Bleeding Hearts

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As the school gets into view, I can see that the front door is already cracked open. My heart goes back and forth between stopping all together and beating so fast that it will burst through my chest. I'm about to run up the front steps when a hand reaches out and grabs me. 

"Freya, wait!" "Harvey Kinkle what the fuck are you doing here!" I call out bringing him in for a hug. "Roz told me that there would be trouble. I wanted to help." He explains as he holds up his gun. "Harvey?" Sabrina asks as she catches up with us. I can't help but notice the glare that Nick gives Harvey.

"After your phone call with Roz, I knew I had to come help." He tells her. "Thank God for the cunning. Is she here too?" I ask looking around. Sabrina and Harvey get really quiet. "What? Am I missing something?" I ask. Sabrina sighs and motions for Harvey to talk. "Roz went completely blind." He tells me.

"WHAT!?" I yell. I grab onto the ends of my hair and pull in frustration. "Of fucking course she did. Because what else could go wrong right now? I'll question why neither of you told me later but we have bigger issues to worry about right now." I ramble. Everyone agrees with me and we run up the front steps of the Academy and into the main hall.  The statues are all smashed. The paintings all torn to shreds. 

"We're too late." I whisper. "Prudence? Agatha? Dorcas?" I yells out. "Ambrose?" I yell with my voice cracking. "Where is everyone?" Nick asks quietly. I turn around a hush everyone. I hear something so low that I almost missed it. I wander further into the academy and it starts to get louder. Someone is gasping for air. I motion for everyone to follow me and we run through the academy. 

"Ambrose?" Aunt Hilda croaks. I stop dead in my tracks and look to see where she's pointing. There, against the side of a wall is Ambrose Spellman. "Ambrose?" I call louder and I run up to him and slide down on my knees. He gasps for air and reaches out for me. That's when I notice the knife sticking out of his chest.

"Ambrose!" I yell. Aunt Hilda runs forward and starts to access the damage. He starts convulsing and shaking. "Thanks for the chicken." He mutters. I choke back a sob and roll my eyes. "He's losing a lot of blood." Nick points out. "No shit." I yell at him. He holds up his hands in surrender. 

"This is going to hurt a tiny bit. Okay?" Aunt Hilda says before grabbing the handle of the knife and pulling as quickly as she can. Ambrose starts screaming and I do everything in my power not to scream with him. I cradle his head on my lap and start putting pressure on the wound. Aunt Hilda looks at the knife in fear. A crucifix knife. One carried by angels. 

"Okay. Okay." Aunt Hilda says throwing the knife aside. She puts her hands over mine and starts using a clotting spell to stop the bleeding. "Where is everyone?" Sabrina asks. Ambrose looks at her weakly while he waits for the spell to kick in. 

"Two angels..." He says weakly. "took them all." Sabrina looks down at him in horror. Harvey kneels down next to me and puts a hand on my shoulder to try to stop me from shaking. I hadn't even noticed that I started to shake. "Where did they bring them? Do you know?" Sabrina asks.

"I do, miss?" A small voice says from behind us. I whip my head around so fast I think I might have given myself whiplash. "Quentin? Quentin what happened?!" I ask frantically as the little boy ghost comes up to us. 

"The angels, they tried to take me and the other ghost children to heaven but we ran and hid." Quentin explains. "Did he just say ghost children?" Harvey asks. I glare at him and he shuts up. "Where did the angels take the witches? We need to help them?" I ask. As soon as I'm done speaking Ambrose starts coughing up his own blood. I turn my attention back to him and start kissing his forehead and whispering to him to try to calm him down. 

"Our Church. They found the church from us. They sealed it with Holy Water and re-consecrated it. No witches can get in or out." Quentin says as he begins to cry. I free one of my hands and hold it out to him, he quickly collapses into my arms and starts to cry. Poor ghost child. 

"Sabrina, I need Freya's help to tend to Ambrose's wounds. He's losing buckets of blood." Aunt Hilda explains. "Where's the Church?" Harvey asks. "I'm not a witch, so I can go in. Right?" Harvey looks to the rest of us for answers. 

"A mortal against avenging angels? You won't be able to look at them without your heart exploding." Nick hisses. "I can go in there. I was baptized with holy water, remember?" Sabrina says. "I can enter a church even if it has been re-consecrated. It's the only play we have here!" 

"Sabrina?" I says quietly. She looks down at me. "Go get those fuckers." I tell her. She nods her head and runs to the door. "You're not seriously going to let her go in there alone, are you? It's a suicide mission?' Harvey argues. "You don't seriously think I tell her what to do, do you?" Nick argues right back. Harvey sighs before running out the door after Sabrina. 

"We need to get him to a bed!" Aunt Hilda cries out. Nick rushed forward and struggles to scoop up Ambrose but we end up making it to one of the dorms. Nick places him down on the first bed we get to. Ambrose groans and spits up more blood from all of the movement. I kneel down one one side of the bed while Aunt Hilda does the same on the other.

"Why isn't the spell working?" I ask. "It's an angel's knife..." Nick says trialing off. "I don't give a shit what it is. Can we fix it?" I ask Aunt Hilda. She looks at me, but she doesn't seem to confident. "We can try our best. Take my hand and cover his heart with the other. Let's try this again." Aunt Hilda says. I nod and do my best to follow along.

Yet the blood just keeps on pouring. and pouring. and pouring.  

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