Bringing Him Back

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A/N: Hi friends. I absolutely love writing this but I want to know what ya'll think as well. Some of you are beyond kind with comments and voting on chapters, but I'd like to know what the rest of you think. <3 



Sabrina and I stand in the clearing and wait for the others to arrive. When they do, Nick leads the pack as Prudence drags a gagged Agatha by the arm. Dorcas follows closely after. She probably still thinks that this is still some kind of joke. But when she sees the pentagram on the ground in white salt, she realizes that this is far from a joke.

We each take our spot on the edge of the pentagram with Agatha in the middle. She tries to cry out, but the gag in her mouth prevents her from doing so. Dorcas looks like she wants to run in and stop her, but I grab her hand, preventing her from doing so. 

"I can't believe you're doing this to Agatha. She's our sister." Dorcas says with tears in her eyes. "Leave if you want, but if you stay Dorcas, shut you're mouth or I'll sacrifice you too." Prudence threatens. Dorcas's grip on my hand tightens, but she doesn't say anything. 

"There are three stages to the rite of resurrection. First, we invoke the hounds." Sabrina tells us. We all nod as she begins the incantation. "Hounds of Heaven, Hounds of Hell, Hounds of Earth. Guardians of the door. We summon thee to help up resurrect the fallen son." Sabrina calls out. We all answer in Latin. I jump a little when the howling and barking of what seems like a thousand dogs can be heard in the distance.

"Unholy shit it's working." Nick says under his breath. "The second stage, we must open the door between worlds." Sabrina says. She grabs the book and starts reading again. "We bow before the door that divides the World of the living from the world of the dead. With humble gratitude, we ask that it be opened." She says. 

"Sabrina..." I whisper as the wind picks up and the arm feels warmer. "It's open." Sabrina grins. "The third and final stage, the sacrifice." She says. Prudence enter the pentagram and walks towards Agatha, brandishing a knife. At the last second, she turns to Sabrina.

"Would you like to do the honors?" She asks, holding out the knife for Sabrina. "With pleasure." Sabrina says, taking it from her. Sabrina stands behind Agatha, knife ready at her throat. "Unholiest of spirits! We offer thee a life for a life. O mighty Dark Lord by whom all is set afire, thy power by thy will my desire." She says. In a dramatic flair, she raises the knife and quickly slits Agatha's throat. Dorcas screams and tries to run to her, but I grab her and pin her arms against her back, pinning her to me. 

"The hounds invoked. The door opened. The price paid in blood." We all chant. Agatha's blood soaks the Earth. The ritual is done. "What now?" Prudence asks. "We wait. 13 minutes." Sabrina says. Prudence gives her a questioning look.

"Time enough for all the traces of the witch's soul to leave the body." I explain. "And then?" Dorcas asks, well tries to ask. It comes out more like a croak. "We bury her." Sabrina says plainly. I let go of Dorcas and she stumbles, but doesn't run to Agatha. It's not worth it. She's gone.

"Cover her all the way up." Sabrina says as Nick and Prudence toss Agatha's body into the Cain pit. "Why are we burying her here? Why not just leave her in the woods?" Dorcas asks frantically, afraid that we might get caught. Afte rall, we are right outside the Spellman mortuary. 

"Shut up and dig." Prudence hisses. Dorcas obliges. Everyone grabs a shovel and gets to work on covering her up. We about half way done when I hear a voice that makes me want to curl up and die.

"Sabrina!" Ambrose half whispers half yells. He's about halfway across the yard when he spots me too. "Freya. Not you too. I should have never let you leave." He says with his head in his hands. Sabrina and I drop our shovels and go over to him. 

"Necromancy? This is the stupidest, the most irresponsible thing you two have ever done." He scolds. "Don't you dare talk to Freya like that. This was my idea. She went along with it. If you're going to be upset with anyone, be upset with me." Sabrina fires at him. He looks at me for a moment before returning his attention to Sabrina. 

"What would even give you the idea to do something like this in the first place?" He hisses at her. "Harvey was broken, Ambrose. I had to do something. " She explains. Ambrose wants none of this. "Yes. Yes. You've mucked about with the most potent, wicked forces that exist. Much more powerful than the Dark Lord." He yells in her face.

"I followed the ritual to the letter." Sabrina says. "Then what are you and your friends doing in our Cain Pit?" He yells. "The rite demanded that someone be killed so that Tommy would come back. Agatha was that someone." Sabrina says. Ambrose looks like he is about to explode on her so I brace myself against a gravestone. 

"Why must you always insist that the universe grant you special privileges? You've upset the natural order. You do realize that, don't you? That there are rules. There is no cheating fate." He explains. 

"Oh please. As if you wouldn't do this if something had happened to me, or the Aunties, or Freya. Satan forbid anything like this would happen to you! Then all would be alright!" Sabrina yells back at him. Ambrose goes to yell at her, but his attention falls to the pit where Agatha's newly resurrected hand reaches through the soil. 

"See? Everything's going according to plan." Sabrina says with a smirk. "Infamous last words cousin." He says getting in her face. When she doesn't back down, Ambrose turns on his heel and heads back to the house. Not before he grabs my wrist and pulls me along with him. I can tell he's raging mad. I can tell from the smoke practically coming out of his ears, and I can tell from the grip on my wrist.

"Ambrose. Please. You're hurting me." I mumble as he drags me up the stairs. "Ambrose! Stop!" I say louder. His grip loosens but he still holds on tight. It isn't until we get to his room that he let's go. "What on Earth were you thinking?" He demands as he paces his room. I rub my wrist, trying to make it feel better.

"I was thinking about the ones that I love." I say. "If you really were, you would know that you should have stayed away. One wrong move and you all could have been dead. Then what would I have done? What would your sister do?" He asks. I scoff.

"Don't bring my family into this." I hiss. "You could have died Freya. They aren't here to protect you. So I am." He says. "You don't need to protect me. It's not like I'm you're girlfriend." I yell back at him. 

"You think I don't already know that!?" He yells even louder. I'm surprised the Aunties aren't on us right now. He turns around and knocks a bunch of books onto the ground. The sound of the crash makes me jump. He stands there, arm braced against the wall as he looks out the window. As he looks anywhere but where I am. 

"Ambrose. If I were in that situation. Would you bring me back?" I ask softly. He doesn't answer. "Ambrose?" I ask as tears start to prick my eyes. He slowly turns around to face me. "Of course I would." He says finally. I nod and wipe my tears away. I go to reach for the door but his voice stops me.

"Freya please don't go. I need you here more than ever." He says as he sits on his bed. Head in his hands. I stand in front of him. "You yelled at me." I say. "I'm sorry-" 

"No. Let me finish. You yelled at me. You hurt me. Physically and Emotionally. If I stay here in this room tonight it's for one reason and one reason alone. And it won't be for you." I say. He looks up at me. I can tell that this night has been entirely too long for him. For both of us. I take off my shawl and place it on the bookshelf. I grab the shirt that he had laid out for my and change while he looks away. 

"I'm sorry." He says when I crawl into bed next to him. "I am too. Can we agree to never do this ever again?" I ask. He nods and I curl up next to him. He places a small kiss on my forehead and then we both fall into a dreamless sleep. 

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