Freya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.
"Wait- it worked?" Ambrose asks. My grip on the back of his shirt tightens. I'm still lost and confused. What worked? "Is she the mandrake?" Ambrose asks pointing to the Sabrina closest to us. Oh shit. OH SHIT.
"I'm the one true Sabrina. The one with the sacred magics handed down by our ancestors. She's just a pathetic mortal." The one closest to us says. Yup. That's the mandrake. I shuffle us so we stand spaced out between the two Sabrinas. "Kill her." The mandrake Sabrina says.
"I should've done it myself but I felt pity, I suppose." The mandrake says. "Cousin, Freya, please, if you love me, kill her." It pleads. "If you really knew them, you know that they would never hurt me." The real Sabrina says stepping closer. The mandrake turns to the real Sabrina and starts manifesting her powers.
"Now! Now!" Ambrose says stepping away from me and between them. "Sabrinas...." He says. "There's only one way to settle this. The evolved way would be to be fair and square. Hm? How easily you could kill her with your magics. But where is honor in that? And we Spellmans are witches of honor, are we not?" Ambrose says quickly. I catch on immediately.
"Yes! Then what do you suggest?" The mandrake says. "We level the playing field." I tell her. "I call upon witch law. What happens when there is a conflict between two witches and one of them is far more powerful than the other?" I ask. The two Sabrinas just look at me. I turn to Ambrose for help.
"To settle the matter, we enter into an old-fashioned duel with pistols. A very gentlewomanly agreement with a very quick verdict. Let she with the quickest hand determine which of ye be worthy of living." Ambrose explains. "I've never heard of such witch law." the mandrake says.
"Cousin Ambrose is always teaching me new things. And besides, this seems like a dignified, honorable end for one of us. Unless you're not honorable?" The real Sabrina says. "I am. I understand the rules of honor. So then I challenge you, mortal, to a duel. Do you accept?" The mandrake asks.
"Accepted." The real Sabrina says. "I'll see you tonight at the witching hour, then. At the place where we were born." The mandrake says before skipping out of the room. The tension leaving with her. Once she's gone I run up to the real Sabrina and hug her.
"What happens now?" She asks frightened. "I don't have my powers!" She whisper yells. I turn to look at Ambrose. I give him a quick wink before turning back to Sabrina. I link arms with her and guide her out of the house.
"Have you ever seen this small show called Hamilton?" I ask with a smirk.
It's extra chilly in Greendale tonight. As if the town knew that there was about to be bloodshed. Ambrose offers me his jacket and I quickly accept. Maybe wearing a skirt wasn't my best choice. But who would've thought that I'd be witnessing a duel at midnight?
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"Sabrina." The real Sabrina greets the mandrake as she steps into the clearing. "Sabrina. You came." The mandrake says, almost surprised. "Did you bring the weapons?" It asks. Ambrose lays the two pistols down on the tree trunk in the clearing.
"There's no other way this can play out?" The mandrake asks. As if it was nervous. "I wish there were." The real Sabrina says quietly. "For both our sakes." She says picking up one of the guns. The mandrake picks up the other.
"The rules are this, you'll turn your backs to one another, count ten paces. On ten, turn and shoot." Ambrose explains. He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me to a nearby tree. Satan willing no bullets go awry and hit one of us. The Sabrinas turn back to back and my heart starts pounding.
"May the best Sabrina win." I call out weakly. "One!" Ambrose counts. Each Sabrina takes a step forward. "Two!" I yell. Another step. "Three!" Ambrose counts. My heart is going so fast I swear my whole body is vibrating. "Four!" I scream. "Five!" Another step. "Six!" "Seven!" "Eight!" I say and I turn around. Not wanting to see the outcome.
"Nine!" Ambrose yells out. BANG! A gunshot goes off. I flinch and cower into Ambrose's side. "It's okay. Everything went according to plan." He whispers. I peak up and see the mandrake slowly turn to face Sabrina.
"You shot early..." It says. "That's not fair." It says before collapsing. "No. No it's not." The real Sabrina says. She drops her gun and runs over to the mandrake. Ambrose and I walk over to them to see what happens next. Sabrina places the mandrake's head in her lap. As if to comfort her.
"It's okay." Sabrina whispers. "It's going to be okay." She continues. "I'm so sorry." Sabrina says crying. I put my hand on Sabrina's shoulder and we watch as the mandrake starts to take its last couple of breaths. Suddenly Nick and Miss Wardwell come crashing through the trees.
"Sabrina!" Nick cries out. They stop short when they see the now dead mandrake. "Nick. Miss Wardwell. It's over." Sabrina chokes out. "Sabrina... that was the last step to complete the prophecy." Nick says. My eyes widen.
"Killing yourself. It was the final perversion." Miss Wardwell says, out of breath. "What are you saying?" Sabrina asks. Suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes across the sky and the thunder comes almost immediately after, signifying that it was somewhere very close.
"The prophecy is being fulfilled. The end of days is upon us. The Dark Lord will walk the Earth in his true form. The Gates of Hell will open. And you will sit at his side and rule as his Queen with your handmaiden.... Freya." Wardwell explains.