a little wet.

We pull away gasping for breath. I slip off his lap when he parts his legs, instead curling between his thighs and against his chest. Draco presses another kiss to my temple, one arm supporting my back and the other on my thigh. I close my eyes and listen to his heartbeat.

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