Ch. 2: Untitled

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A/N: Happy 5th Anniversary, Monbebes!


~a few minutes later~

"Who was that? Your next target," Jooheon asks while wriggling his eyebrows suggestively. 

"Shut up," I grunted before sitting down on the couch.

"Geez, it was a harmless joke," Jooheon says before scoffing at me. I stared at him blankly before looking out into the crowd. Somehow, my eyes landed on the brunette that was in danger a few seconds ago. A taller male was trying to force him to drink but it didn't seem like the other guy was a danger as the brunette was smiling and laughing in between trying to stop the other guy from making him drink. 

Part of me wanted to storm over there and stop him from doing that for some reason that I am not too sure of. But, then, I remembered I don't even know the guy. So, why should I go over there and stop it? As I mulled this over, I began to chew on my lower lip.

"Yo, earth to Changkyun," Jooheon says as he waves his hand in front of my face.  I sighed deeply, got up, and started to walk to the exit of the club. "Wait, come back! I'll stop teasing," Jooheon shouts but I ignored him and left.


~at the same time~

"Hyungwon, I think we should leave," I told him as soon as I set down the drinks on the table after I found him.

"What?! We just got here, Hyung. Don't be a goody two shoes. Live a little," he says with a slight slur.

"Are you buzzed already? Did you buy a drink while I was at the bar," I asked with a worried tone.

"Nope, it's courtesy of those hunks over there," he says and gestures to three guys with a big built at a table across from us. When they saw Hyungwon gesturing to them, they raised their glasses and winked. 

"Hyungwon, you can't just accept drinks from strangers. What if they did something to it," I asked as I placed my hand on top of his. 

"Hyung, you watch too many cop shows. It's okay," he scoffs before taking on of the rainbow bomb shots and knocking the shot glass of red alcohol into the beer. 

"You never know," I muttered under my breath as he drank half of the drink right away. 

"Woah, this is good. You should try it," he says as he thrusts the drink at me.

"Mmm, I think I'll pass," I said not because I didn't want to drink but I just am apprehensive when it comes to eat or drink something that someone else had eaten or drank from. Hyungwon slings his arm across my shoulders and brought it to my lips. "Yah! Stop it," I laughed as I tried to stop him. 

"Just this once. Do it for me," Hyungwon pleads with his best puppy dog eyes. 

"Alright. Alright," I said before taking the cup from him. I stared into the cup as my mind tells me to not do it. Then, I glanced up to see Hyungwon pouting. I sighed and drank the rest of the cup. "Ah, fuck," I said as I felt the burn of the alcohol.

"Oh my god. You cussed," Hyungwon gasps and places a hand over his heart dramatically.

"Just because I grew up in a conservative and religious household doesn't mean that I don't curse. I just don't curse often,"  I told him to which he rolls his eyes. 

"Okay~, well...let's finish these drinks and hit the dance floor," Hyungwon says before accidentally bumping into our table which caused the other colorful shots to fall into their respective cup of beer. 

 And, that was the last thing I remembered clearly. 

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