No Sympathy for the Devil

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Sabrina POV

"Aunties? You're not gonna believe what happened at school today." I groan thinking about the horrors of my day at Baxter High. "Oh we can imagine!" Zelda exclaims as I walk into the kitchen. Aunt Zelda and Hilda are standing around the dining room table. Ambrose is perched on the kitchen counter with Freya leaning on the counter right next to him. A little close if I might add. That's something I'll have to talk to Freya about later. I still haven't interrogated Ambrose about Halloween night.

"Do you know what this is?" Zelda says holding up a piece of paper. Before I can answer she barks at me, "I'll tell you, It's an infernal summons." She says throwing it down on the table. I've heard of many strange witch things, but never an infernal summons. "A what now?" I ask walking further into the kitchen. 

"Well, you've been charger with a rather antiquated offense, dearest. A breach of promise." Hilda tells me softly. "You made a promise to sign the Dark Lord's book and then when you ran in horror from your baptism, you broke it." Zelda says with enough force to make all of us jump. "You humiliated our master in front of the entire coven, and now, you will be judges and tried in front of the entire coven." 

I step forward to grab the paper off the table to read it myself. I never made a promise. What kind of bullshit law do witches practice. "Never in all my years has a Spellman been summoned to the court of witches." Zelda says in a mocking tone.

"I don't understand. Someone is suing me?" I ask. "The Dark Lord." Hilda stammers. "He's determined to get you on the path of night." She tells me. This can't be. "I saw him today, the Dark Lord." I say. Everyone freezes and stares at me. "You what?!?" Freya says in disbelief. I don't know what I expected when I had said that. But Aunt Zelda only got even more furious.

"Did you hear that sister?" Auntie Z says slamming her fist down. "Can you imagine how inraged he must be-" "Well it doesn't matter. I don't want to be part of his coven. I don't want to step foot in the academy of unseen arts, and I am certainly not gonna stand trial." I saw before turning on my heels to leave. 

"Oh you must certainly are, Sabrina. You've been summoned." Aunt Zelda calls after me. And not only you. Hilda and I as well." This makes me stop in my tracks. "We are on trial too." She finishes. "That doesn't make any sense." I stammer. How can they be punished too. "Well we are your legal guardians. So in the eyes of the court,  your actions are our actions. We are as guilty as you." Hilda explains. 

"Don't you mean innocent? Innocent until proven guilty?" This isn't how the court system works. "That's mortal law." Ambrose cuts in. "Witch law is the complete opposite. Guilty until proven innocent." He explains. "Do you know what this is?" Aunt Zelda asks holding up a small object. "It's your Aunt Hilda's tooth. We have been stripped of our powers. All of us. Including Ambrose and Freya." Zelda says. I look to Freya who is just looking at me with sad eyes and her arms crossed over her chest. Ambrose puts a comforting hand on her shoulder but she doesn't look away from me. "Your trial begins at midnight." Zelda says sitting down at the table. 

I don't wait for anything else to be said, I turn and run up the stairs.


Freya POV

I sigh and push off the counter. "I should go up there and talk to her." I say. The family mumbles in agreement and I make my way up the stairs and into Sabrina's room.

"Hey Brina." I say opening the door. She looks up at me and then continues pacing her room. "This isn't fair, Frey. How come all of you get punished for something that I didn't even do!" She asks angrily. I just sigh and sit down on her bed. "How was school?" I ask wanting to hear about my mortal friends. 

She sighs and throws herself down next to me. "It wasn't that great, but I'll explain more about that later. I'm too focused on how I'm going to handle this stupid court case." She groans tugging on her hair. 

"Do I need a lawyer? Do I need to testify?" "Sabrina." "Do you have to testify? Who even runs the witches court of law?" "Sabrina." I say again. "Why am I guilty? How does one get out of a breach of promise? That's not even a real charge-." "Sabrina!" I say more forcibly. She stops rambling and looks at me. "Breathe." I tell her. 

She sighs and lowers her head. She waits a minute before looking at me again. "I'm sorry. I'm just so worried. How are you doing?" She asks. No it's my turn to sigh. "I'm a little bummed out. I mean I find out I'm a witch and I go do all of these amazing things. And then poof, it's gone before I can learn what to do. It's almost as if I miss it already. Even though I never even knew it was there." I explain. 

"I'm so sorry Freya." Sabrina says sadly. "This is all my fault." She says putting her head in her hands. I grab her shoulders and pull her up. "Don't say that. No come on, we have some research to do," I say getting up and scanning her bookshelf. "Research?" She asks. "Of course, how else are we going to win the case?" I ask throwing her a smile over my shoulder.

"What would I do without you?" She asks. "I don't know. You'd probably get thrown in witch jail or some shit like that. But hey, don't worry. That's what best friends are for." 

Author's Note

I have no fucking clue as to what I'm doing. I'm excited for all the ideas that I have but I want to make sure that people are enjoying it so far. Let me know what y'all think. :)


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