Cheering Cheerleaders

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Freya's POV

"You don't think anyone will find him down here?" I ask as I hook the final chain to the wall. After bringing Nick back, Sabrina and I decided to chain him up in the witches cell until we can find him a better prison. 

"The Aunties may have reopened the Academy, but they'd never re-open the dungeons." Sabrina says. "What if he escapes?" I ask as I begin lighting the protection candles around the room. "His chains are forged from Damascus steel, and he's in a circle of salt, and we will keep calming candles burning." She says standing. 

I grab her hand and lead her out of the cell. We look down at Nick and both sigh. It's not fun seeing your friend chained up like he is. I can only imagine how Sabrina must feel. But at least I know a huge weight has been lifted off of her shoulders. Her boyfriend is back. She rescued him from Hell. 

"Come on. The others are waiting for us." I tell Sabrina as I close the door to the cell. She carefully locks the door and whispers a quick protection spell before we interlock arms and exit the academy to meet up with our mortal friends at Dr. C's. 

"What happens now?" Roz asks as Sabrina and I slide into the booth across from her. Theo slides me a strawberry milkshake and I smile. Milkshakes always seem to cheer me up. "We get my father out of Nick and into some other body." Sabrina explains as she takes a sip from my drink. I playfully swat her away. 

"No. I meant with you." Roz says. "Now that you're, you know, Queen of Hell." Roz asks in a whisper. Making sure no one around us heard what was just said. As if anyone would understand what we were talking about. They'd probably just think that we were crazy or something,

"Well, that was to bring Nick back. I mean, I'm obviously not moving to Hell." Sabrina explains. "You better not." I say with a smile. "Brina, the fact that you just said that makes me think..." "That you're moving to Hell." Harvey, Roz, and Theo say at the same time. 

"I'm not! We're not." Sabrina says as she grabs my hand. I take another sip of my milkshake. "I mean, I may have to play the part for a little while, but my heart's not Hellbound." Sabrina explains. "Besides, we have cheerleading." Sabrina says as she also grabs Roz's hand. This causes me to basically choke on my milkshake.

"We?" I ask. "Oh come on, it will be so much fun." Sabrina says. "Brina... I don't even go to Baxter High." I argue. She rolls her eyes. "That's just a technicality." She says. Roz also gets excited and leans over the table to look me in the eye.

"Come on, please! It will be so much fun. Besides, the team will always need alternates. So you don't even have to perform with us. You can just wear the uniform and cheer us on!" She explains. "The cheerleaders' cheerleader?" I ask.

"Yes!" The girls say. I sigh and lean back into my seat, grabbing my milkshake. "Freya, it's jsut something to do. I just don't want you sitting around at home doing nothing waiting for Ambrose to come home." Sabrina says. The whole table goes quiet, knowing that this is still a fairly sensitive subject for me.

"You really want me to do this?" I ask. Sabrina nods. "Fine. But none of you better get sick. I don't plan on seeing any field time." I say, finally agreeing.

"Thank you! Good thing you said yes or else I was going to command you as your Queen." Sabrina says with a laugh. "Sabrina Spellman! You would never!" I gasp.

"Wanna bet?"


Freya's POV

So much for not seeing any field time. Even though it was just a practice, they had to make sure that I knew the choreography in case any of the girls get sick or hurt. The coach agreed to let me be an alternate even though she wanted me on the team. Said my jump splits were some of the best she's ever seen. Still I said no.

So basically I had all the perks of being a cheerleader, without having to actually do the routines at games. Plus I kind of really liked the uniform. And as much as I'd never admit it to my friends, I actually had a good time practicing with them. The boys on the field practicing would usually watch us, and to be honest, it felt kind of good. If only Ambrose could see me now. 

"Hello girls." Miss Wardwell says as she walks by us after practice. We are too busy packing up our things to really look up at her. "Hi, Miss Wardwell!" Sabrina chirps, still in a really good mood because of how well practice went. I look up to see Miss Wardwell take off her glasses and glare down at us. 

"Not Wardwell." I say under my breath. "Madam Satan." Sabrina greets. "Your Highness and I have some business to discuss, but I'd rather not do it in such a cheerful setting." Lilith says with a grimace on her face as some of the other cheerleaders bounce by.

"Look, if you're here to take Nick back to Hell, you should-" "No, no. I'm here as you regent." Lilith explains as Sabrina and I follow her into the woods nearby. "To begin your job training." Lilith explains further. 

"Job training? Doing what exactly?" I ask. "The Devil's work, of course. Sabrina's work now. We're starting light." Lilith says as a book appears on a fallen tree close to us. "Today, there are only two souls to drag to Hell." She says pointing. 

"What? I have to drag souls to Hell?" Sabrina asks confused. "I'm not condemning anyone to that place." Sabrina says. "They condemn themselves. You're simply completing transactions your father began. Dragging souls is your primary duty as a leader of Hell. And it's vitally important that you carry it out, because the Kings of Hell and their darkly handsome little prince, Caliban, are watching you. And waiting for you to fail. If you fail, you lose our throne to Caliban." Lilith explains.

"Our throne?" Sabrina asks. "Yes." Lilith says through her teeth. "Then he'll declare was on this realm you care so very much for. Now, see here: name, expiration date, time, and place." Lilith says pointing to the book. "You'll escort the souls by hand. You may bring your handmaiden along for protection in case you need anything." Lilith explains. 

"Me? Protection? Yeah, okay." I say. Lilith just glares at me. "Robert Robertson." Sabrina says reading the name out of the book. "What'd this guy do?" Sabrina asks. Lilith rolls her eyes.

"It doesn't matter. He sold his soul. You're there to collect, not befriend him. We'll escort you to the first soul, just to get you out the gates." "We? As in you and Frey?" Sabrina asks. Lilith looks over our shoulders and we turn to see a tall demon. My first instinct is to run, but then I remember that I'm a rank above him. Take that, demon. 

"Shall we?" Lilith asks as she walks away.

"Shouldn't we change? I feel like it's weird for cheerleaders to bring you to Hell? Hello? Am I wrong?" I ask as I jog to catch up.

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