"Mambo Marie?" I call as I descend the stairs into the basement. Mambo looks up from Zelda's bedside. "There dolls are infused with life source. With any luck we should be able to transfer her doll into her." I say handing the Zelda doll to her.
"But wait, if we have our powers back can't we just heal her?" Prudence asks as she and Ambrose walk down the stairs. "It is not a matter of healing her physical body now, it is her soul that must find its way back to us now." Mambo explains.
"Father Blackwood and the pagans have taken over the Academy. They could be coming here next." Ambrose tells her. She thinks this over for a minute and I can almost see the fear registering in her eyes. "Can you please keep her safe whilst we do what we can to protect the house?" Ambrose asks.
"It is my honor." Mambo explains with a bow of her head. I give her a small smile before climbing the stairs back into the main part of the house. "Do you think we can pull this off?" Prudence asks. "I don't think we really have a choice." Ambrose answers.
"Ambrose is right. We don't. Prudence, go upstairs and get the dollhouse from our room. Faustus will be after the twins. Ambrose, help me set up a safe space for the egg. We don't have much time so we need to get moving." I tell them. Prudence nods before disappearing in the house.
"Are you okay?" Ambrose asks. I nod and walk into his open arms. "I'm worried about Sabrina." I admit. "I am too. But right now we need to focus on protecting our family." He says as he gently smooths down my hair. I sigh into his chest.
"I love you Ambrose Spellman." "And I love you Freya Hale."
Freya's POV
"Judas and Judith are secure. They won't know that anything is happening." "And the time egg is glamoured in the parlor." I nod my head. "I just checked on the Cain pit. No sign of movement from Aunt Hilda. I had Salem and Kai stay out there to guard her." I tell them. They nod.
"I'm going to go check on Mambo." Prudence says before heading towards the basement door. "Do you think that banshee will ever shut up?" I ask Ambrose once we're alone. "No. Not unless the unthinkable happens." He says with a sigh.
"I'm going upstairs to pack a bag. Just some things I think we might need if we have to run. Will you be okay down here all by yourself?" Ambrose asks before kissing the side of my head. I don't answer his question. I don't think I'll be fine down here. In fact, the last thing I want to do is be alone. But I have to stay strong for the people I love most in the world.
Ambrose leaves to go up to our room and I just try not to focus on the terrible crying coming from outside. The banshee is leaving nothing but a terrible migraine forming in my brain. I'm running my fingers along some of the books in the parlor when I think I hear someone call out my name.
"Prudence?" I ask as I approach the basement door. All I hear is the wailing of the banshee. Until I hear more crying. I turn and walk into the side parlor and am instantly horrified by what I see.
"Agatha! Prudence!" I strangle out. I run over to the two sisters on the floor. I grab Prudence's hand first and she just continues to scream. I apply pressure to what appears to be some kind of stab wound above her heart.
"Agatha's dead. Dorcas is dead." Prudence wails. I look over to Agatha and she just stares at the ceiling with no life left in her eyes. "What happened?" I ask Prudence. She cries and I feel her heart grow weaker and weaker under my hands.
"Agatha killed Dorcas and came to kill me. She was going to kill me. I didn't know what to do so I-" She cuts herself off with a sob. I feel my own eyes start to fill with tears. "Agatha stabbed you?" I ask. She shakes her head slowly.
"It was Blackwood." She says weakly. I almost didn't hear it. Blackwood is in the house. Shit. I have to warn Ambrose. And mambo. Shit. Shit. Shit. "You're going to be okay." I tell Prudence as I go to stand up.
"Please don't leave me." She cries. My heart feels like it's been torn to shreds. I can't just leave her like this to die. I slide the ring off my finger and quickly jam it onto Prudence's hand. It quickly calms her and her breathing calms. I hold my breath as I watch her take her last. I quickly wipe the tears away from my eyes and run to the main part of the house where Ambrose is coming down the stairs.
"Freya.... whose blood is that?" He asks. "Blackwood is here. Now. Grab the egg and I'll grab the twins. We need to go. No." I tell him. "What about Prudence? Mambo? The Aunties?" He asks. "Prudence is dead-" I'm cut off by a scream from the basement. "And I think we both know what that means." I say.
He nods before taking off to the parlor to collect the egg I run into the kitchen to grab my to go back and the dollhouse. My pulse is beating a thousand times a minute. I feel like my heartbeat alone would give my location away. I quickly scoop up what I need and sprint back to the parlor.
I can hear Ambrose's footsteps in the parlor so I run there as fast as I can to meet up with him so we can flee. As I get to the parlor he is starting to make his way over to me. I take this second to stop and attempt to catch my breath. We did it. We might actually be able to escape.
Out of the corner of my eye I see a Judas boy round the back entrance and make his way towards Ambrose. I got to yell to warn him, but my words never come out. All I feel is a cold sensation run across the base of my throat. I look down and that's when I see the blood.
The dollhouse slips from my fingers and crash to the floor. I look up at Ambrose in horror who seems to be frozen in place. I feel my eyes roll back into the back of my head and I don't even feel myself hit the ground.
All I can do is look up at the figure above me as I try not to choke on all the blood. I look up into the cold eyes of Faustus Blackwood. He just stands there above. Looking down at me with an evil smile. In one hand he has the Aunt Zelda doll. In the other, the knife he just used to slit my throat.
And then it's black.

Strange Magic *Ambrose Spellman*
Fiksi PenggemarFreya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.