Ding! Ding! Ding! Ladies and Gentlemen. It is round two of Satanic Judge Judy. I sit next to Sabrina and pray to whoever wants to listen. Please let this go and well and please let this night go better than last night.
"Ms. Spellman, both you and your sister are certified midwives." Webster asks as Hilda and Zelda take the stand. "Yes." They both say with a nod. "You have delivered many babies in the witch community, including your own niece, Sabrina." He continues. The sisters nod again. "Can you verify for the court then, was Sabrina born of mortal woman?" He asks. "She was." Zelda says with a sneer. "Making her half witch, half mortal, and therefore, only half subject to laws of this court!" He says with a smile. The room is so silent you could hear a pin drop. I just bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling too much.
"This is absurd, your dishonors-" Blackwood starts. "No, sir, it is her right. I demand a jury or mortals and a change of venue. I reject the authority of this court over my client." Mr. Webster says. Sabrina sits up in her seat and gives Father Blackwood a smirk. The judges start banging their gavels? Yeah, gavels.
"If Sabrina's true, dominant nature is to be determined mortal or witch, so be it, we shall invoke human laws to test her. One: we may subject Sabina to trial by water." Sabrina's face falls. "She will be bound and dropped into the river. If she floats, she's a witch. If she drowns, she's human and free to go." Blackwood says with a wicked grin.
"Unacceptable!" Mr. Webster yells. "Or two: the accused will submit to being stripped and examined in full view of the coven, for a witch's mark upon her body. Should a mark be identified, this trial continues, uninterrupted. Should no mark be found, this court will be forced to to recognize her so called humanity." Blackwood explains.
Ah shit.
Later that night we are all gathered in the kitchen. Sabrina, Hilda, and Mr. Webster are sitting at the table. Aunt Zelda is pacing, well hobbling, around the room and I'm leaning against the counter.
"Absolutely not, I forbid it!" Aunt Zelda says blowing out a cloud of smoke. "Sit down Zelda before you collapse. You're skin and bones." Hilda says annoyed. Zelda just rolls her eyes and keeps on pacing. Hilda gives me a pleading look and I move closer to Zelda in case she collapses.
"Sabrina, I have to ask. Do you even know if you have a mark?" Mr. Webster asks. "Let's start there." Sabrina just shakes her head. "Perhaps there is another way." Father Blackwood says strolling into the room. Ambrose comes in shortly after. He's the one who probably let him in. "You'll excuse my unannounced visitation, but I come bearing felicitous tidings..." He start.
I look up at Ambrose and he just nods his head towards the door. I get the hint and walk slowly out of the kitchen so no one sees. I slip into the hall and meet Ambrose by the stairs. "Hey you." I say catching up with him. He smiles down at me.
"Feel like getting your hands dirty?" He asks with a cheeky smile. "And what the heaven is that supposed to mean?" I ask raising an eyebrow. He chuckles and shakes his head. "Come on. I need help burying a familiar in the yard." He says taking my hand and pulling me upstairs.
I wake up the next morning- well-afternoon. After I helped Ambrose in the pet semetary (yes like the Stephen King book). We had stayed up talking for hours. We didn't kiss again. Unfortunately. Instead we just talked about life and our backgrounds. He told me about Oxford and the Vatican. I told him about about high school and my family. Only his stories were far more interesting.

Strange Magic *Ambrose Spellman*
FanfictionFreya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.