Freya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.
Sabrina and I stumble through the door to the mortuary. While a lot of shit has gone down in this house, it really is the place where I feel the safest. Even if it's had its fair share of demons, Yule lads, and other unwelcome visitors.
"Fancy a nightcap cousin?" Ambrose asks when Sabrina walks in the room. I follow shortly after her and Ambrose looks at me in confusion. My shirt was torn from climbing the table, my shoes scuffed from disgusting rats, and my hair stuck to my face from the sweat of battling off a demon.
"How was your night out with the warlocks?" Sabrina asks as I make my way to the couch and throw myself onto it, face first. "Decadent." He replies before pushing my legs so that he can sit on the couch next to me.
"Though I believe Father Blackwood has somewhat lost his head." He says as he takes a sip of his drink. "I bet it was better than our night." I say with a sigh. I pick my head up and turn onto my side, placing my legs in Ambrose's lap.
"Considering we were attacked." Sabrina says casually. Ambrose almost spits up his drink at this. "Attacked? By who?" He asks. He looks to me and starts scanning my body for any sign of injury. "A demon and his dirty rats." I tell him. He looks at me, even more confused.
"So, of course, I'm wondering if your little friends at Dorian's were behind it." Sabrina accuses. This causes me to sit up. Here we go. "Why?" Ambrose asks as if he's asking for this to become World War 3. I lean forward and put my head in my hands. This is not going to end well. I feel it.
"Demons don't just summon themselves, Ambrose, they have to be freed or called forth by someone." Sabrina says. "You think someone, possibly friends of mine, summoned a demon to attack you... why?" Ambrose asks, setting his drink down on the coffee table.
"I don't know. To throw me off my game? I mean, it's clear you are not supporting my bid to be Top Boy." Sabrina says harshly. "Now hold on, I never said I wasn't-" "You never said you were." Sabrina hisses, cutting him off.
"Need I remind you the only reason you're even at the Academy is because the Court of witches ordered you to be?" Ambrose fires back. "Things are different now, Ambrose. I want to be Top Person because I believe I can make the coven better." "Really? Because you spurn the coven at every turn, you question out every ritual, you assail tradition, so excuse-" Ambrose starts.
"Not every tradition. Just the ones that involve the murder and cannibalization of young witches." Sabrina defends. I groan. "Oh please. You know what? I don't even want to argue." Ambrose says standing from the couch. "Maybe I do." Sabrina says. She turns and the door to the hallway slams shut. Oh shit.
"Maybe I want a warm up for tomorrow's contest." Sabrina says crossing her arms. "You're crazy." Ambrose spits at her. "No, Ambrose. I'm mad!" Sabrina yells. Things in the room begin to shake and we all notice it. Only Sabrina keeps on yelling.
"Top Boy? Seriously?" She yells as she advances on Ambrose. I jump up from the couch and stand between them with my back against Ambrose's chest. He instinctively puts a hand on my waist and pulls me close to him. Almost in a protective way... but I'm the one facing my dangerous best friend.
"Blackwood takes warlocks out for drinks at a gentleman's club? What century are you living in?" Sabrina accuses. This items in the room begin to shake even more, some items even topple over. "Sabrina..." I warn. "You're picking a fight and I don't know why." Ambrose adds.
"Didn't you hear me, Ambrose? I was attacked and I think your friends or one of Blackwood's warlock buddies was behind it." She accuses. "That's absurd. I was with Blackwood the whole time-" "Tell all your chums if anyone in this house is Top Boy, It's me." Sabrina hisses.
"What's happening in here?" Aunt Hilda asks throwing the door open. All the items stop moving and we all turn to her. "Nothing, Aunt Hilda." We all say calmly. "Well I heard yelling and wind and furniture shaking." Aunt Hilda says looking around the room.
"Everything's fine Aunt Hilda. Go to bed." Sabrina says with a little attitude still in her voice. "I beg your pardon, miss? You go to bed. It's a school night." Aunt Hilda scolds as she exits the room. Sabrina storms out. Ambrose throws back the rest of his drink and offers his arm to me.
"Let's get this night over with." He mutters as we walk to bed.
Inquisition day. The academy halls are buzzing with who they think will win this year's Top Boy contest. I tug on the ends of my dress as I take my spot next to Ambrose in one of the front pews. I had almost slept in due to the long night, but luckily we managed to get her just in time.
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Father Blackwood stands at the front podium and Nick and Sabrina stand opposite of each other. The angry, nervous girl from last night is gone. Instead Sabrina stands tall and confident. I just pray to Satan that she doesn't get slaughtered in this competition.
"This first challenge tests the depth of knowledge of our two candidates. Questions are drawn from the Corpus Arcanum, the shared body of infernal knowledge that unites our faith and our craft. Men first." Father Blackwood says as he turns to Nick. "Nicholas, in sacred geometry, what configuration represents the perfection of our Lord Satan's design for his people?" He asks. I roll my eyes. That's such an easy question.
"Easy, the pentagram." Nick says. Everyone applauds. "That is correct. Point to Nicholas. Miss Spellman, what are the five books of the Lesser Key of Solomon?" Blackwood asks turning to Sabrina. My eyes grow wide. I don't know that. We didn't go over anything like that last night. I study Sabrina for any signs of panic but I don't find any. It takes a second but then I see something in her eyes.
"The Ars Goetia, The Ars Theurgia-Goetia, The Ars Paulina, The Ars Almadel and the Ars Notoria." She says with a smile on her face. I turn to Father Blackwood. He looks pissed. "I thought you didn't have time to prepare, Miss Spellman." Father Blackwood asks. "I guess I'm more of a sponge for knowledge than I originally thought." She says with a sickly sweet smile.
Father Blackwood decides to test her and starts rattling off question after question. Each time Sabrina finds the right answer, even though I know that we didn't cover it the night before. I get super suspicious and start glancing around the room. I notice that the whole coven is here.
Except for three girls.
I turn in my seat and look back as Sabrina with a wicked smile. She notices me catching on and sends me a quick wink.
"Weird how she is getting all these right? You must be one hell of a study buddy." Ambrose says poking my side. I smile at him. "Definitely weird."