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Freya's POV

I walk around the morgue with a match, lighting all the candles. Making sure there is a thick circle of protection around Sabrina and the mandrake. In the center of the room is two autopsy tables covered with blankets. Sabrina lies on one and the mandrake in the other. Ambrose stands between them and mutters the words to the spell under his breath. I sigh and sit in a chair in the corner of the room. 

"Now what?" Sabrina asks when Ambrose is done with the spell. "Now you sleep while we watch over you." Ambrose says as he makes his way over to me and sits in the chair next to mine. "Thank you Ambrose. and thank you Freya, for being here. You're always here for me." She says with a soft smile. "I'll always be here for you Brina. Even when your a saggy old mortal." A say with a laugh. 

Sabrina smiles slightly at this and readjusts so she is more comfy. Ambrose grabs a book of his desk and opens it to the page he had left off on. I wait until I know Sabrina is fully asleep before turning to him. He's so calm when he reads. So focused and relaxed at the same time. 

"You know you can go upstairs right?" He says when I yawn. I shake my head and lean onto his shoulder. "You know I wouldn't leave you two down here all by yourself." I tell him. He smiles softly. "I know love. I know." He kissed the top of my head. 

"You should really try to get some sleep though. The timer is set to go off in 13 hours. Nothing will happen. I'll keep a close eye on her. I promise." Ambrose says. "Fine. You win." I say with a small laugh.

"Goodnight Ambrose. I love you." "I love you too Frey."


Freya's POV

The alarm goes off and I swear it's loud enough to wake the dead. Sabrina and I both sit up, startled by the loud noise. It takes a couple of seconds for it to wake Ambrose.

"I'm awake! Sorry." He says as he stands, pretending he hadn't fallen asleep. I roll my eyes. So much for watching over Sabrina. I get up and stretch. Morgue chairs aren't exactly best for sleeping. I feel all of my bones crack and sigh with relief.

"Nothing happened. The mandrake spell didn't work." Sabrina says. I look to where the mandrake is and see that she's right. Nothing happened. It's still the same size and in the same spot. It didn't soak up any of Sabrina's powers at all.

"Brina...." I say sadly. "What do we do now?" She asks. "Uh, I was reading up. There is another, much older, way. You uh, you make a sort of golem using river mud and when it starts to animate, you destroy it." Ambrose explains.

"So we go to sweetwater river and mold a double?" Sabrina asks. "If you're determined in shedding yourself of your powers, then, yes." Ambrose says stretching. "Then we push it in the river and drown it?" I ask.

"By we, you mean Sabrina and I." Ambrose says. "Uh, no. I mean us. The three of us." I say crossing my arms. "Not a chance. You need to stay here so the Aunties don't figure anything out." Ambrose tells me. Sabrina takes this as her chance to escape to go change.

"I want to help." I state. "I know you do. And you will be. You'll be our lookout. We can't let anyone know what's going on." He says. I just look at him, arms crossed. He sighs and rubs my arms. "I know, I know. You always want in on the action. Not this time. Okay? Once this is all said and done you and I can order a bunch of food and lock ourselves upstairs for a couple of days. Does that sound good?" He offers.

"But-" "Plus you won't have to answer to the Aunties when they figure it out." He adds. Sold. I'm in. I was already in but that was the icing on top. "You've got yourself a deal. Just hurry back. And bring all the takeout menus upstairs when you get back." I tell him.

He kisses the top of my head and runs up the stairs to get changed.

"You're paying!" I yell up after him. I turn and look at the mess of candles and roots. What am I going to do with these two?


Freya's POV

Sabrina must have forgotten something because I heard her voice in the kitchen a few minutes after I thought they left. I shrugged this off. Sabrina's probably making up some lie about where she's going. Oh well. 

"Good morning darling!" Aunt Hilda says strolling into the parlor. "Morning Aunt Hilda." I say looking up from my book. "Seems like everyone is just in the best of moods. First Sabrina asking for blueberry pancakes. Then you reading and smiling. Must be a blessed day." She says before picking up a couple of blankets for the laundry. She gives me another big smile before leaving.

I shrug and go back to my book. Blueberry pancakes? I thought Sabrina and Ambrose left immediately. Guess you can't kill part of yourself on an empty stomach? I look back at the page I was currently reading when I was distracted- AGAIN.

Ambrose comes in and pushes the book out of my hands. "Excuse me- I was reading that." I tell him with a huff. I go to pick it back up but he stops me. He pulls my face to him and kisses me. I stare at him and lean in again- only he stops.

"Now that I've got you're attention." He says. I roll my eyes. "Rude." "We have a problem." He says pulling me into his lap. "Why? What happened? Is Sabrina okay?" I ask. For someone with a problem, he doesn't seem to be in any sort of rush. "That's the issue- Sabrina?" He asks looking up. 

"What's going on?" I ask as she comes walking into the room crying. "It's my friends. They're all dead." She says with tears rolling down her cheeks. My heart stops. "What?" I ask. Tears stinging my own. No. This can't be. I feel Ambrose's grip tighten around my waist in support. 

"What happened?" I croak. "Harvey, Rosalind, and Theo. Their heads were smashed in. Their bodies pulped. The ground was soaked with their fluid." Sabrina cries. I stop crying. Why is she talking like this. I look at Ambrose and he sees something is off too.

"Sabrina, you're not making any sense." Ambrose tells her. "They were so beautiful. Why would anyone kill those poor souls?" She asks sitting on the couch next to us. Ambrose gets up and pulls me with him. We take a few steps away from Sabrina and the couch. 

"They were going to love me. We would've grown up together. I just wanted them to love me." Sabrina cries. "You love me, don't you guys?" She asks looking to us. "Of course, Brina." I say. "Maybe you should lie down and rest." I suggest. Sabrina cries harder.

"Can I sit on your lap? Like Freya?" Sabrina is sobbing now. Something is wrong. Very wrong. "You're not yourself." Ambrose says pulling me further away from her. "Won't you hold me? And rock me? And comfort me?" I look at Ambrose and we look to the nearest door to make a fast exit. This isn't Sabrina.

"Please, cousin, don't say no to me." Sabrina says standing. No longer crying. "I don't know what I'll do if you reject me, too." She says in a threatening voice. Ambrose shifts so his body is mostly covering my own.

"Ambrose! Freya! Stay away from that imposter!" A voice shouts. We turn and see.....


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