Freya's POV
I can't help but hum to myself as I finish getting work done around the house. The Aunties have left for the Academy early. Sabrina and Nick are off somewhere doing who knows that. And Ambrose is working on a doll house. Not just any doll house. This is an enchanted dollhouse.
What's that you ask? Well I didn't know at first either. Stay with me, this gets confusing. When Ambrose and Prudence were on their quest to kill Father Blackwood, they were confused to find two young teenagers with him. The two kids that appeared in the hall last night. Turns out, these two kids were Judas and Judith. The twins that Lady Blackwood had given birth to before she died. Apparently Father Blackwood didn't like the name Leticia so he changed it to Judith.
But my confusion comes from the fact that only a few months ago... those two were infants. Ambrose and Prudence believe that somehow, Father Blackwood has mastered time magic and he's actually been on the run for 15 years. Which would explain how Judas and Judith have grown up so fast. Unable to leave her siblings behind, Prudence brought them back here.
So in that tiny little dollhouse are two tiny people. Living in the house as if it was actually there home. It's actually quite tragic to think about. They don't even really know what's going on. They've been living with Blackwood and he probably filled their heads with lies. Prudence said she'd come back for them. But Ambrose and I are to look after them in the mean time.
I'm humming along to the song Ambrose is playing on the old record player when I hear the familiar swoosh of flames. Luckily, Ambrose doesn't hear it over the music. I peak out the window and spot Lilith and Sabrina looking up at me. Sabrina signals for me to come down and I start to panic.
"Hey, Ambrose. I have to run a quick errand." I say quickly as I put down the laundry that I'm folding. "Okay. Give me two minutes and I'll come with you." He says. "No!" I say quickly. A little too quickly. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow.
"It's a surprise- for you." I explain quickly. "It won't take long. And besides, the dollhouse needs some work. I'll be back before you know it." I tell him. He nods and keeps working on the dollhouse.
"As long as you're back in time for our date." He says with a smirk. "Of course." I tell him as I head to the door. "Wait!" He yells. My heart races and I turn to him with the most relaxed face I can make. "Yes?" I ask. Oh no. He knows that something is wrong. Oh no. Do I tell him that his cousin is the Queen of Hell. Oh no.
"I love you." He says. I feel all the tension leave my body. "I love you too." I say before I close the door and rush outside to Sabrina and Lilith. "Took you long enough." Lilith remarks. I sigh and walk up to them.
"My apologies. Had to come up with some stupid excuse so I wouldn't admit that I was traveling to Hell with the Queen herself." I say sarcastically. "Well next time be quicker." Lilith snips. The flames light and whirl around us. That familiar feeling of traveling to Hell creeps back in. This time, I land on my feet. No dizziness whatsoever. Guess I'm getting better at this.
"Order! There will be order!" Lilith yells over the raging Demons. "Order? We are the lords of disorder!" One yells at her. The demons around him cheer him on. "You demanded an audience with the Queen. Now you must let her speak." Lilith tells the crowd. Everyone quiets down as Sabrina steps forward.
"For starters, I want a grand counting of all the souls in Hell. Until then, I want a freeze on any more deal making with mortals." Sabrina declares. "What about pre-existing contracts?" One demon asks. "Only after I review each contract and make a decision on a case by case basis." Sabrina says.
"Respectfully, does she have the time? With all her cheerleading and such?" One demon asks with a sickly sweet smile. All the demons in the room roar with laughter. "Silence! Silence!" Lilith roars. The crowd quiets down. "If you'd let the Queen finish." She says.
"We've heard enough!" A voice calls from the hall. I cover my face in my hands. Not now. "I, Caliban, Prince of Hell, challenge the Morningstar to her seat on the throne." Caliban declares as he enters the room, shirtless as ever. Why me? Why now?
"Look upon this scroll." He says as he dramatically throws one end. It unrolls and unrolls until it stops right in front of my feet. "I have gathered 666 signatures of the highest born of Hell to endorse my challenge. By infernal law of the court of Hell, it must be accepted." He says with a cocky grin. "Is that true?" I hear Sabrina whisper.
"Technically, yes." Lilith mumbles. "Or you can simply forfeit the throne to your new King and Queen." Caliban says. "And Queen?" Sabrina asks. "You see, I believe in giving the power to those who have been walked all over. And who does the Queen walk all over?" He asks as he scans the room.
"Her handmaiden of course." Fuck.
"Oh, don't even." Sabrina spits at him. My whole chest is extremely tight and I don't know what to do. I don't even realize it but I manage to squeak out a response.
"Yeah. I have a boyfriend."
Remind me to punch myself later for that one.
"Then I challenge you on a quest for the Unholy Regalia." Caliban says. The demons all cheer. I look to Sabrina and she looks to Lilith in confusion. "The regalia are the three most powerful occult objects in history. Relics that have been lost to the ages, mind you." Lilith explains.
"Legend has it, he who finds and collects the relics may take his seat on the throne, whether they be Morningstar or not. Do you accept my challenge Sabrina?" Caliban asks. "I accept." Sabrina says. SIS! We don't even know what these three relics are yet! Maybe we should do some research before jumping into things!
"Then begin with Herod's crown. All hail King Herod, who slaughtered innocent babes! Find his crown. Return it to its rightful place in Pandemonium and you will be one step closer to the throne." A demon says. The entire room bursts into cheers. Caliban winks at Sabrina and I before bowing and exiting the room. Off to find whatever crown thing we have to find.
Why are things never easy?

Strange Magic *Ambrose Spellman*
FanfictionFreya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.