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Freya's POV 

"I'm sorry- what?" I ask. "We have no choice. The pagans are a clear and present danger, and we are without strength. As dangerous as it will be, we must free the Dark Lord." Aunt Zelda says with a sigh. I groan and throw myself down in one of the chairs near her desk. Even though Aunt Zelda redid the office after Blackwood left, it's still creepy.

"Better the devil you know than the pagans you don't." Ambrose says under his breath. "He will be angry at us, and there will be Hell to pay, but he'll crush the pagans under his hood." Aunt Zelda explains. Aunt Hilda hangs her head.

"I'll go down. He's my father. If anyone can sweet talk him, it's me." Sabrina says. "Do you not remember that he wants us all dead? Sabrina we trapped him. We lied to the prince of lies." I remind her. 

"While Freya has a point, Sabrina is indeed the only one who stands a chance against him." Aunt Zelda points out. "Fine. But she's not going alone." I say as I rise from my dramatic state and stand by Sabrina at the door.

"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Ambrose asks. "You heard Aunt Zelda, we have no choice. Besides, he's locked up. He can't hurt us." Sabrina says. We all look to each other for a last sense of comfort before Sabrina and I head towards the witches cell. My absolute favorite place on earth. Not sure if you could feel the sarcasm dripping off that sentence.

"What are you going to say to him?" I ask as we approach the cell door. "To be honest, I'm not entirely sure." Sabrina says with a high shrug. Well at least none of this trauma has changed Sabrina. Still no plans. Still runs into her problems head on. Sabrina grips the lock and sighs before throwing open the door.

"Alright dad, it's just us now." She says as she steps inside the lowly lit room. The Dark Lord doesn't even look up at us. In fact he isn't really moving at all. I raise one of the candles from the protection circle around him to light one of the torches in the room. 

"Nick?" Sabrina cries out. I turn around to see that the figure trapped in the circle isn't the Dark Lord at all. Instead, Nick Scratch is seizing on the ground. Covered in his own blood. "Nick! Can you hear me!?" Sabrina cries out. 

"Go get the Aunties! I'll see if I can do anything." I yell as I gently push her aside. Sabrina looks back at Nick before sprinting out the door. Nick looks absolutely terrible. His whole face is bloody and there's some kind of green liquid pouring out of his eyes.

"Listen here asshole." I tell him as I push down on his chest. "I really fucking hate you right now, but you are not about to die on my watch. Hear me Scratch?" I tell him as I restrain him and focus all my energy into his heart. Trying to stop whatever was killing him. 

"Listen to my voice, okay? You're okay. I'm not letting you escape us this easily." I hiss as I hear footsteps rapidly approaching.


Nick's POV (never done this before)

Everything in my chest is tight and I feel like my heart is beating against my ribcage. Unholy shit I'm still alive. I try to open my eyes but they feel too heavy. Can't even do this correctly. I muster all my strength to sit up and open my eyes. 

"Where am I?" I ask as I gasp for air. While I'm still chained down, I'm no longer in the witches cell. Instead I'm in what looks like a bedroom within the academy. I look around and the first people I see are Ambrose and Freya. Standing nearby ready to pounce on me if needed. Turning slightly, I see Sabrina. My heart instantly shatters.

"Sabrina?" I choke out. "Nick, do you have any idea what you've done? You got high, freed to Dark Lord, and then overdosed." She says calmly. Too calmly. I slam my head down onto the floor. The last thing I need to to be talked down to. Not by her.

"Nicholas, you had enough drugs in your system to down a small army. Laudanum, morphine, opium, dragon's tears, and red mercury." Ambrose says as he circles me. "Nick, you almost died. If Freya hadn't gotten to you so quickly you'd be long gone." Sabrina says. 

"I wish she didn't." I hiss. My blood boiling now. "You need help. You need to get clean." Sabrina scolds. I almost spit at her. Who does she think she is? "Fortunately, there is an ancient, albeit brutal cleansing ritual I came across." Ambrose says as he passes Freya a small book. She starts to circle me too. I swear if I could I'd wring her neck. I heard what she said to me. 

"The ritual normally requires 30 days to complete. Except we don't have 30 days because the pagans threatened to exterminate our coven in three." Freya says more to the others in the room than me. I pull against the chains holding me down. No use.

"This egg that I acquired from Loch Ness when hunting Blackwood harbors properties that warp and affect time. 30 days of detoxing will, in reality, be compressed into one, unrelenting day." Ambrose explains. "No!" I hiss as I pull harder. 

"I hate you. I hate all of you." I scream at them. They all look down at me. Freya and Ambrose look almost amused. Sabrina looks like a kicked puppy. "I hate you, Sabrina!" I yell even louder. She takes a step back. Hurt. Good.

"Did you hear me? I hate you! I hate you!" I spit at her. Her face softens for a second before hardening back up. "Freya. Ambrose. Take care of this." She says as she struts out of the room. "I hate you Spellman!" I roar as she leaves. 

"No use, Scratch." Freya says softly as she crouches down in front of me. I lunge at her but the chains quickly pull me back. She didn't even fucking flinch. That bitch. "If I were you, I wouldn't do that." Ambrose says as he grabs my shoulders from behind and pins me down.

"You hurt our girl." Freya says as she stares me down. "I would've left you there. But you know what, I'm glad I saved your life. Because once all of this is said and done. You owe us. Hear that? Now I may be helping you right now, but I am surly going to enjoy these next 24 hours." She says. Expressionless. 

"You, however, will not enjoy them." Ambrose says from above me. Freya rises from her crouched position. If I wasn't so raging mad right now, I might even be turned on right now. Freya has definitely changed in these last few months. I'm almost impressed. But right now all I can think about is ripping all that red hair out of her head.

"No. In fact, it's going to hurt like heaven." She says with a smirk. She looks up at Ambrose and begins the ritual.

And all I see and feel is burning rage and pain.

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