𝟎𝟕𝟑 - 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝

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here's a fun drinking game: taking a shot (of water bc we are good children) every time someone in CORE interrupts someone else or is interrupted by anything in general.

this chapter is 12,658 words long. please. please. please vote, and please leave me a bunch of comments cause this bitch took time asf


shut out to petitfruitmarocains baby for french translations

"Oh, we're so gonna win."

"That's only if Carlier can get off his incompetent arse and find that bloody Snitch," I mutter under my breath in response to Pansy.

We sit in the stands, blending in the sea of green. Pansy almost painted half my face the color, but I threatened to break her wrist if she came within a foot of me with that paint. Surprisingly, she actually listened to the threat this time. I'm to her left, and to her right sits her girlfriend Verona. In front of us is Pandora, who turns around frequently to lean in a whisper excitedly to Verona, her cheeks bright pink from the cold.

"Oh, he'll do it," Pansy says dismissively, her legs bouncing up in down in both excitement and desire to warm herself up. Her right arm is immobile, being hugged tightly to Verona's chest, who shivers lightly and has her scarf practically wrapped around her face. "He'll catch it in no time, you'll see."

I glower lightly, choosing not to respond for the sake of not wanting to bite my best friend's head clean off her neck. Instead, I glance away just in time to see Celeste navigating the crowded stands, a slight frown on her face as she attempts not to stumble over any clumsily placed feet.

I turn my head back to Pansy. "Move down."

"Can't," she says, grabbing my left wrist to squint at my watch. "Shouldn't they have started already?"

"Move down."

"There's no space, idiot."

"Make some."

"I can't just make sp—DRACO!" she gasps, scandalized, when I get tired of listening her speak and use all my body weight to push her, and therefore Verona as well, as far down the bench as I can, opening up a spot right to my left just big enough for—

"Hey," Celeste says, and we both turn our heads to see her right behind me.

"Oh," Pansy echoes my ear, giving my arm a tight squeeze as the teasing edge in her voice gets swept away by the November breeze. "Hey, Cel."

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