Freya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.
"What's the matter with you? You look as if you've seen the holy spirit." Aunt Zelda says as Sabrina and I enter the parlor where the rest of the Spellmans are waiting for us. "I don't want to talk about it Auntie Zee..." Sabrina says. She holds out the tiny vial of blood.
"I'm sorry, is that the angel's blood you've been talking about Ambrose?" Aunt Zelda asks. "It is. Though where is the rest of it?" Ambrose asks. "Dorian gorged himself on it." I say as I fall back on the couch.
"That is your grand plan? That is meant to save us?" Aunt Zelda asks. "We were all supposed to drink it, but there was supposed to be more of it." Ambrose explains as he joins me on the couch. "Maybe if we all take a sip?" I offer.
"No. That won't be nearly enough." Ambrose says with a sigh. "There might be if we use it another way." Aunt Hilda says. "What way is that?" I ask. "Okay, I was remembering something that I did when I was a student at the Academy. I took a moon bath." She says as she grabs a book and begins flipping through the pages.
"What's a moon bath?" Sabrina asks. "It's a ceremony that witches used to perform during the celebration of the Hare Moon. They would rub their bodies with oils and bathe in the moonlight. It was meant to be a symbolic rebirth. Light from the moon was meant to replenish us. But if we take that angels blood and mix it with certain oils, and then rub it on our bodies and bath in the light of the Hare Moon-"
"The symbolic could be literal." Ambrose says as he leans forward. Clearly intrigued by this idea. "It is law of occult science that celestial substances are activated by celestial bodies. The moonlight would activate the angel's blood which in turn would allow our skin to actually absorb the energies of the moon." Ambrose explains. Man I love it when he gets all excited about things like this.
"So we might be saved?" I ask. Aunt Hilda giggles. Sabrina hands her the vial and I can already see the ideas running through her head. "So bet it." Aunt Zelda says standing. "Picnic first and then this so called moon bath." She says as she takes in a drag of her cigarette.
"Thank you Hilda." She says after she blows out the smoke. We all freeze and look at her. Did.... did she just.... thank someone? Wow maybe today will be special.
Freya's POV
"Darling? I'm off to finish setting up the picnic. I'll meet you there." Ambrose calls through the closed door. "I'll see you in a few. I love you!" I call as I shut off the sink. He tells me that he loves me to and I stand back to look at myself. When explaining the Hare Moon traditions, the Aunties forgot to mention one small thing.
The dress code. All white. AKA a recipe for disaster. Luckily, Aunt Hilda is the most amazing witch that has ever existed. She managed to whip me up an absolutely gorgeous dress that I am absolutely in love with.
I finish pulling my hair up into a high bun before feeling like I'm ready. This better work. Or else we will all suffer.
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I quickly join up with Sabrina and all the other female members of the coven. We have all agreed to walk over to the picnic together. After all, this holiday is about the moon and rebirth. A female empowerment holiday. After all, some of us are bound to be mothers some day.
The weird sisters look positively stunning in their white dresses. We all finish hyping each other up before walking out into the woods to meet up with the rest of the coven. The clearing the the woods where we host most of our rituals is decorated with greens and beautiful flowers. In the center is a large white blanket covered in food for our picnic.
Like I said, this is a holiday I could get behind. The coven comes together and we all say a prayer before the Aunties hand a rabbit over to Sabrina. I guess she has to go wander in the woods and release the rabbit? Pardoning it? I'm not really sure. This part of the ritual didn't involve me so I stopped paying attention. Oops.
"To say that you look beautiful is such an understatement." Ambrose says as he walks up to me after Sabrina has walked off. "I think you clean up well yourself." I say with a smile as I run my hands down his cream colored robe. As much as we stick to darker colors, I guess we do look good in white.
"I think I'm the luckiest warlock here." He says cheekily as he slides and arm around my waist. I smile and we turn to face the rest of the coven. Everyone is happy for once. It's nice to see. Witches and warlocks are laughing and playing games. No one is stressed or hurt. It's nice to have a day off.
"Mind if I borrow Hale for a second?" An irritating voice asks from behind Ambrose and I. I instantly feel my blood boil and I turn and lunge at Nicholas fucking Scratch. He jumps back as Ambrose grabs my waist and pulls me back into his chest.
"I'll kill you myself Scratch. You hear me? You messed up." I threaten. Nick steps back but doesn't leave. "If you would just hear me out." He pleads. "I never want to hear anything from you ever again." I hiss. "I'm not entirely sure what's going on but I'd love to know why my girlfriend is trying to kill you." Ambrose says from behind me.
"It's nothing-" "Oh really? So cheating on my best friend with sex demons is nothing?" I ask. I feel Ambrose tense and I swear he considers letting me go for a second. "Nicholas?" Ambrose asks. "Yes. It happened. But if you would only let me explain-"
"I'd love nothing more than an explanation from you. Only I'm not the one you should be saying this to." I hiss. Nick lowers his head and Ambrose loosens his grip on me. I'm only slightly considering jumping him right now. Only I don't think blood would look good on my new white dress.
"Look I-" "Aunties!" Sabrina screams as she runs back into the clearing. "We have to go right now!" She continues. The whole coven has turned to her now. All of us clearly confused. I can tell from the look in Sabrina's eyes that shit is about to hit the fan.
"Wait, we can't. We just got started. Look who's here!" Aunt Hilda says as she points to Nick. Nick steps forward and I glare at him. "Nick. What are you doing here?" Sabrina asks calmly. Damn. I would have not acted that way if my cheating boyfriend pulled up to an event like this.
All of us jump as we hear twigs snapping in the distance. We all turn away from Nick to see people in creepy masks coming out of the woods. I peer over my shoulder and gasp. They've completely surrounded us. Ambrose quickly spins us around and pushes my into the circle of our coven, away from these intruders.