Freya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.
"Can you pass the syrup, Top Boy?" I ask at the breakfast table the next morning. I make sure to stress the words Top Boy. Last night ended up being a whole lot better than I expected. Nick and Sabrina went out to get dinner as friends. I say the as friends part with hesitation. Aunt Zelda and Aunt Hilda retired early for the night. So Ambrose and I celebrated by ordering Chinese food and cuddling in front of the fire. My kind of night.
"Good morning love! You've let your breakfast go cold." Aunt Hilda says as Sabrina walks in. "Sorry, Aunt Hilda... but the Dark Lord visited my last night." Sabrina says casually. The syrup container slips from my fingers and makes a loud crash against my plate. Ambrose scoops it up before it can spill further.
"He called on me to do his bidding." She adds. The Aunties look at her in shock. "The Dark Lord was in our house? And I slept through his visit? What he must think of us." Aunt Zelda says in shock. "Wait he called on you?" I ask. Sabrina slowly nods.
"I thought I could smell brimstone from under the floorboards." Ambrose mutters. "What did he want?" I asked. "It was strange. He wanted me to-" "No. Never mind. Whatever devotion he asked you to perform, it is a sacred covenant between you and the Dark Lord." Aunt Zelda says, cutting Sabrina off.
"Did he come to you guys? After you signed the book of the beast? And ask you to do things?" Sabrina asked. Everyone freezes and their eyes dart to each other. "Not really." Aunt Hilda says quickly. "Still waiting." Ambrose whispers. I look at him and instantly tell that he's lying. He looks at me and silently begs me not to call him out on his lie.
"These tasks that he asks some of his followers to perform from time to time, they are gestures that demonstrate, that prove one's dedication to the Path of Night." Aunt Zelda explains. "What if I don't want to do what he's asked of me?" Sabrina asks. Aunt Zelda slams down her teacup.
"You'll be shocked to hear it doesn't work that way, Sabrina. You've been tasked. Nothing to do but perform the dark devotion. Preferably, with a smile." Aunt Zelda says. "Unless he's charged you with committing a murder?" Aunt Hilda says trying to get Sabrina to admit that that was not the task.
"Even then, you must do as he asks or suffer the consequences." Aunt Zelda says. "What consequences?" I ask. "Those who resist him risk bad things happening to them and those around them. The evil has a way of spreading very quickly. Deny the Dark Lord at your own peril, Sabrina." Zelda explains.
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I sigh and take my hat off. I turn around and look at myself in the mirror again. For some reason, I feel like something is off today. At first I thought it was my outfit, but here we are, four outfits in and I still can't shake the feelings.
"You look beautiful, love. Trust me. Now come one, we are going to be late. Father Blackwood needs to speak to me about something important." Ambrose says as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind. I slowly nod and sink back into his chest.
"Alright, I'll bite. What seems to be the problem?" Ambrose asks. "I just... what if the Dark Lord comes to me and tasks me with something?" I ask, spinning around so we are face to face. "Then you will do as the Dark Lord tells you." He says simply. "I feel like it's not that easy. What if it's something horrible? Or evil? I wouldn't be able to live with myself." I tell him.
"We will cross that bridge when we get there." He says as he leans down to peck my lips. I try to pull him down to keep him there with me. Every fiber in my being wants to stay in. I just want to stay home with my boyfriend where I'm safe, sound, and happy. But something tells me that just isn't going to happen today.
"I'm sorry. What do you need me to do?" I ask Aunt Zelda as she follows me through the halls of the Academy. "Father Blackwood has tasked me with directing this year's play. I need someone to do costuming. I've seen you fix Ambrose's clothes, you would be perfect for the position." She says as we stop outside my demonology class.
"Isn't it the same play they do every year? What happened to last year's costumes?" I ask. "Father Blackwood has decided to make his own rendition of the story. Freya, you're the only one that I know that can handle this responsibility. I trust you to bring our artistic vision to justice." She says dramatically.
"You know I'd do anything for you Aunt Zelda. Of course I'll help you out." I say with a smile. She sighs and gives me a quick hug. "Praise Satan. It's required that all students are involved anyway. It just helps that you have agreed to help instead of being forced into it." Aunt Zelda admits. Of course.
"Like I said Aunt Z, I'm up for the job. What needs to be done? Fix a hemline? Sew on some wings?" I ask. "Actually..... It's a little more than that." She says. I gulp.
"I need 4 original costumes hand made with doubles for the understudies. And this all had to be done by the end of the week." She says with a sickly sweet smile. I just stand there and look at her in shock. "Great! It's decided. Thank you Freya, dear. Have fun in class. I'll set up the old sewing machine at home for you!" She says over her shoulder while she rushes down the hall.