Night Two

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Freya's POV

The next morning I'm down in the kitchen making eggs when Sabrina skips- LITERALLY skips into the room. I send her a confused glare but she doesn't seem to mind. Someone is off in space today.

"And what has you all cheery this morning? Did you and Nick-" "Before you ask, no we did not. But I have some amazing news to tell you!" She says with a smile. I'm almost scared of what she's going to tell me.

"Nick and I are going to the Sweetheart's Dance tonight at Baxter High!" Sabrina announces happily. I flip the eggs over. "That's nice-" "You and Ambrose should come too. I mean I'm sure Miss Wardwell wouldn't mind. I mean, she is letting me go." She continues. I almost laugh.

"You know Ambrose doesn't like to dance." I tell her as I move the eggs onto a plate. "Sure- but we've gone every year since middle school. It's tradition. Besides, we both know that Ambrose would do anything to make you happy." She says as she grabs a plate. 

"I don't know Brina..." I say as I set up two more plates to bring upstairs. "Come on! Please? Besides, we have to go get new dresses and I really don't want to go alone. I need your help- you always have the best taste." Brina pleads. I roll my eyes.

"I mean flattery will get you anywhere." I say after a moment of silence. Sabrina jumps over to me and gives me a big hug. "I'll go reserve tickets now. No go! Go get your date upstairs!" She says before grabbing her plate and again, skipping, out of the room. I sigh and grab Ambrose and my plates before climbing the stairs to our room.

"And to what do I owe this pleasure?" Ambrose asks as he sits up and stretches. "Just a way of me saying thank your for an amazing first night of Lupercalia." I say handing his plate to him. He eagerly picks up his form and begins diving into his breakfast.

"Ready for night two?" Ambrose asks with a wicked smirk. "About that... I was wondering if you'd like to go to Baxter High's sweetheart dance with me, Nick, and Sabrina tonight." I say as I sit down next to him. He sighs and pushes his food away from him- something I've never seen him do. 

"Frey, you know I don't like social events like dances. Witch and Warlock parties are one thing- but a mortal dance?" He asks. "Well yeah. It's kind of a tradition of mine." I say quietly. "Can't we just stay in? Who cares about some stupid dance, it doesn't matter anyway." "It matters to me, Ambrose." I say. He sighs and looks down.

"So you aren't going?" I ask after a second of silence. "No." He says softly. I nod my head and quickly stand. I put my breakfast to the side and grab my purse off of one of the nearby bookshelves.

"Where are you going?" Ambrose asks. "I'm going to go get a dress for tonight." I answer without looking at him. "But I just told you that I'm not going." He says confused. I sling my purse over my shoulder and look at him.

"Oh, but I am." I say as I walk out the door. I hear him sigh and slump back against the bed. Oh well. 



I know I've fucked up. But there is absolutley nothing I can do about it now. Freya will realize that I meant what I said. Besides, it's mortal Valentine's Day. Wouldn't she rather spend some time with her partner instead of going to some dance just to prove a point. But when I saw her and Sabrina walk back down the driveway with gownbags in hand, I realized I was wrong. 

When they returned they both went into Sabrina's room to get ready. I guess she's completely avoiding me. I guess I just don't see the severity of this whole thing. I'm in the parlor sipping tea when the doorbell rings. I open the door to see a well dressed Nick Scratch.

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