Dorcas's POV (Switching it up a little <3)
I half laugh at something Agatha says while we turn the corner into the dining hall. Everyone turns at looks at us and I swear I feel some of them cower. Ever since Father Blackwood and Lady Blackwood left for Rome for their honeymoon, Prudence has been in charge of the Academy. Everyone fears us now. Well, more than usual. As they should.
"It's not my problem that I missed class. I'm a Blackwood now. I have certain responsibilities. I'm sure you understand." Prudence says as she sits down across the table for us. "Of course Prudence." Agatha says. "Blackwood or not, you'll always be our sister." I add. She smirks at us and picks up her fork for her lunch.
The room is buzzing with energy. Everyone is talking about the wedding. Or the funeral. Or murders. Who knows really. Prudence has done a brilliant job with taking care of the Academy. The students are happy. Magic is flourishing. Everything is going according to Satan's plan. I can feel the energy pulsing in the room when it suddenly dies down. I peer around the room and find the reason why.
Into the hall comes Freya. And she looks like shit. No one has seen her since the night everything happened. I heard she was locked up in her room at the Spellman's. To be honest, I never expected to see her here ever again. I mean her boyfriend is locked up in the dungeon for the murder of the Anti-Pope and the attempted murder of our High Priest.
Everyone stares at her as she walks by and takes a seat at an empty table. Agatha and I both lean to try to get a better view of her. Her hair is all sorts of messed up. It's sticking in all directions. It's matted in some parts. Her eyes are red and puffy. Normally Freya is a fashion goddess, but now she wears oversized sweatpants and an old Baxter High sweater. Not her best.
"Maybe we should-" "Don't even think about it Dorcas." Prudence warns. Prudence didn't even give her a second look. She just went back to eating her meal as if nothing happened. "Come on Prudence. She's clearly in pain." Agatha pleads. "And maybe she deserves it." Prudence says with a shrug.
"She doesn't deserve any of this and you know it. You can't hold her accountable for what Ambrose has done." I hiss at her defiantly. Prudence sighs and looks over her shoulder at Freya who is now picking at the food in front of her. When she turns back to us I can clearly see that something is off with Prudence. She may have a hard exterior, but I know deep down she has the purest heart.
"Perhaps you're right." She admits. "Come on. I'm going to help OUR friend." I say as I stand. Agatha quickly stands up next to me. Prudence thinks it over for a second before standing as well. She's about to start walking over to Freya when she gets stopped by a teacher. Must be hard running an entire academy.
"Take care of her." Prudence whispers over her shoulder as she walks out of the room with a crowd of teachers. Agatha and I link pinkies and walk across the room and stand in front of Freya. She looks up at us as we approach and she forces a smile.
"May we join you?" Agatha and I ask. She nods silently and looks back down at her food. We sit there awkwardly for a couple of seconds. "Freya... how are you doing?" I ask. She looks back up at us and sighs. "About as good as someone can be in my situation. My boyfriend is locked up for a murder that he didn't commit. People are accusing me of being in on it. My best friend is expelled from school. I'm doing just great." She says, extra sarcasm on the last sentence.
I reach across the table and take her hand in mine. "We are sorry for you Freya. But Ambrose has to pay for his crimes." I say softly. She quickly pulls her hand away from me. "Of course you don't believe that he's innocent either. Of course not. At this point I think I'm the only one who believes him." She says with a scowl.
"Freya. There's nothing we can do to make you feel better?" Agatha asks. "Not unless you plan on letting him out." Freya says looking down at her hands. Agatha sighs and looks at me for some kind of support. Prudence might kill me- but I get a wicked idea.
"We may not be able to let him out... but we may be able to let you in." I say. Freya's head snaps up. "What?" She asks. "What?" Agatha asks looking at me, utterly shocked. "You would do that for me?" Freya asks.
"Maybe. I mean, we can try. It might take some convincing to let Prudence let it happen. But it's worth a shot." I say leaning back. "Besides, we may be cruel. But we aren't evil. There's no way I'm not letting you say goodbye." I tell her. I can see her eyes start to brim but I can tell she's forcing them down. She stands and leans across the table, bringing me and Agatha in for a tight hug.
"Thank you both so much. I owe you." She whispers into our hair. I slowly pull back from the hug and look her over. "Don't thank us just yet. Besides..." "We can't have you go in there looking like that." Agatha says with a smile. We walk around the table and hold out our arms for Freya to take.
She gladly links arms with us and we walk out into the hallway. The smile on Freya's face makes me smile. But I'm just worried that after she comes back out of the witches cell... she may never smile like that ever again.

Strange Magic *Ambrose Spellman*
FanfictionFreya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.