(Ab)Normal day

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To say that I'm not a morning person would be a major understatement. When my alarm clock rings I'm tempted to throw it across the room. My room is my safe space. The walls are a light gray color and all my furniture is dark wood. It doesn't exactly all match. We didn't have the money to buy a full set so we would just take pieces when we would find them. The only things on my walls are pictures of my friends and family. I should be getting up but all I can do is stare at the ceiling. 

"Freyyyyyyaaaaaa" I hear a little voice coo. I smile and pretend to go back to sleep. My door creaks open and little footsteps come up next to my bed. "Freya, my mommy says you have to wake up for school." I stay still. "Auntie Freeeyyyaaaa." She whispers and pokes my cheek. In one swift move, I turn and pull her into bed with me. She giggles. 

"I'm up Winnie, don't you worry." I kiss her cheek. "Ugh Winnie go brush your teeth, your breath smells." I joke but she just frowns. "I already did." I smirk. "So if I ask your mommy if you've brushed she will say that you have?" She just nods. "Parker-" "no no no no no" she yells as she scrambles off my bed and runs to the bathroom. Six is a weird age. 

                                                                         (Ignore the hat and bag) 

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                                                                         (Ignore the hat and bag) 

It wasn't my best fashion choice, but it would do. It wasn't cold enough for a jacket, but it wasn't warm enough for a dress. I let my hair hang in its loose waves. I used to hate my hair. I'd always hid it with a hat or try to out it up. I even tried dying it when I was in middle school. People would bully me for being the only ginger in Greendale. Parker was born with beautiful brown hair. Luckily, Winter has inherited the good genes and is starting to redden up. 

I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple from the counter. Mason is sitting at the table reading the paper while Parker runs around the house like a mad woman. There is no use in trying to have a calm morning around here. Parker is always rushing to try to make it to the hospital on time. Like right now, I'm almost sure I just saw her put a fork in her work bag. If she meant to do that or not.... I'll never know. She decided to become a nurse once she had Winter. However, that means she never home in the morning. Mason works from home doing who knows what but he takes care of Winter during the day so I guess I can't complain. Instead of getting involved in the chaos I just slip out the front door without being noticed. 


Baxter High isn't my favorite place to be. Especially in the mornings. Why am I supposed to be sitting in a classroom when I should be sleeping? Not to say that I haven't fallen asleep in class. Sometimes I can't control it. Once I get to school, my days usually start by meeting up with Sabrina at her locker before heading to home room. Sabrina is a stickler for the rules. She doesn't lie. She never does anything bad. And she is never ever late. Except today. I'm about to leave for class when she comes running in. 

"Brina-" "Stepped in some poison ivy Frey. Gotta go wash it off." She explained running by me leaving me in the now empty hall. "See you in first period I guess?" I mumble and head to class.


"Wait wait wait, explain this to me again." I ask while trying to keep up with Sabrina. The cafeteria was crowded and it was hard to hear. Harvey calls us over and we take our seats next to him. 

"The football player are a symptom, but the disease goes much deeper into the bedrock of this school." Brina explains. "Sis if you're talking abour toxic masculinity, we been knew." I sigh. "So, that's where we fight it with a club. For young women, where we can meet and bolster each other. Where we can discuss issues and problems we're facing." Brina continues as we start eating.

"You mean like a club to topple the white patriarchy?" Roz asks. Harvey just looks up with half of his sandwich in his mouth as if he just did something wrong. I just laugh and ruffle his hair. "Exactly" Sabrina keeps talking but at this point I'm already zoned out. I love the girl to death but I'm starving and if I don't eat this PB&J now I might actually die. 

"What do you think Frey?" Roz asks suddenly. "Yeah sure whatever I agree........what are we talking about?" Roz just rolls her eyes. We spend the rest of lunch period trying to come up with names for our new club. Rather, Roz and Sabrina do while I mess with Harvey and throw things at him and pretend it wasn't me. 

"Hey I'm going to head to my next class early. I'm for sure going to fail my math exam and I need to talk to the professor about my grades. If I get another C Parker will actually kill me." I explain getting up to throw away my garbage. "Wait up- I'll walk with you." Sabrina calls after me. She gives Harvey a quick peck on the cheek and we walk arm in arm through the halls.

"Are you sure we can't do anything for your birthday? I know I keep asking but it's a tradition Brina!" She just laughs. "You know I would love nothing more than to eat a bunch of junk food and watch scary movies with my best friend." "But?" "But, you know I have plans with my Aunties. We've had these plans for years. I can't just change them." I nod. I knew there was no winning this battle but it was worth a shot.

Suddenly Sabrina stops walking. My dumb ass keeps walking which causes me to get yanked back. She just looks forward as if she's contemplating something. "Brina you good?" I ask with no response. "Yo, you good?" I ask waving my hand in front of her face. "Do you wanna come over sometime this week?" She asks. The fuck? "Me? Come over? Like to your house?" "Yeah. We should talk and hang out." She says. "I'd love to....are you sure you're okay?" She just shrugs it off and we continue walking to class.

My best friend is a lot of things... one thing she is not: Predictable.

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