Ch. 65: Untitled [TW]

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains ptsd, implied abuse, etc. Please read at your own discretion. 


~nearly lunch time~

I sighed deeply after I was sure that Changkyun wasn't going to come back into my office as I ran a hand through my hair. "I'm pathetic, aren't I? Why do I keep letting my insecurities get in the way," I asked myself before leaning back in my office chair and closing my eyes. 

I had thought that I steeled my heart and my mind after the breakup. Yet, the walls that I built were shaken the moment he came back into my life. I should have expected this as it was inevitable that he would come back to work at his father's company as he is the heir. I suppose that I was too naïve and didn't think much of what would happen if I were to meet him again. 

If he had came back earlier, I would have been swayed and fell for him again despite the fact that he is still the same jerk and is more than likely to treat me the same way. As for the reason why, I am not to sure myself. 

I also could not comprehend why he was still after me. Didn't he cheat on me because he didn't love me anymore...because I wasn't enough for him? Wasn't he happy that I left him? I- While I dated him, I did everything he wanted even if I didn't want to myself because of the love I had for him.

As I went down this downward spiral of thoughts, I didn't even noticed that I had been scratching at my left hand until it started to bleed. "I see that you still haven't fixed that bad habit of yours," a familiar voice says darkly. 

My eyes snapped out when the second the voice entered my ears. There was Hyunwoo standing in front of my office door. I looked down and saw him look the door. My breath hitches as fear starts to plague my mind and my mouth goes dry as my mind raced due to me panicking. 

He crosses the room in a few strides and glowers down at me after grabbing onto my chair with both hands and leaning down over me. I instinctively tried to back up more but couldn't go any further as I am still sitting on my chair. "What made you think that you could leave me, huh? I told you that it wasn't what it looks like," he pauses before raising his hand. 

Like a trained reflex, I flinched even though he didn't hit me yet. To my surprise, he uses that hand to cup my cheek but then he tightens his grip on my face. "Hmm, what should I do with you? You know I don't like it when you disobey me...Oh, I have a good idea. I saw that you have new man. It hasn't even been that long and you got together with someone else, you...whore?! I will make you regret leaving me," he smiles darkly. 

"Don't- Don't touch him! I'm the one you are angry with. Come at me instead," I stammered despite the fact that I tried my best to sound serious. He scoffs then forcibly kisses me again. I pushed at his chest in an attempt to shove him away, which is in vain yet again as he is too strong for me to overpower. Once he was satisfied, he lets me go before looking at me condescendingly and then leaves my office without another word. 

Instantly, I started to hyperventilate as my nerves were getting to me at last and I am getting progressively worried about what he will to him.  I don't know what to do... How do I stop him? Was it really wishful thinking that I deserve love that's only mine? Was I the one in the wrong? Did I mistake what happened?


At this sudden disruption of my dark thoughts, I snapped out of the trance I lost myself in and said, "Come in." The door opens to reveal Changkyun. The chaos in my mind then slows down to a stop the second I saw him. 

"Hey, Hyung. Wanna go out to eat? You know...since we forgot to bring to lunch to work," he says with the classic boy next door smile.

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