Freya's POV
The entire coven is at Dorian's now. Including the hedge witches. We all take turns standing around Aunt Zelda and attempt to heal her with out magics. It's draining but we are all hopeful that it's working. I'm currently holding Aunt Zelda's hand sending her energy when Sabrina walks in with our mortal friends featuring Robin.
"Any sign of life?" Sabrina asks. I'm about to answer no when Zelda pulls her hand out of my grasp and sits up. "I have it! I have the answer. I know how the coven can regain its power and defeat the pagans." She declares. She looks around for a few seconds. "Where am I?"
"Aunt Zee!" Sabrina yells and she yanks Zelda in for a hug. "You're alive! Thank.... whoever we're thanking these days. Auntie, you're in Dorian's Grey Room. We're all safe here. For now." Sabrina explains. Aunt Zelda looks around once more.
"Where's Hilda?" She asks. Sabrina's face drops. All of our faces drop. "She never resurrects from the Cain pit." Sabrina says sadly. "What?" Aunt Zelda asks. "I mean, hasn't resurrected yet." Sabrina corrects. Strange.
"I'm afraid that Aunt Hilda is gone." Ambrose confirms. "Impossible. I left her not one moment ago in the Nether Realm. I saw the future, and Hilda lives to be an old crone. If she hasn't resurrected on her own, then I'll use what I learned in the next life to drag her back into this one. Today we will rip our sister Hilda back from the clutches of death himself. Now, who amongst you will return to the Spellman house with me to do the deed?" Aunt Zelda asks.
"I will." I say stepping forward immediately. Slowly, one by one, everyone agrees to go back and help Aunt Hilda. For once we are acting like a real coven. We spirit ourselves to the mortuary cemetery and Aunt Zelda arranges for all the female members of our coven to stand in a circle around Aunt Hilda's burial site. The males stand behind us on guard if any one tries to stop us.
"It is said that whenever you call on the Triple Goddess, she comes to you." Aunt Zelda says as she kneels down on top of the dirt. Pressing her hands into the Cain pit. "As much as I ignored her, put my faith in lesser gods, signed my name in other books, she still came to me when I needed her most. When I wandered, lost in the Nether Realm, if was she who led me back to the material world." Aunt Zelda explains as she draws the moon phases in the dirt with her finger.
"We call you, Hecate. We call on you now, maiden in your unbounded potential. We call on you mother, in all your divine power. We call on you, crone, in your arcane wisdom. We are all descend of all maidens, mothers, and crones. And so, when we call on the three-in-one, we call on all witches stretching back from the beginning of time to the end of days. We call on... ourselves, the power that have been denied us. Imbue us with them, Hecate, and we shall pray to you morning, noon, and night. And we shall live to honor thy three faces, by three forms." Aunt Zelda chants. She falls forward and presses her body into the dirt.
"Dark Mother, keeper of the key to the door between worlds, we summon thee! Return our sister Hilda to the realm of the living and we will never forget you again!" Aunt Zelda screams. The wind picks up and we have to plant our feet in the ground to make sure we don't fall over. As soon as it starts, the wind dies down.
We all watch the dirt expectantly. Waiting.
"Hilda?" Aunt Zelda asks. "Hildy?" She asks again, this time her voice trembles. Everyone hangs their head. It didn't work. We weren't strong enough. "Hildy..." Aunt Zelda whispers. She starts to cry and sits up in the dirt.
Suddenly a hand shoots up through the dirt like some sort of zombie horror movie. Aunt Zelda launches herself forward and grabs the hand, helping to pull Aunt Hilda out of the dirt. I look over at Sabrina and we both smile and start to cry happy tears for once.
"So um.... what did I miss?" Aunt Hilda asks with her sweet smile. "A lot, Aunt Hilda. The pagans still need to be stopped." Sabrina explains as we dust off Aunt Hilda. "Bloody pagans. What trouble are they causing now?" Aunt Hilda says.
"They are kinda planning on implanting everyone in town with the Green Man's seed." Harvey says. "Excuse me?" I ask. "By getting them to eat free caramel apples at the carnival." Theo adds. Robin puts his hand on Theo's shoulder.
"Yes, and then the Green Man will pollinate everyone who has been seeded." Robin says casually. "So we still need to stop everyone from going to the carnival and getting seeded. How can we do that?" Sabrina asks.
"We could sing them a lullaby." Aunt Hilda offers. "Right, if we can get the entire town to fall asleep using an enchanted lullaby, then all our problems are solved." Ambrose says as he perches himself on one of the gravestones.
"No, even without a crowd of mortals, the pagans will eat the apples, and offer themselves up. And it will all still happen." Robin explains. "As long as they have their virgin." Ambrose points out. "Yeah but they didn't get to Harvey." Sabrina points out. I see Harvey's face turn bright red.
"They marked three virgins. Harvey, Theo, and a teacher from Baxter High." Robin explains. "Wait... Miss Wardwell!?" I ask surprised. I knew she was engaged and all but really? I did not expect that.
"That bitch shot me!" Aunt Zelda says as she takes a puff of smoke. "Well now I kinda want her to be taken by the pagans." Aunt Hilda remarks. "I'm sure there's a logical explanation as to why Ms. Wardwell shot you, but right now we need her for the next part of our plan." Sabrina explains.
"Oh we have a plan?" I ask. "Always. You guys put the town to sleep with a lullaby, I'll track down Miss Wardwell and then we stop the apocalypse." Sabrina says with a smile.
"All easy things." I say with a sarcastic smile.

Strange Magic *Ambrose Spellman*
FanfictionFreya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.