Freya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.
"I think you should wear my shirts more often." Ambrose says as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind. I turn in his arms to face him. "They smell like you. It's as if your always with me." I say before leaning in to give him a kiss. He smiles and puts his hands in the back pockets of my jeans.
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Right as I think I put all this effort to get dressed just to get it ripped off me, Aunt Hilda comes stumbling through the door. I quickly push Ambrose off me and take a quick step back. Sure it's no secret that things happen between us. Never has been never will be. But it's Aunt Hilda for Satan's sake.
"Uh- Father Blackwood and Zelda are back, and we've been summoned by the council." Aunt Hilda explains as she looks everywhere but where we are. My heart stops for a second. "Already? Isn't it a little soon?" I ask. I look to Ambrose and his face falls. "I'm off to Baxter High to get Sabrina. I'll meet you two at the Academy." She says quickly before scurrying out of the room.
"And here I was thinking today would be a nice day for the two of us." Ambrose sighs. "Hey!" I say as I make him look at me. "You promised that you didn't plan on dying anytime soon." I tell him. He chuckles lightly. "I plan on making you keep that promise." He smiles and leans down to kiss me.
"I suppose you're right." He says with a smile. "Besides, I'm not done with you yet." He adds before leaning down and attacking my neck. I can't help myself. I just laugh and lean into his arms. This wouldn't be the last time this happens. I swear it.
I stand awkwardly in the center of Blackwood's office with Sabrina and Aunt Hilda. Ambrose is in the corner, held there by a couple of the Judas Boys. I told him not to worry and that everything would be all right. I guess he had no choice but to believe me.
"The Council and I were recalled from the Necropolis, our conclave cut short, to deal with this gravest of emergencies." Father Blackwood explains. Aunt Zelda enters the room and giggles- yeah giggles. She carries a tray of tea cups balanced on the hip of her PINK and POOFY dress. Once again, per usual, I am very confused.
"Witch hunter, in the very heart of our coven. I've spent the morning interviewing your classmates, Miss Spellman. It appears you had a hand in saving the Academy, but that you displayed certain... miraculous abilities." Father Blackwood says. "If I did, it was only to keep witches from dying, Father Blackwood." Sabrina says with a sly smile.
"I'm your Anti-Pope now, Miss Spellman. You girls will address me as Your Unholy Eminence." Father Blackwood says with an evil smile. Fucking great. Of course he is. "Interim Anti-Pope, Faustus." A member of the council points out. I have to bite my lip from smiling.
"Miss Spellman, we've heard reports of levitation. The slaughter of angels. The resurrection of dead witches. How does a first year, half-mortal student manage that?" He asks. "You know the story of Pandora, don't you, Father Blackwood?" Sabrina asks. Sis no, now is not the time for one of your little outbursts.
"It's almost a parable. A cautionary tale." She says stepping closer to Blackwood's desk. "The Gods give Pandora a jar containing all the sorrows in the world. Toil, famine, pestilence, death. They armed her for vengeance, Father Blackwood. For destruction. So when you ask me to explain these 'miracles' as you call them, I feel I must warn you. Do you really wanna open that lid?" Sabrina threatens with a smirk.
"How dare you caution me." Blackwood says rising from his chair. "I am your Anti-Pope." He says. "Interim Anti-Pope." I correct quietly. Not quiet enough because he glares at me. I swear I hear Ambrose chuckle from the corner. "Instead of interrogating me, you should be thanking me." Sabrina challenges.
"Indeed. We thank you, Miss Spellman, for your service to the Church of Night." One of the council members says standing. "But now the council must deliberate and determine what's to be done. In the meantime, you are all compelled to stay within Academy walls." He explains before motioning for us to leave.
"Sorry, I... wonder if I might have a little visit with my sister?" Aunt Hilda interjects. "Fine." Blackwood says dismissively. "Miss Spellman and Mister Scratch may join Miss Hale around the school, but Ambrose Spellman must return to his cell." The council member says. We all decide not to fight this ruling. There is nothing we can do.
The Judas Boys grab Ambrose and begin dragging him away. "May I have one last goodbye?" I ask the councilman. He looks down at me with predatory eyes. I give him my best Winter impression which seems to always work. Remind me to thank her later. The councilman allows it and I run up to Ambrose and wrap my arms around his waist under his jacket.
"I'll see you real soon, my love. It's going to be okay." I tell him. A Judas Boy laughs at this but I ignore him. Instead I lean in and give Ambrose one last kiss on the lips before they pull him away from me. Everyone in the room, except Blackwood of course, gives me sad eyes.
Ah yes, I'm the poor poor girlfriend who is about to watch her true love die. They pity me. Good. Let them. That way they will have no idea what's coming next.
Ambrose's POV
"That's a sweet little thing you've got there Ambrose. Such a shame to see a pretty face mourn for a wasted life." A Judas Boy behind me jokes. "Don't talk about her like that." I hiss. "She won't be mourning at the funeral. Not when I'll be there to take special care of her." Another one jests. I turn my upper body as fast as I can so I twist right out of their grip. I rear back and punch the Judas Boy as hard as I can right in the nose. I feel nothing but relief when I hear a crack.
"You'll pay for that Spellman." Another one yells as they all latch onto me and drag me to the cell. Once they throw me on the floor, they all start kicking and spitting at me. Only it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as I think it should.
"You're going to die Spellman." The first Judas Boy says. "Death would be better than spending another moment listening to you lot." I argue back. The Judas Boy punches me across the face and I spit up a little blood. "If the Anti-Pope didn't want you alive, I'd kill you right here." He threatens.
"Interim Anti-Pope actually." I say with a cheeky grin. He's about to punch me again when another Judas Boy convinces him that I'm not worth it. So he turns and locks the door behind him. I sigh and look around the all too familiar cell. I never through I'd be back here.
It's quite colder in here than I remember. I shove my hands in my pockets and pulls my jacket close to try to keep my internal body temperature high. But when I shove my hands into my pocket, I feel something brush up against my fingertips. Confused, I pull it out and I see a small little sachet that smells like fresh rain.
Freya runs up to me and wraps her arms around my waist under my jacket. Trying to get as close to me as humanly possible. "I'll see you real soon, my love. It's going to be okay." She tells me. A Judas Boy laughs at but she leans in and gives me one last kiss on the lips before they pull me away from her.
~End of Flashback~
What I thought was just an intense hug goodbye was just a sneaky way of sliding a protection charm, identical to the one I made her what seems like years ago, into my jacket.