𝟎𝟏𝟐 - 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

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She's on her knees, just like that time in the common room.

Except, this time, we're in an empty classroom. I'm not sure which one—maybe it's a the Potions classroom, maybe it's the Charms classroom—but it honestly doesn't matter. I'm leaning against the professor's desk, whoever the professor of this classroom even is, with my hands clutching the edge of it while she kneels in front of me.

Her curls are perfect, not a strand out of place, coiled snakes perched like a crown around her dark skin.

Her skin is always smooth, dark, and tempting. I always want to lick it, bite into it, leave marks on it, whether it's her neck or chest or thighs or stomach.

Her dark eyes gleam up at me. I think they change color sometimes, or shades at least. Sometimes they're black, sometimes they're dark brown. Tonight, with the moonlight streaming through the window and landing on her face, they're dark brown and look at me with hunger.

And her lips. Painted that dark color, curving naturally at the ends into a permanently amused smile. Her lipstick is pristine. I can't wait to mess it up.

"Stand up," I order, my voice sounding like it's coming not from my own mouth but from above me, booming slightly. "Kiss me."

She stands immediately, her hands going to rest on my chest so she can lean against me freely. Ever the tease, she leans in to nibble on my ear. I move one of my hands off the desk to grab her ass, giving it a tight squeeze as a warning. All she does is moan breathily in my ear before giggling mischievously.

And then she presses a kiss on my jaw. My cheekbone. The corner of my mouth. My throat. My ear. Anywhere but my lips.

"You didn't say where to kiss you," she teases, bringing her face back in front of mine. Her eyes lock with my own, full of devilry and seduction. They look at me challengingly just like they always do. And then she leans in and slowly swipes her tongue over my bottom lip.

"Kiss my lips, darling."

She hums softly, sliding her hands up and down my chest. Are the windows open? Or am I just imagining that mild breeze tousling her hair up. Her devious eyes look up at me through her lashes as she bites down on her lip before slipping her hands under the hem of my sweater and sliding it up my bare chest. She gently scratches her nails against my skin before leaning in and brushing her lips against mine.

"Are you sure you want to kiss me?" she asks in a soft voice, slipping her arms still under my sweater around my back in a loose embrace. "Because once you do, there may be no going back."

She gently pulls my lower lip between my teeth, nibbling on it slightly before letting it go to whisper.

"Am I someone you should cross paths with? Because I could break you. Do you fear me? Do I petrify you?"

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