Freya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.
After Sabrina had left, I convinced Ambrose to stay with me until I fell asleep. It didn't take much convincing at all actually. All it took was a quick peck on the cheek and he agreed to stay with me until I fell asleep. But when I woke up the next morning, he was still there. Either I have this boy wrapped around my finger or he has me wrapped around his. I still can't tell.
I roll over onto my side at just take in the view. He looks so calm when he's sleeping. Usually he always has a smile or smirk on his face whenever I see him. It's so different to see his face completely relaxed. Its a nice change.
"Not being weird and watching me sleep are you?" He asks with his eyes still closed. "Not my fault that I woke up with someone next to me after I thought you had left." I defend myself. He opens his eyes. "I figured that I'd stay. What if you had woken up in the middle of the night? How would you be able to fall back asleep?" He asks with a cheeky smirk. I reach behind my head and hit him with one of my pillows.
"Hey Freya, have you seen Ambrose- oh well never mind I guess." Sabrina says walking into the room. I blush and pull the covered over my head. "Wow this looks bad doesn't it?" I groan. Sabrina and Ambrose just laugh. "Relax. I know you two wouldn't do anything. At least I hope you wouldn't without warning me first." Sabrina says. Ambrose gets out of bed and stretches. "Besides, we don't kiss and tell." He says.
"Oh Ambrose, I already know about the kiss you two shared. Freya let is slip." She says. Ambrose shoots me a playful glare. "Only about the first one!" I defend myself. It's in this moment that I realized that I had fucked up once again. "FIRST ONE? There's been multiple." Sabrina asks shocked. I groan and place a pillow on top of my head. If I could disappear right now, I totally would.
"Well that's another conversation for another time. Ambrose, can we go to your room? I found something and I think it can help figure out what demon we are working with." Sabrina tells him. He nods and heads towards the door. "You two go upstairs, I need a minute to wake up so my brain functions properly." I mutter. They laugh and head upstairs. Wow I'm a fucking idiot. I calm myself down before throwing on a quick outfit and walking upstairs.
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"Got you creep." Sabrina says showing Ambrose a book when I walk in. "Got who?" I ask sitting on the ground with my back against a bookshelf. "Apophis. The demon's name is Apophis." Sabrina tells me. "I found this trapping stone in the mines last night-" "You went to the mines last night?" I ask shocked. My friend just loved putting her life in danger. "Well I brought Harvey with me." She says. Great, she also loves putting her friend's lives in danger. "Anyway, the symbol on it matches the symbol for Apophis in this book!" She explains.
"If we fuse the pieces together, can I trap a demon?" She asks Ambrose. "You'll have to get it out of Jesse Putnam first." Ambrose tells her. Ambrose takes the book in Sabrina's hands from her and stands up. "I do believe that you girls should be on your way to the academy. Don't want to be late now do you?" He tells us. Sabrina dusts herself off and stands. Ambrose offers his hand to me and pulls me from my sitting position.
"Right. We'll be back around-" "5:00. I know." Ambrose says cutting off Sabrina. She gives him a weird look and starts for the door. "Mhm don't think that I let the fact that you said you watch us come home everyday slip my mind you stalker." I joke following her. He laughs as Sabrina and I descend the staircase.
Father Blackwood drones on about the history of demons. I've honestly learned more about demons from my personal experience with them than from Father Blackwood, but I need all the information I can get. Ever since solving the acheron configuration, Sabrina was put in all of my classes. It was nice seeing someone other than the weird sisters. I still haven't fully forgiven them. So instead of sitting with them, I sit next to Sabrina in demonology.
"Father Blackwood?" Sabrina asks raising her hand. "Yes Miss Spellman?" "Can witches perform exorcisms?" She asks. The whole class laughs and I hang my head. Girl, even I knew this one. "Miss Spellman, I'm not sure what that question has to do with anything we're discussing in this seminar. But no, witches may not. Miss Hale please tell your friend why that is." Father Blackwood says. I gulp and turn to my best friend. "Exorcisms are a Catholic rite in which male priests call upon the False God." I tell her. She rolls her eyes and smiles at me. Sorry for doing my homework.
"Correct, now as I was saying......." Father Blackwood says droning on about the boring lecture at hand. Not even two minutes later, Sabrina's hand is in the air again. "Yes Miss Spellman" He says with an annoyed tone. "My friend's uncle is being possessed by a demon, Apophis. What if this brings unwanted attention to the witches of Greendale?" Sabrina asks. Out of the corner of my eye I can see the weird sisters roll their eyes at the same time. "That's not a concern, as possessions involving Apophis rarely last long." Father Blackwood says nonchalantly.
"Why is that?" I ask. "Apophis is a powerful demon, also known as the devouring worm. He's feasting on your friend's uncle from the inside out. If he's alive, he won't be for long." Blackwood explains. "Then something has to be done, and fast." Sabrina says. "No need. As I said, the mortal will be gone soon." Blackwood snaps back. "Where does the demon go then, once he's done feasting?" Sabrina asks. The whole class is obviously done with her shit.
"I imagine he'll do what all parasites do. Jump to another warm host. Usually a body that's already come into contact with Apophis." The bell rings. "On that note, class dismissed." He says. I can feel all the hairs on my body stand up. All of our friends have come in contact with Apophis. Sabrina must be thinking the same thing because she grabs my hands and starts running towards the door.
"Are we about to do something crazy?" I ask. "Completely crazy." Sabrina tells me.