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the way it's been a whole fucking week since i've updated LMAOLMAOLMAO okay but i'm so happy rn bc i've made like a BUNCH of cool and ridiculously nice wattpad friends in these last few days?

8714 words, so please vote and comment LMAO

He had to ask me to meet him here of all places?

I exhale sharply, glancing over my shoulder to ensure that no straggler or late arrivals to Slughorn's little party are approaching before turning back to the doorway. The door is wide open, but the way is covered by drapes with a slit through the middle, and I manage to slip into the room behind the narrow space between the walls and the colored drapes.

Professor Snape has been repeatedly telling me to meet him in his office. I, of course, have been ignoring him, except now he's threatening to throw me into a month detention, which I obviously can't afford. So now he's told me to meet him here, but without being seen by anyone.

I press myself as close to the wall as I can get, feeling completely thankful in the moment that I have the build of a Seeker and not a Beater as I manage to only brush against the drapes a few times. I strain my ears, trying to listen for his voice, but it's impossible to hear anything over the horrible mandolin playing and the live band, so I carefully part the drapes in front of me with my fingers, peering out to see who is on the other side.

The first person I see is Celeste.

She's standing there talking to some old man, and though she's nodding while he blabs and keeps her eyes on his, I can just tell she couldn't care less what he has to say. I'm not sure how, but I just know. She's nodding, she's responding, she's smiling at what are probably horrible jokes, and she's ignoring the way his hand brushes against her arm on "accident" one too many times—I think I might throttle him, but then I remember I can't quite reveal myself—but I just know she'd rather be anywhere else.

I scan her. She's wearing a red dress, and though I find it garish a Slytherin would ever wear such colors to a Christmas party when the other obvious choice is green, she looks good in it.

I blink and look away to see the girl next to her, frowning when she's familiar. Yes, a Ravenclaw in our year. Elara Jacobs. She and I had a brief thing a few years ago, occasionally sleeping with each other. I can't recall what ended it, though.

Is that Celeste's date?

I frown slightly, and then I decide not to dwell on it. I have more important things to do right now.

Letting go of the drapes, I continue skirting around the perimeter of the room when I distinctly hear Snape's nasally voice complaining about the volume of the room.

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