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I whip around and see Winter standing six feet away from us, hands on her hips. She does not look happy. At all. Ambrose looks between us and tries to piece together what she had just said. I mean sure, he knew about Parker... but I don't remember if I ever told him about Winter and Mason.

Speaking of, Mason and Parker stand behind Winter, watching. Mason has his protective brother-in-law glare while Parker watches with a knowing smile. Ambrose quickly puts two and two together and steps back from me, creating a gap between us. 

"You must be Parker." He says stepping forward to shake her hand. "I'm Ambrose." He tells her. She shakes his hand and looks him up and down. "It's so nice to meet you." She says before giving me a questioning look. 

"I'm Winter. Freya is my Auntie." Winter states holding out her hand for Ambrose to shake. I swear she acts like she's already a teenage. Like I've always said, six is a weird age. He smiles and sinks down to her level. "It's lovely to meet you Winter. My name is Ambrose. I'm a special friend of Freya's." He tells her as he shakes her hand.

"Special friend?" Parker asks. I feel my cheeks heat up. "Actually Parker, Ambrose is my-" "Boyfriend." He says cutting me off. "Freya and I have been together for a little bit now. I hope you don't mind. I really care about her." Ambrose explains as he walks back over to me. Mason looks like he's going to say something, but Parker quickly cuts him off. 

"Finally. It's about time Freya found her someone. You two look happy." She says. "We are." I tell her. "Well then that's all that matters." Parker says with a smile. Aunt Hilda walks around the corner with Dr. C. I can't help but notice that their arms are interlocked.

"Oh good! Ambrose is back. How about we all head to the mortuary for some tea. I'm sure you all have some catching up to do." She says with a smile. "I would love that." I say as Ambrose wraps his arm around my shoulders.



Aunt Hilda, Mason, Winter, Parker, Ambrose, and I was never a combo that I expected to be together. Yet, here we are, laughing and enjoying tea as if nothing ever happened. Dr. C had left shortly after we had gotten home. He had told us that he wanted to make sure that Hilda had gotten home alright. It only made things even better when I saw the two of them share a kiss goodnight. 

"Freya," Parker says from across the table. "Now that Greendale is safe again, I was wondering if you would want to move back into our house? I could use the help in teaching Winter. Plus I think she's found a new best friend." She says motioning to Winter who is playing with Kai on the floor. 

"I'd love too. I mean, I'm sure the Spellman's would like their extra room back. Besides, Ambrose can come visit me whenever now." I say with a smile. I feel Ambrose's grip around my shoulder's tighten. "Excellent! I'll come help pack up your things tomorrow." Parker says taking another sip of her tea. There's a sing at the stove and Aunt Hilda excuses herself to go get to freshly baked cookies. That's when Ambrose quietly excuses himself and walks out of the kitchen.

"....Maybe I shouldn't have asked. Maybe that should have been a private conversation." Parker says apologetically. I shrug this off. "Don't worry about him. I'll go take care of it. Try these cookies! They are always so amazing!" I say getting up to follow him. 

He wasn't hard to find at all. Especially since he had left the front door open. Afterall, that porch swing has quickly become our favorite spot in the house. He sits on the swing, leaning forward with his chin in his hand. Obviously deep in thought.

"Penny dreadful for your thoughts?" I ask, snapping him out of his thoughts. He gives a small smile at the fact that I have used his own line against him. He pats the spot next to him and I take it. I instantly cuddle up to him. The cool breeze in the air more apparent than before.

"It's just going to suck not seeing you everyday. Not waking up next to you. I'll miss when you bring me tea in the morning, and when you sit with me in the embalming room, and I'll even miss catching you doing rituals that you shouldn't be doing." He says with a laugh. I roll my eyes and cuddle into his chest even more.

"I'll miss all those things too. I'll miss making fun of you every chance I get because you never sit like a normal person, I'll miss stealing your robes all the time, I'll especially miss our little makeout sessions." I say with a smirk. "Oh I'll definitely miss those too." He says.

"I'm not disappearing for good. I'm moving back into my house 5 minutes away. Plus, you can come see me now. We can go on dates all across Greendale. Hell, I'll even take the drive to Riverdale. I hear they've got some nice spots over there. I don't want to move out. I'd rather be here. But I feel like a burden to your family some times. Ever since I've been here, only trouble has occurred. Sure I won't get to see Brina or the Aunties all the time, but at least they can have their spare room back. I mean your Aunt Hilda seemed pretty close with Dr. C. Maybe she'll take my room. Anyway... You know that I'd love to stay Ambrose... but my family needs me." I explain.

"I need you too Freya. You are not and have never been a burden to this family. You are one of us. We would all travel to the end of the world for you. Everyone loves you here. How kind you are, how you fix problems, how you take care of Sabrina, how happy you've made me. Sure there's been lots of action recently, but that only makes life more exciting. I've been stuck in this house for 75 years. But only you being here has made me feel truly alive. You really do mean everything to me. I mean, I've been trying to tell you that I love you for a couple of days now. Only, every time I try to tell you, something happens-" 

"Wait. You love me?" I ask. Ambrose nods. "Freya I love you more than anything in this world. I've been around for a while and nothing has ever made me feel the way you make me feel. I know we haven't been together that long... but I knew right away.Now I finally get to tell you. I love you Freya." I feel my eyes well up. Fuck. I'm such a crybaby.

"And I don't expect you to say anything back but I needed to tell you." He says. I shake my head and wipe away a tear before basically jumping onto him. I crash my lips against his and I kiss him as if it was the first time. And he wastes no time kissing back.

"Ambrose I love you too." I tell him. "Then stay. Move in with me. I'll carry all your shit up the stairs to my room. Sure, I'll have to clean up a little, but we can make it work. I can even get a small bed for Kai if that helps-" I cut him off by kissing him again.

"Ambrose Spellman... are you asking me to move in with you?" I ask raising an eyebrow. He takes my hand in his and intertwines our fingers. "Only if you want to." He says looking into my eyes. 

"Well then how can I say no?" He quickly jumps up and spins me around. "You mean it? I'll get to work right now. I'll go tell Aunt Hilda. I'm sure she'd be thrilled. You won't regret this." He says before placing another kiss on my lips and turning to run inside like an excited child. I just laugh and nod. I love that boy and he loves me. Suck on that Nick Scratch. 

"Freya? Everything alright?" Parker asks stepping onto the porch. Mason follows shortly after carrying a sleeping Winter in his arms. She's almost too big for it now, but I can't blame her, it's been a rough night for everyone. I freaked out when I found out I was a witch when I was sixteen. I can't imagine being six.

"Everything is perfect. Parker... I'm not moving back in." I tell her. She just smiles at me. "I figured as much. I was coming to check on you when I heard the whole I love you thing." She tells me.

"You heard that?" I ask. "I did. And I'm so happy for you Freya. I really like Ambrose. I can tell he's just so in love with you." "So you're not angry with me?" I ask. "Freya Cassandra! Why would I be mad at you! It's your life. You're allowed to do whatever you want with it. You will always have a spot with us, but I really believe that that boy is your home now." She says with a smile.

"I love you Parker." I say rushing up and giving her a hug, which she gladly accepts. "I love you too little sis. Now we have to get home. I'm going to have to have a very interesting conversation with Winter tomorrow." She says kissing the side of my head.

I sigh in content and watch as my family drives off into the night. Inside the house I hear a small crash followed by Ambrose calling out "sorry!" I just laugh and start to walk back into the Spellman house. Well, my home now too I guess. 

"Freya!" I Brina call. I whip around to see my best friend, but I'm shocked by what I see.

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