Freya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.
The midwinter came and went like it was no time at all. The snow had already begun to melt and the sun was coming back stronger than ever. School is back in session and everything is like it was before the whole Greendale 13 or demon kidnappings.
"Ready to go back to the academy?" Ambrose asks as I walk into the kitchen. I kiss his cheek and sit down next to him. "As ready as I'll ever be." I say as I pull my hair back into a low ponytail so that it doesn't get into my breakfast.
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"Morning everyone." Sabrina chirps as she enters the kitchen. "Deafening morning you mean. Wasn't that music rather loud?" Aunt Zelda asks over the top of her newspaper. Ah yes. Everything really was back to normal. Well, as normal as things would get around here.
"Loud enough to wake the dead." Ambrose jokes. We all glare at him and he clears his throat. "Too soon for resurrection jokes?" Ambrose asks. I roll my eyes and turn my focus back to breakfast. "And since when do you wear all black?" Aunt Zelda asks Sabrina.
It's true. Sabrina was normally a bright color kind of girl. But ever since she signed the book of the beast she's been showing some of her darker colors. She's been listening to loud music, wearing darker makeup, and wearing all black. My kind of girl.
"Loosen up, Aunt Zee. It's a new year. A new cycle. Time to blow the cobwebs away." Sabrina says as she takes a sip of tea. "On that, we can agree. We can take the hearse to the academy today." Aunt Zelda tells me and Ambrose. I nod and take another bit of my eggs.
"Oh, can I go with you guys?" Sabrina asks. "Oh well we're leaving early today. The High Priest would like to introduce me to the other faculty members before first assembly. Besides, it's Baxter High back in session today?" Aunt Zelda asks.
"It is, but I was thinking I should start focusing on my witch studies more exclusively." Sabrina says which nearly causes me to choke on my tea. Ambrose quickly pats my back to make sure that I can breathe. "You're dropping out of High School, cousin?" He asks Sabrina.
"I'm just taking a sabbatical." Sabrina says with a shrug. "What's this about, love?" Aunt Hilda asks cautiously. "Education, Aunt Hilda. At Baxter High, I study geometry. At the Academy of Unseen Arts, I study sacred geometry." Sabrina says.
"It would be nice to see you more. Plus the Academy's curriculum is just more rigorous and rewarding than Baxter High's." I add once I finally stop choking. "Do you not want to see Rosalinf and Susie, and Har-" Aunt Hilda cuts off before she can finish saying his name.
"I'll call Baxter High and tell them you've contracted scarlet fever and not to expect you for the next two weeks." Aunt Zelda says delighted as she takes a sip of her tea. "Don't worry, Aunt Zelda. I've already spoken with the new principal, and she's given me an indefinite leave of absence." Sabrina says.
"New principal? What happened to Hawthorne?" I ask. Sabrina shrugs. "All I know is the Miss Wardwell is in charge now." She says as she grabs a fork for breakfast. Wait... what? How can she be so calm about this. Where the hell did our old principal go?
"Spellmans! Wait up." Nick yells as he dodges through other witches and warlocks to catch up with Sabrina, Ambrose, and I. "You know not all of us are Spellmans. Right?" I ask sarcastically. "True. Lets admit it though, you're bound to be one eventually." Nick says which makes me smile.
"Anyway, you're just in time for one of the Academy's grand traditions." He says as he guides us into the main hall. "Please don't tell me some kid's getting eaten alive today." Sabrina sighs under her breath.
"Fingers crossed." Ambrose jokes. I roll my eyes and he slips his arm around my waist. All of the students start to gather and we all wait for Father Blackwood to start speaking. "Good morning to you, my young witches and warlocks." He starts.
"This ought to be good." I whisper to Ambrose. "If I could have your attention please. Now, with every fresh cycle at the Academy comes the customary election of a new Top Boy, tasked with serving as a liaison between students and faculty, as well as provide a much-needed example for the rest of you lot." Father Blackwood explains. A bunch of students start murmuring and a couple of them look over their shoulders at Nick. No doubt a favorite.
"The floor is now open for student nominations." Father Blackwood says. Almost immediately a bunch of voices yell out Nick's name. Nick just takes this in and smiles. You can tell that he expected this. Hell, you can just see it in his eyes how badly he wants this.
"As candidate for Top Boy, the Academy recognizes Nicholas Scratch." Father Blackwood announces. This makes the crowd cheer and holler. "Would anyone like the challenge Nicholas?" Father Blackwood asks. I sure hope not. Anybody that goes against Nick would surly lose.
"Excuse me, Father Blackwood." Sabrina says stepping forward. REALLY? Girl I thought this year was going to be different. "Can anyone run?" She asks. All of the students look around in confusion and begin murmuring. Father Blackwood does not seem happy.
"The Top Boy is traditionally a male student." Father Blackwood answers. "But is that an actual rule in a rule book or-" "All Top Boy candidates are required to be full time students, committed to our unseen arts." Blackwood argues back at Sabrina.
"Well I'm here Father, full time. For the foreseeable future." Sabrina adds that last part quietly but I catch it. "I signed the book of the beast because it was the Dark Lord's will, but unless he specifically hand picked Nick, I'd like the opportunity to contribute to the Academy in a meaningful way." Sabrina explains as she takes a spot next to Nick.
"I nominate Sabrina Spellman." Nick blurts out. She looks at him like he's crazy. Well fuck it. If we are doing this than we are really going to do this. Full send. "I second Sabrina Spellman's nomination." I call out. Slowly people begin to agree.
"I don't mind a little competition. Especially not when it's so damn cute." Nick says which causes Sabrina's face to turn bright red. A couple of students laugh while some others glare at Sabrina in jealously.
"Indeed. The Academy recognizes Sabrina Spellman, who will join Nicholas Scratch in three challenges of witchcraft to be held in the Desecrated Church. The Inquisition, the Boil and Bubble, and the Conjuring. Followed by a vote. May the Dark Lord be with you both. Dismissed." Father Blackwood announces as he disappears down the hallway.
Sabrina looks over her shoulder at us and grins. I give her a weak thumbs up while Ambrose rubs his face in his hands, complaining about how things are never simple around here.