Small Victories

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Ambrose's room was all the way in the attic of the house. "I want to warn you. I don't get many visitors. It isn't much, but it's home-" He rambles. "Ambrose just open the door." I say with a smile. He opens the door for me and lets me walk in. I take in the room in front of me. It's not the most organized, but it's not messy. His bed sits on the floor on the far side of the room under a window. The rest of his room is full of random objects and lots and lots of books. 

"Ambrose, this is so cool." I saw spinning around. "I'm glad you think so." He says as he goes and sits on his bed. I run my fingers along the shelves, reading all of the titles. Some of then I recognized, some I didn't. Some of them weren't even in English. "Any of them peak your interest?" He asks. "All of them." I reply with a smile. 

A grab a couple of them and scan the room for a place to sit. "If you're looking for a chair, you won't find one." He explains. "Again, not many visitors. You can join me down here. He says. Don't worry, I don't bite." He says flashing me a smile. I slowly walk over and sit down on the bed next to him. "Now let's see, which ones did you pick?" He asks in his adorable accent.

He scans the titles and raises an eyebrow. "Necromancy? I knew I liked you." He says with a wink. I honestly could have died right there. "I just so happen to specialize in necromancy. If you ever need anything, let me know." "Thanks Ambrose. Really. You've been so amazing these passed couple of days. I honestly don't know how I'd manage without you." I say with a laugh even though I'm being 100% deadass. I turn to him but I'm met with the best response.

Ambrose Spellman is kissing me. And I'm kissing back. It's slow ad sweet. There isn't anything rushed about it. His lips are so soft and warm that I could stay here forever. I had kissed plenty of other people.... but this.... this was something else. 

"Freya?" Sabrina calls from somewhere in the house. I pull away from Ambrose quickly so that if Sabrina stumbled in here, she wouldn't freak out. When I open my eyes, Ambrose is just smiling at me. I stand up and brush off my pants before gathering the books. Before I leave, I turn and lean on the door frame.

"Ambrose?" I ask. "Mhm?" "Thank you. For the books and well...." "Believe me, I'd be happy to do this again. Any time." He says with the biggest grin I'd ever seen.



I spent the rest of that night listening to Sabrina rant. Only, I wasn't listening to Sabrina rant at all. I was too busy thinking about Ambrose. How amazing he was. How his lips felt. How badly I wanted to kiss him again. I woke up early the next morning in one of the best moods that I have ever been in. I quickly get dressed and head downstairs for the day.

I'm about to call out to the Aunties when I notice a bunch of strangers

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I'm about to call out to the Aunties when I notice a bunch of strangers. At first I'm startled, but then I remember that this is a mortuary. Funerals happen here all the time. Well at least I'm dressed in all black.

I peer into the parlor as I walk by. I didn't know anyone in the room until he catches my eye. Standing up front near the casket is Ambrose fucking Spellman. My heart instantly races when I see him. He is too busy talking to guests to notice me. He's so caring and kind to the people in mourning. I know that it's his job, but he's just an all around good person. When he finally looks up, we make eye contact and his face breaks out in a grin. He finishes his conversation with a mourner before coming over to me.

"The black is fitting." He jokes. I smile. "You're so good with them." I say motioning to the group of people. He shakes his head. "I'm heartbroken for them really. But sometimes all people need is someone to be there for them." He explains. "You're a good person Ambrose." I tell him. He rolls his eyes. "If you think that, you clearly don't know me well enough then." 

I laugh and grab my bag from the closet. "And where do you think you're going this early in the morning?" He asks. "I don't think I've ever seen you up this early." He jokes. "Relax. I'll be right back. And I'm sorry I'm not a morning person. I just got a decent amount of sleep last night." I explain. "And why's that? Having wonderful dreams about someone? Maybe someone who live in this house?" He asks cheekily. 

"You wish Spellman. I'm headed to the library. I want to figure something out before court tonight." I say walking towards the door. "Oh so my books aren't good enough for you?" He laughs. I roll my eyes. "Oh shut up. I'll see you soon." I say as I head out the door. "See you then Darling." He calls. Once the door is closed I just lean against it for a minute. Darling? That's new. 

God damn I think I'm really falling for that idiot.

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