Sex Holiday?

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I've said it once and I'll say it again- I'm not really much of a party person. That being said, there was a lot of activity going on in the coven right now so there is a huge party. The theme- latex and lace. Even though I didn't really want to go, I did. I knew Ambrose wanted to go and he has 75 years of partying to catch up on. So when he said he wanted to go, I made sure I found the perfect dress. Something not too revealing, but enough to fit in.

The dance floor is full of half naked witches and warlocks dancing and drinking

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The dance floor is full of half naked witches and warlocks dancing and drinking. It looks like some big sex party even though it isn't. Although some of the people dancing are just having sex through their clothes basically. To each their own I guess.

"You guys, really?" Sabrina groans as Ambrose pulls me back in for another kiss. We were seated off to the side of the dance floor on a couch. Ambrose and I sat on one couch while Sabrina and Nick were on the one across from us. The weird sisters hovered by to slip into our conversations. 

"Oh, loosen up Sabrina. They're just getting warmed up for Lupercalia. If you even know what that is." Prudence says as she drapes herself on the arm of the couch next to Sabrina. "It's witches Valentine's Day, right?" Sabrina says. Nick moves closer to her and rests his arm on the back of the couch.

"Lupercalia coincides with mortal Valentine's Day, yes. But in my opinion, it's just a lot of hype." Nick tells her. I raise my eyebrow at this. Is Nick trying to pull a move on my girl? "Oh, please Nick. Sabrina's not so naive and innocent as all that. No one is after signing the Dark Lord's Book of the Beast." Prudence says. 

"What does that have to do with anything?" I ask. The weird sisters look at me and giggle. Am I missing something here? I shrug this off and go back to trying to enjoy myself with my friends.



Ambrose may have had a little too much fun tonight. After the party had started to wind down, Sabrina had to help me basically carry him upstairs to our room. He put up a little fight, begging me to come cuddle with him, but the second his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light. I smile down at him and Sabrina and I head back downstairs to get some tea before bed. 

"Aunties, what exactly is Lupercalia?" Sabrina asks once we all get settled in the parlor. Aunt Zelda smiles. "Oh, it's a lusty, pastoral festival started by the Roman witches under the reign of Caligula. Named after the Lupercal, the cave where the twin founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus were suckled by the She-Wolf. It was instituted as a means to purify the cityand increase health and fertility." Aunt Zelda explains. She winks at us and takes a sip of her tea.

"Nowadays it's less about fertility, and it's more about...." Aunt Hilda says trailing off. "Sex, Hilda." Aunt Zelda says bluntly. "Well yeah, that." Hilda says awkwardly. "S-E-X. Sex." Zelda says. I have to stifle a laugh at this. "I know. I know. I can spell it." Aunt Hilda says. 

"There will be much fanfare about it at the Academy. Father Blackwood, of course, will be master of the hunt." Aunt Zelda says with a smirk. "So, it's a hunt?" Sabrina asks confused. "The festival is comprised of three events. The matching, during which you are paired with a random warlock. The courting, where you and said warlock spend the night together in unholy abstinence. And the hunt, a run through the woods which climaxes in a frenzy of orgiastic carnality." Aunt Zelda explains. I take this awkward pause of silence to take a sip of my tea. 

"Is participating in the Lupercalia voluntary or mandatory?" I ask. "Voluntary." Aunt Hilda says quickly. "But everyone does it. Besides, you don't have to worry Freya. Top Boy gets to choose their match." Zelda says. Okay, at least this makes me feel a tad bit better. I turn to Sabrina but she still looks confused as ever. 

"Sabrina, Lupercalia is a symphony of sensuality and pleasure, not shame and regret as the False God and your Aunt Hilda would have you believe." Aunt Zelda explains. "Yes, but if you are not ready yet my love-" "She signed her name in the book of the beast, Hilda. She's a young, powerful woman now." Aunt Zelda says cutting her off.

"Aunt Hilda's right, Auntie Zee. I don't know that I am ready. But, I don't know that I'm not ready either. I just always assumed my first time would be with Harvey. And I've come to terms with the fact that that's not gonna happen, which is okay. But if it were with someone I like and trusted..." Sabrina says trailing off. She gets that dreamy look in her eyes and I instantly catch on. Nicholas Fucking Scratch. I knew it, we all did.

"Well I don't know about you all, but I am exhausted. I think I'm going to head up to bed." I tell them. After everyone says goodnight, I climb the stairs all the way to Ambrose's room. Well, technically our room. After quietly grabbing some fresh clothing and getting changed I slip my way into bed next to Ambrose. 

"Freya?" Ambrose mumbles. "Shh. Yeah it's me." I whisper. Ambrose turns over on his side so he can face me. "Thanks for everything tonight. Really." He says. I smile and caress his cheek. "Of course. Anything for you. No go to bed, you're going to have a wicked headache tomorrow." I tell him.

"Before I do, I wanted to ask you something. Are you comfortable with this whole Lupercalia thing?" He asks. "I guess. As long I was with my special someone." I say poking his nose. "Well in that case, will you officially be my match for the Lupercalia?" He asks. I smile and lean in to give him a quick peck. 

"I thought you'd never ask. Of course." I say. He smiles and leans in for another kiss which quickly turns into a gentle make out session. I'm about to pull away so we can go to bed when there is a quick knock on the door. Before either of us can answer in walks Nick Scratch. Speak of the devil.

"Nick? What the heaven are you doing here?" I ask confused. Why the fuck are you in our house? "Sorry to wake you guys... but I was hoping you could help me out with something." He says with a playful grin. 

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