𝟎𝟑𝟑 - 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞

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It's the first day of our spring break.

I, like many other students, agreed to come hime for one week to see my parents and sleep in my own bed, but for the second week of break, I'll be back at Hogwarts using the free time to study for the OWLs and get a bit ahead on my schoolwork.

We had dinner at the Malfoys' this time. Lucky for me, my parents had to rush home due to a work related emergency, and they took me with them. I spent the rest of the night in the manor really just walking around and in my room. I've collected so many books, old and new though especially old, over the years that my father spelled a library just fit me under my room.

It opens up through a little trap door underneath a fluffy carpet, a ladder leading down to it. It's not very big, maybe the size of one of the dorms back at Hogwarts, but it's perfect. All the walls are crammed with books, half of them mine that I've collected, the other half new to me. Some of them are his old books that he no longer reads, and some of them are newer novels recently published. The lighting is dim and perfect, there's seats near the corner that look straight out of an antique shop, and a little carved coffee table that always had coffee, tea, and French baked goods sitting and waiting for me. There's a desk as well in case I want to study down here. It's all kinds of perfect.

But it's late now, and I'm in bed while my parents have just returned from the Ministry.

"You still up?"

I glance up from the book I have open in my lap to see Father standing in my door, a slight smile on his lips. He looks tired, tie all loose and bags under his hazel eyes so purple, but he smiles anyway.

"Yeah, I thought I'd get a chapter in before going to sleep," I say, putting my book face down and stifling a yawn with my palm.

He laughs softly. "It's one in the morning, Celeste."

I bite back a grin. "One chapter turned into five."

"You really are my daughter," he shakes his head, "but it's a shame you inherited all the traits that keep me from getting any sleep. Can I come in?"

"Of course," I say, pushing a broken quill between the pages of my book as a makeshift bookmark before setting the book down on my nightstand. "Work emergency handled?"

He sighs as he walks in, stopping at my desk to bend down and scratch Cheeky behind his ear. "I guess so," he says, sounding older all of a sudden.

"What does that mean?" I press curiously.

He looks up at me with a stern gaze, straightening back up before walking over to sit at the edge of my bed. "You know I can't tell you," he says lowly, making me roll my eyes begrudgingly. "I've taken an Unbreakable Vow, Celeste. If I told you anything I shouldn't, I'd—"

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