Sabrina's POV
"This is the only place we can do this?" I ask Ambrose. "Unfortunately." He answers as we stand on the steps of the academy. I sigh and hold out my hand. Ambrose and I stayed up all night smelting down the three objects into the perfect weapon, a morning star.
"I'll go in first and make sure the stone circle is still intact." I tell him. He nods and I open the door to the academy and sneak inside. While the stone circle is indeed still intact, Blackwood has clearly done some redecorating. Sigils carved onto the stones, candles in every possible crevice, and words in some foreign language written on the walls.
"Blackwood?" I call out. "Show yourself. Coward." I taunt. I stand in the center of the stone circle and wait for an answer. "Blackwood!" I yell out. "Shhh! There's no need to shout. I'm right here." Blackwood says as he emerges from the shadows.
"Miss Spellman, you must have come to offer yourself to the void. Oh, yes, that must be it, the void. And the other Eldritch terrors." Blackwood says. Clearly out of his mind. "I've brought them an offering." I say pulling a jar out of my bag. Blackwood's face lights up.
"You have?" He asks. "Oh they like offerings, yes they do." He laughs. I try to open the lid to the jar but it jams. Of course it fucking does. "Spare me this witchery." Blackwood says with a wave of his hand. The jar flies out of my grasp and rolls away from me. Well shit.
Luckily Ambrose swoops the jar and and throws it down at Blackwood's feet. The jar instantly shatters and the red dust inside starts to swirl around him. You see.... this wasn't any old jar. It was the one we used all that time ago to trap a certain demon. Blackwood passes out and falls down. Asleep.
"A deal is a deal, Batibat. Freedom in return for leaving the Spellmans alone." I explain as the sleep demon circles Blackwood's sleeping form. She snarls at us before taking the edge of Blackwood's coat and pulling him out of the room. Hopefully she's as good as torturing him as she was torturing us.
"Time to get to work. Once you start the incantation and the ritual begins, we cannot stop for anything. Do you understand? No matter what." Ambrose tells me as he hands me the egg and step out of the clearing.
"I'm going to get her back Ambrose. I'm going to get all of them back." I tell him. He smiles weakly at me and nods his head. I raise the morning star above my head and begin whipping it around in a circle. I say the incantation under my breath and just pray that this works.
I close my eyes and continue the incantation. My head feels like it weighs a million pounds and my ears fill like they are full of water. I finish the spell and prepare for the worse, but when I open my eyes....I'm back at the academy. Not the creepy Blackwood academy. The normal looking one.
It must've worked.
"When am I?" I ask looking around. I hear Father Blackwood yell something down the hall so I quickly dive behind one of the stones. "We've searched every room in the Academy, and my prize is not within these walls! It must be at the Spellman house." He says as he enters the room.
"And if the Spellman's are there, Father?" I hear a voice ask. Is that.... Agatha? "We'll kill them and drink their blood, of course." Blackwood answers. Agatha giggles in delight at this and they leave the room.
They are on their way to the house. That must mean everyone is still alive....right? I really hope they are. I duck out of the academy and spirit myself to the mortuary. I throw open the door and standing inside is Ambrose, Prudence, and Freya.
"We need to go right now!" I yell. "Brina? What are you doing here?" Freya asks. "Did you go on your quest?" Ambrose asks. "I did, but this is more important." I say as I walk up to them. "Really? We're okay here Sabrina. Really." Freya says. I quickly throw my arms around her. She hesitates before hugging me back.
"Are you okay?" She asks. "Listen to me, Blackwood is coming here to kill you all. We have to leave right now before he gets here." I explain as I let Freya go. "It would be unwise to move Zelda in the condition she's in." Mambo Marie explains as she comes up from the basement.
"If we don't move her, she will die. You'll all die." I plead. "How do you know that?" Ambrose asks. "I'll explain everything later. But please, right now you have to trust me." I look him dead in the eye and beg him to just agree with me.
"Where to then?" Freya asks.
I always knew I could count on her.
Freya's POV
I duck behind the bar at Dorian's to grab some fresh water for the towel on Zelda's head. Sabrina decided that this was the safest place for us to go, so I agreed to help. Sabrina knows something we don't and we need to just trust her. I really hope she's right.
"Prudence, Blackwood sealed the hedge witches in the desecrated church. If you bring them here than their energy might be able to bolster Aunt Zee's." Sabrina explains. "Absolutely." Prudence says as she heads for the door.
"What about Father Blackwood?" Ambrose asks. "He'll have left the church by now. He's probably at our house." Sabrina explains. "Cousin, you have to tell us how do you know all these things?" Ambrose asks confused. Sabrina gives me a glance and I walk over to him.
"I can't tell you. And I still have to find my friends before the pagans kill them. I'll be back soon." Sabrina says before she spirits herself away. Prudence leave shortly after. Leaving me, Ambrose, Mambo and Zelda. Ambrose scoffs and walks to the bar.
"Ambrose we have to just trust her." I say with a sigh. "And why should we?" He asks. "She clearly knows something we don't. What if Blackwood is at the house right now? I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to you." I say putting a hand on his shoulder.
"And I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you." He says as he pulls the hand down and me in for a hug. "You'd probably go crazy." I tease. "Besides, nothing is going to happen to me or anyone." I tell him before kissing the underside of his jaw.
"Now all we need is Aunt Zelda to wake up."

Strange Magic *Ambrose Spellman*
FanfictionFreya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.