By the time Sabrina and I get to the mines, there's people screaming, there's sirens all around, and everywhere you look, there is someone crying. Sabrina and I push past all of these people. Sabrina takes the lead and starts calling out Harvey's name. I follow behind and check every tent, truck, and makeshift hospital bed to see if I can spot him.
"Sabrina?" A weak voice calls out. We spin around, and there he is, Harvey Kinkle. Safe and sound. But he looks like shit. "Harvey!" Sabrina cries out before running over to him. It's not until we get closer that I see how badly injured he actually is. His forehead is bleeding and his limbs are all bloody. "Holy Shit Kinkle." I mutter as I give him a hug.
"I-I made it out in time, but there's still five guys in there, and Tommy's one of them." Harvey explains. His eyes dart around frantically. Sabrina looks at me and I look at the entrance to the mines. It's completely sealed shut. I doubt anyone can get in or out. I look back and Sabrina and shake my head. She gets what I'm trying to say and turns her attention back to Harvey.
"I have to go back in. I can't leave him in there." Harvey says trying to get up. "Hey, Hey! Hold on!" Sabrina says trying to force him down. I grab his shoulders as gently as I can and guide him back to his chair.
"Harvey, you look like you're in shock." I tell him. He shakes us off and accidentally pushes me to the ground. "I gotta find my dad." Harvey says before rushing off. A nearby nurse helps me up and asks if I'm okay. I tell her I'm fine and she goes back to helping a miner who is in way worse shape than Harvey.
"Sabrina! Freya!" A voice calls out. Roz and Susie come running up with cardboard boxes. "Is Harvey okay?" Roz asks with panic in her voice. "I don't know. He was in the mines when it happened." Sabrina explains while trying to find where Harvey ran off too.
"Let's find somewhere to set up so we can start helping." Roz says as she hands me a box. I peak inside and it's full of food and water bottles. The four of us take off to a table being set up and start handing out food and water to miners and volunteers, doing all that we can to help. About an hour into helping, more volunteers show up with pots full of soup and other foods to distribute. Roz, Susie, and I take on the job while Sabrina helps Harvey nearby.
"The borehole is too small. No one can fit through it. Not even me." I hear Harvey tell her. "Harvey, I don't want you going back down there." Sabrina pleads. She waves me over and I bring him a small bowl of soup and a bottle of water. "My brother is trapped under all that rock!" He yells while motioning to the mines, nearly spilling the soup all over me. That's when I notice the gash on his hand.
"I know-" Sabrina says. "Harvey, you're really bleeding." I tell him. Sabrina follows my gaze and notices his hand and how bad it is. She gently grabs it and I can see her start to panic again. I hand her the bottle of water and she dumps some of it one the wound, trying to wash some of the dirt out of it. He flinches, but remains still.
"That's it. We're going to your truck. Freya can you fetch a doctor?" Sabrina asks. I nod and we head off in different directions. Finding a doctor wasn't hard. However, finding a doctor that wasn't tending to someone was hard. Every time I found someone, a new miner would be brought out and they would need help way more than Harvey would. There was just so much blood. Eventually I find a nurse a who isn't attending to someone. Instead, she is looking into the mines where a bunch of people start yelling.
"Wait. What's happened now?" I ask. "Not sure. They're saying some kid got a wild idea and slipped inside." She tells me. I'm about to ask her more, but Sabrina, Roz, and Harvey come running up to me.
"Freya! We can't find Susie!" Roz says out of breath. I look at them and then I look at the mines. No way. I mean, Susie would have heard the same conversation I did, but she wouldn't sneak into the mines. Would she? The nurse tells us she sees something and we all run over to the mine entrance. Standing in the middle of the crowd, covered in dirt, is Susie Putnam, holding a dented and bloody mining hat.
"That's....that's Tommy's hat." Harvey stutters. "Did we find him?" He asks frantically. Susie just shakes her head. Mr. Kinkle walks into the crowd and seeing the helmet and freezes in his tracks.
"Thank you all for coming here, but unless you're an employee of the mines, or a rescue worker for the town of Greendale, I need you all to go home. Really folks. Thank you for the support." He calls out into the crowd. People begin to scatter but I stay with Sabrina. She turns to me with a sad look on her face.
"Harvey needs me." She says. "Then go get him." I tell her as I point to Harvey, who is standing at the entrance, staring into the mines. She nods. "Go home Freya. Tell everyone what's going on. I think I'm going to stay here with him." She says. I nod before turning around and starting the trek back home.
The walk back home seemed much longer than usual. Maybe because I'm alone. Maybe it's because I can't stop thinking of all the blood and all the injured miners. Eventually, I'm back at the Spellman Mortuary. Once inside, I close the door and lean against it. I take a deep breath and prepare myself to share the bad news.
"Sabrina? Freya?" Aunt Zelda calls walking into the front hall. Ambrose follows on her tail. Once he sees that I'm alone and on the verge of a breakdown, he runs over and wraps me in a tight hug. It felt like he was never going to let go. And I didn't want him to.
"Where is Sabrina? Is she alright?" Zelda asks. Ambrose releases me from the hug but keeps and arm around my shoulder so he could keep me close. "She's with Harvey." I tell her. "Well Praise Satan that he survived." She says taking a drag of her cigarette.
"Yes but some aren't so fortunate. There's five still down there. Harvey's brother Tommy is one of them. They sent all the volunteers home for the night. It's not looking too good for them." I explain. Aunt Zelda bows her head in respect, knowing that they are most likely dead. She heads to the living room to wait for Sabrina and Hilda to come home. Apparently Aunt Hilda is at the bookstore, feeding volunteers.
Ambrose and I head upstairs. I start a hot bath and attempt to get all of the dirt and blood that isn't mine off of me. Ambrose sits outside the door and checks up on me every so often. Once I think I'm clean and myself again, I check the clothes that Ambrose gabbed for me. A pair of my shorts and one of his t-shirts. I smile and get dressed, loving how comforting his clothes were. When I open the door, Ambrose is sitting against the wall with Kai curled up in his lap.
"Come on darling. Let's get to bed. Something tells me that tomorrow isn't going to hold much good news." He says. We go up to his room and I fall asleep in his arms without another word.

Strange Magic *Ambrose Spellman*
FanfictionFreya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.