𝟎𝟗𝟑 - 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞

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can we get to 3k comments and 600 votes before the next chapter ??

beginning of this chapter is NSFR!!!

Pandora moans softly in my ear, an arm tightly wrapped around my shoulders and her head resting in my neck. Her legs are wrapped around my hips, though she sits atop a desk in the empty, locked classroom. My hand is between her legs rubbing circles over her core while hers is between mine stroking my length tightly.

"Fuck," she whispers, voice strained as her thighs try to clench around my hand beneath her skirt. Her hand tightens on my cock, making me grunt softly.

She comes first with a fit of breathy gasps and trembling moans. And then when she calms, she wordlessly drops to her knees to finish me off too, big green eyes watching my face when I throw my head back and come right in her mouth.

And then I'm buckling myself back up and casting a few Cleaning Charms while she slides her underwear back on and glances in the window to pat her hair down. When Pandora turns around, looking pink and flustered but otherwise put together, her cheeks glow slightly.


"You should have something to eat before you head to the match," I say casually, packing up all my books into my bag (as I'd been helping her with History of Magic before everything happened). "For your energy."

"Yeah. Okay, yeah, I'll do that," she stumbles over her words, bumping into a desk while coming over to pack her own things up.

I give her a short glance before closing up my bag. After making sure I haven't missed anything, I sling it over my shoulder and head towards the door while giving her a short wave. Before I can leave, however, Pandora's soft voice stops me.

"Draco, I—"

She cuts himself off as I turn my head over my shoulder to give her an inquisitive look. My finger taps against the doorknob impatiently, but she doesn't seem to notice. She falters, cheeks getting redder still and fingers tugging at locks of her blonde hair.

"Yeah?" I prod, hearing the irritation in my own voice.

Her eyes widen slightly, as if she's surprised I heard her say my name at all. "Nothing. I—I mean—" Pandora shakes her head a little, her lips quirking into a small smile and her hands now toying with her sweater. "Well, I was just wondering..."

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