Ch. 34: First Date in a While (Part 3)

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The second Changkyun saw me he gasps loudly. "I knew it was too much. I'll change into something else," I stammered and turned to go back inside but he grabs onto my hand and turns me back around. 

"No, it's perfect. I just- You look amazing," he says with a smile. 

"Really," I asked shyly.

"Really," he smiles before asking as he gestures to the elevators, "Shall we?"

~fast forward around half an hour~

Just as I was about to open my door, Changkyun gets out from his side, runs to my side, and opens my door. "I guess chivalry isn't dead," I joked before laughing and getting out of the car. 

"I think people just call it having manners these days, Hyung," he replies as he closes the door and locks the car. 

"...oh," I said as I rubbed the back of my neck. 

"Come on. Let's go to the restaurant. Maybe, they will sit us down even though we are early," he says before taking my hand and walking over to the restaurant with me in tow. I found myself fixated on our joined hands and didn't pay attention to where he was taking me. His grasp was firm but his hand felt soft. It somehow made me feel safe.

At the realization of what thoughts had passed through my mind, my cheeks redden out of shyness and embarrassment but more of the prior than the later. "Here we are," Chanhkyun says before pausing and then saying, "Hyung, your hands are so cold. Here let me warm them up."

"Actually-," I began to say but then he holds onto both of my hands with his hands. He rubs them for a few seconds and holds onto them before repeating it until he felt that my hands are warm enough. Man, kids these days are very forward....Oh my god! Did I really just say that? Gosh, I sound like I am more than just a few years older. 

"Hyung, did you hear what I just said," he asks thus interrupting my train of thought.

"Huh? Sorry, what did you say," I asked after blinking multiple times and then meeting his eyes. He pauses and stares at me for a few seconds before shaking his head as if to silently say never mind. Great, Kihyun. It's only the first date and you are fucking things up already with your awkwardness. 

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