How Cunning

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I woke up the next morning, left Ambrose's arms, and went downstairs to make tea. It's become a daily routine now. I can't even remember the last time I slept in my own bed. Sabrina had already left for school, so everything was calm and quiet. I take my cup of tea out to that same spot where Ambrose and I had argued only a couple of days before. I sit on the swing and just soak in the peaceful air.

"I knew I'd find you out here." Ambrose says walking over to me. "It's my favorite spot in the house." I say as he sits next to me. "And here I was thinking that you're favorite spot was in my room." He jokes. I hit his chest with the back of my hand before cuddling into his side. He slings his arm around me and gently sways the chair. 

"You know, I wouldn't mind spending everyday like this." I mumble. He smirks down at me and rubs my arm. "I guess if this is how we spent everyday, I wouldn't be so upset being on house arrest." This makes me smile. This boy is everything I could ever ask for. The only thing that I would change about our situation is it's title. I would do anything to call him mine officially. 

"I've been thinking-" "Oh there you are!" Aunt Hilda says coming outside, interrupting Ambrose. She takes one look at us and her cheeks turn pink. "Sorry to interrupt- um- Sabrina is on the phone. She wants to talk to you Freya." She explains before rushing back inside. I sigh, stand up, and stretch.

"To be continued." I tell him as I head into the house. "To be continued." He says back to me. I walk into the house and grab the phone from it's spot on the counter.

"This better be good Spellman, you just ruined a moment." I say into the phone. "It was the weird sister." Sabrina says. "What was them?" I ask twirling the cord in my fingers. "The weird sisters caused the mines to collapse." I freeze.

"What did you just say?" I ask. "Roz had a vision. At the funeral, when we all went outside, she grabbed Tommy's hard hat. She said that she had a vision of two girls dressed in old dresses. She said that they took rocks and bashed in little dolls of Tommy and Harvey. Freya, she described Dorcas and Agatha." She says. 

This can't be. I wouldn't put it past Prudence... but Dorcas and Agatha. I can feel my blood start to boil. The fact that Roz has visions now doesn't even faze me. I grip the phone as tight as I can without breaking it.

"Come home right now. We'll handle this." I say before slamming the phone onto the receiver.



I tighten the shall around my shoulder as Sabrina, Prudence, and I march through the halls of the Academy. The fringe swishing at my sides. 

"Agatha! Dorcas!" I yell when I spot them across the room

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"Agatha! Dorcas!" I yell when I spot them across the room. They look up from their game of patty cake or whatever the heaven they were doing. "What's wrong girls? Hi Prudence." They say at the same time. I cross my arm and Sabrina rushes up on them. I swear she's about to slap the shit out of them, but she doesn't.

"Admit the truth right now. Did you cause the mine collapse that killed Tommy Kinkle?" She demands. "You think we carried out blood atonement? Against a witch hunter?" Agatha asks as she crosses her arms. Her voice dripping in sarcasm. "For the murder of a familiar?" Dorcas adds with a smile. "Blood will have blood." They say at the same time.

"You see? They admit it." I say looking to Prudence. If Prudence's glare could kill, her sisters would be long gone. "Is that what you were plotting sisters? When you claimed to be thanking the Dark Lord for my salvation?" She hisses at them.

"You'd gone soft. Something had to be done." Agatha says with defiance. "Since there was nothing natural about Tommy's death, then one of you bitches is going to help us balance the scales." Sabrina spits at them. "So, who's it gonna be?" I ask. Dorcas and Agatha look at each other before cracking up.

"You don't have the guts to kill anyone." Agatha tells us. "They may not. But I do." Prudence says stepping forward, which causes the two sisters to step back in fear. "How dare you act without my permission. Now which one of you was the mastermind? Or would you rather be burned together?" Prudence tells them.

"It was Agatha!" Dorcas says breaking her bad ass facade. "It was all her idea. I didn't even want to do it." She says trying to gain forgiveness. Prudence turns her attention to Agatha. "Is that true?" She asks.

"I'm just sorry the other Kinkle boy didn't die too." Agatha hisses. I rear back to punch her but Sabrina beats me to it. Agatha holds her cheek. It's already turning bright red from where Sabrina had slapped her. 

"Bring them to the woods tonight, Prudence." Sabrina says. "Agatha will pay the debt she owes." I tell them. "Murder and Resurrection? You've gone dark girls." Prudence says with a smirk. "There are no limits to what I would do to help the ones I love." Sabrina says getting in Agatha's face. 

"What time?" A voice says. I whip around to see Nick Scratch standing there, listening to our conversation. "Can I watch?" He asks with a wink as he approaches. I'm about to tell him off but he cuts me off. "You're talking necromancy right? Well there's no way I'm going to miss that. So... what time?"



Sabrina and I split off before meeting in the woods. She went to Baxter High to try to break into Miss Wardwell's office for her copy of the incantation while I went back to the house for salt and a knife. I sneak into the front entrance and make my way to the kitchen as quietly as I can. I go through the cabinets and search until I find what I need.

"Making a midnight snack?" Ambrose says. This, of course, scares the ever living shit out of me and causes me to drop the container of salt. Luckily, it doesn't spill. I pick it up and throw it into my bag. "Not quite." I tell him as I go searching through the drawers for a knife.

"What trouble are you up to? All black? Sneaking out at midnight? Grabbing salt and knives?" "I'm jut grabbing some supplies for a little party. Sabrina, Nick, the sisters, and I are going out." I lie. "So you're telling me that you are going to go party with the girl that harrowed you.... the same girl that you caught in my room-" "Yup. Yup. That same one. No need to remind me." 

"You're a horrible liar." He tells me with that cheeky smirk of his. I sigh. "Fine. You got me." He walks over to my and leans on the counter that I'm searching. "You don't have to explain what you're doing to me. In fact, the idea of you slipping out at midnight to do some secret ritual is kinda hot." He says. 

"Oh yeah?" I ask raising an eyebrow. I find the last thing that I need and put it in my bag. "Well then maybe I should do it more often." "I wish I could join you in whatever you're doing." He saus with a sigh. This makes me chuckle.

"Trust me. You don't want in on this one." I tell him as I head for the door. "Why? You're not doing anything stupid, are you?" He calls after me. "Freya!?" "Bye Ambrose!" I call as I close the door and run out into the night. 

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