A Little Wicked

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Greendale was, if anything, quaint. It was tiny, rural, and not much every happens. And for that, I'm thankful. We were rich in history and that's about all we were rich in. It was never too hot or too cold. It seemed like everyday was pretty much the same. Most people my age dream about leaving this place behind. They long for the shores of some far away beach where it's always sunny.

Not me.

I think I'll stick around here for a little while



"Oh shut up! It wasn't even that scary!" Harvey laughed.

"If it wasn't so scary then why did you close your eyes?" Roz teased.

It was a normal night for us I guess. We had just finished watching Night of the Living Dead per my request.

"I was confused by the zombies. Why were they so freaking slow." Harvey asked. Sabrina rolled her eyes which made me laugh. " We've talked about this Kinkle, fast moving zombies is a relatively new concept in horror." I explained. "Earlier incarnations assumed that reanimated corpses were afflicted by rigor mortis, and, as such, moved slowly." Brina finsihed.

"If you two finish each other's sentences one more time I'm going to lose my shit." Susie laughed. I just smiled and shoved another handful of popcorn in my mouth. Not caring how stupid I looked. Harvey and Sabrina, who were wrapped around each other tried to not to bump into any oncoming people but failed miserably.

"Miss Wardwell! Hi. I'm so sorry" Brina cried out when she bumped into one of our teachers. The rest of the group absolutely adored Miss Wardwell. I thought she was a good teacher but I felt like her class was just too easy. "I didn't know you were a fan of horror." She continued.

"Freya and Sabrina are nuts for them. The gorier the better." Harvey chuckled. Miss Wardwell smiled and adjusted her glasses. "Well who doesn't enjoy a good scare every now and again? Especially this time of year."

At this point we had made our way out of the theater and walked towards the street. "Miss Wardwell, we were just on our way to Dr. Cerberus's to celebrate Freya's birthday and dissect the movie if you would care to join us." Sabrina asked kindly. After politely declining, Miss Wardwell made her way to her car. Leaving me, Harvey, Susie, and Roz giving Sabrina a questioning look.

"Brina why would you do that?" Roz asked after Miss Wardwell had walked away. "I feel bad for her." She explained. "I think that was sweet." I said. I hooked my arm in hers and smiled at the group. "Now all I want for my birthday is to go eat some unhealthy food with my friends? Can we do that?" Everyone cheered. "Last one to Dr. C's is a rotten egg!" I yell as I take off down the street.

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