After the Kinkles left, it wasn't a pretty sight. Prudence accused Harvey and his family of being witch hunters. She claimed that they were the reason that those 14 original witches were driven out of Greendale. That they were the reason that Freya had slit her own throat so that her coven could feast on her. The Weird Sisters kept talking about blood atonement and how they would have their revenge on the witch hunters.
The argument got so intense that, Praise Satan, Miss Wardwell spirited us away and back to the Spellman house. The last thing we needed was for another Prudence Sabrina fight. I mean just look at the last one. Sabrina and I started up the driveway when we saw Harvey's truck parked by the steps. Sabrina and I give each other a look before approaching.
"Freya. Sabrina. We have company!" Ambrose says with a smile from the porch. Sabrina runs up and gives Harvey a hug. I give him a cautious look before heading up the steps and into Ambrose's arms. He catches on instantly, that something is wrong, but he plays it off like he doesn't know.
"I thought this year was gonna be different with my dad and my grandfather." Harvey says. "Did something happen?" Sabrina asks. I glare at her from behind Harvey. Are you trying to get him to admit something? What if he admits that he is a witch hunter? Ambrose starts to walk back into the house but I grab the back of his shirt, making him stay with me to watch the scene unfold in front of us.
"We all went down to Moon Valley to hunt. There was a deer.... and it was my turn. But I..... I couldn't do it. So Grandpa did it, but I should have stopped him!" Harvey explains to Sabrina. I finally exhale, not even realizing that I was holding my breath. Harvey Kinkle was not a witch hunter. He couldn't even hurt a fly. Once I got my answer, I figure that Sabrina and Harvey need some time alone, so I nudge Ambrose and we go inside.
"What was that all about?" Ambrose asks once we are inside. "Harvey's grandpa killed a familiar in the woods. We were there. Only we didn't know who shot it at the time." I explain placing my jean jacket on a hook.
"At least you weren't in any danger." He says. "You're right. Only I had a gun pointed in my face." I says nonchalantly before heading up to my room.
"Wait- what? Freya!"
Sabrina and I are in the kitchen, preparing dinner since Aunt Hilda was still at work at Dr. C's. Yeah, that's right, Aunt Hilda got a second job. We are so proud of her, well most of us. The only downside was that she wasn't home to start dinner.
"Sabrina! Freya! I need your help." Aunt Zelda says bursting into the room. I look up from the tomato I was cutting. "What's wrong?" Sabrina asks. "I've got Lady Blackwood downstairs on the verge of hysteria. Your Aunt Hilda is still at that ridiculous book store. But fetch the pot of calming tea on the stove. Grab it and meet me downstairs!" She says as she grabs a towel off the counter and runs back towards the stairs. Sabrina rushes to the cabinet to grab a tea cup and I rush for the tea pot before we follow after Aunt Zelda.
"My babies! Are they alright?" Lady Blackwood cries out as Sabrina and I rush down the stairs. She is laying on one of the embalming tables and Aunt Zelda keeps trying to calm her down, but it clearly isn't working. "Tranquil thoughts, Lady Blackwood, you're fine." Zelda tells her. Sabrina sets down the tea cup and I begin pouring.
"I can't lose my babies. Faustus would never forgive me. I don't want to fail him." Lady Blackwood says in between cries. "Nonsense." Aunt Zelda says. Sabrina quickly hands the tea to Aunt Zelda but Lady Blackwood pushes it away. "It's not poison, is it?" She asks. Yeah because if it was, we would TOTALLY tell you.
"Of course not. It's chamomile with a calming tincture. Drink up." Aunt Zelda says calmly. Lady Blackwood gives it a thought, but then slams it down in a couple of gulps. She finishes and wipes the corner of her mouth with her sleeve. "What's happening? What's wrong with me?" Lady Blackwood asks, less panicked, but still on the verge of breakdown.
"Your blood pressure is abnormally high. You're having a panic attack. Have you done any intense spell casting lately?" Aunt Zelda asks handing me the tea cup to refill. "It was dangerous, but I had to do it! You understand, don't you?" She asks grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards her, causing me to drop the tea cup. I look to Aunt Zelda and then to Sabrina who watch me with cautious eyes.
"Of course, Lady Blackwood, I understand." I tell her, trying to calm her down so she's let me go. "You girls know what they're really like. Always whispering and plotting and..... I think they are going to kill my babies." Lady Blackwood says before bursting into tears.
"No one is going to hurt your babies." Aunt Zelda tells her. "Who's plotting?" Sabrina asks, stepping over the broken teacup towards Lady Blackwood. "Those Weird Sisters. Those sluts. I won't let them conspire against me. My children will come first. They think they are so clever. Planning to take what belongs to my children. They would have done anything. Hurt them, curse them. So I had to hurt them first. Kill one, and the others are no threat." Lady Blackwood explains before laying back down on the makeshift bed.
Sabrina and I lock eyes and quickly bow out of the room. I know we are both thinking the same thing.
By the time we reach the academy, my lungs feel like they are going to burst into flames. I've never run so fast in my life. I was not an athlete. At all. Clearly. Sabrina and I weave through the halls until we get to the girl's dorm. We throw open the doors to find the Weird Sisters. Dorcas and Agatha are fitting Prudence's gown to her. She looks like a queen, that's for damn sure.
"Prudence, we need to talk to you." Sabrina says out of breath. "I'm being fitted for my feast day dress-" "It was premature of me to accuse Father Blackwood of having an agenda." Sabrina says. This catches Prudence's attention. "Instead, I think it might be Lady Blackwood who wants you dead." Sabrina explains. And there goes Prudence's attention.
"What a blasphemous creature you are." Prudence hisses at her. Sabrina goes to defend herself but I put my hand out, silencing her. Sis, don't make this any worse than it already is. "Prudence, you said Father Blackwood treats you like a daughter..... is it possible that you actually are his daughter?" I ask. Dorcas and Agatha stop what they're doing and look up at Prudence.
"If you were, Lady Blackwood would see you as a threat." I explain. "Why does Father Blackwood take care of you?" Sabrina asks. "Because he is charitable." Prudence argues. "If you were Father Blackwood's daughter, you could one day lay claim to the Church of Night, this school, everything!" I tell her. Prudence and I engage in the most intense staring contest I've ever been in, but I'm determined to show her that I mean business. She blinks first. Gotcha.
"If I were to entertain this fantasy of yours, how do you suggest we proceed?" Prudence asks. Sabrina steps forward and gives Prudence a wicked smirk.
"Every Queen of the Feast deserves a last supper."

Strange Magic *Ambrose Spellman*
FanfictionFreya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.