𝟎𝟔𝟖 - 𝐢'𝐦 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐭

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heyyyyt!! 7k words, so i wanna see votes and comments or WLSE

also???? thank you so much???? for one million?? wtf you guys

"Mmph... fuck..."

Maxon's arms wrap around my thighs, forcing them to stay apart but firmly set over his shoulders while I claw wildly at his long brown hair, pulling and tugging harshly.

He momentarily opens his warm brown eyes, and I see the amused smile in them from the way they twinkle mischievously while he tilts his head and continues lapping his tongue against my core. One hand leaves his hair to grip the edge of the desk I'm balanced on, my heels digging into his back and pulling him closer to me.

We found an abandoned office near the end of our free period, so, after magicking away the thin sheen of dust that covered every surface in the small room, we quickly got started on our old habits.

He's gotten better.

"Shit... Maxon," I moan, letting my eyes fall shut and lowering myself until my back is flat against the office desk. He moves with me, shifting so my legs are higher up, his mouth unrelenting on me. "More."

His tongue glides up until it reaches my clit, flicking against it so unexpectedly that I gasp and instantly lift my hips up to both squirm against me and press closer to his face. His arms around my thighs tighten, pulling me towards his mouth, and then his hands force my hips back down to the surface of the desk. He then eases my left leg off his back and from over his shoulder, helping me bend it at the knee until my foot is planted on the edge of the desk.

Stifling a groan, I use a shaking hand to pull the hem of my skirt up so it doesn't block my view, cursing softly at the sight of his eyebrows twisted with a look of sheer focus while he continues eating me out like a man starving. His hands rub firmly up and down my thighs, massaging my hips, and then he wraps his lips around my clit to suck gently.

With a gasp, my other leg bends as well, and then I'm reaching down to wrap my hand twice around his green tie and pull him up towards me. He gets the hint quickly, unwrapping his arms from around my thighs and coming up so that his lips press full against me. Maxon's warm hands pin my hips down to the desk once more while he forces his tongue into my mouth, the taste of my arousal making me moan softly.

One of his hands slides up my body, teasing over my still buttoned shirt, squeezing one of my breasts, tugging lightly on my tie. The other finds its place between my thighs, and, while propping a knee up on the desk next to my hips, Maxon quickly takes over where his mouth was with his hand. I tighten my grip on his hair, pulling his head closer to mine and moaning lewdly against his mouth while his fingers rub haphazardly over my clit.

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