Freya's POV
"Harvey and I went to the police station and we found a bulleting board of all the missing persons." Theo says as he and Harvey come into the Baxter High library where Roz, Sabrina, and I have been trying to do some research.
"This girl disappeared from a playground three days ago." Harvey says putting down a missing persons flyer on the table we were sitting at. Lucy Anderson. A young, plump girl with two little blonde braids. "She's so young." I whisper.
"Can you see where she is with your cunning?" Sabrina asks Roz. "Not off a flyer, but if I had something of hers, something she's touched. If I could hold it in my hands, I could-" "Girls! How lovely to see you again." Lizzie says as she and a couple of cheerleaders enter the library.
"Heeeeyyyy." I say slowly and awkwardly. "We're going to the mall to get our nails and hair done before the pep rally. It's a cheer tradition." Lizzie says with a big smile. "Oh man, we can't go. Sorry guys." Sabrina says. "We um...." Sabrina says looking at me and Roz, silently begging us to help her out.
"Sabrina and Freya are taking me to the doctor for a check-up. You know... for my eyes." Roz covers quickly. All the cheerleaders aw. "Oh, my God. Thoughts and prayers." Lizzie says and all the others agree. "But, we'll see you at the rally right?" She asks.
"Most definitely." Sabrina says. "We will totes be there." I say adding in some slang that the girls on the team use all the time. The girls all giggle and say their goodbyes before turning back into the halls of Baxter High.
"I can't believe we're ditching the cool kids to play cat and mouse with a serial killer." Roz says letting out a sigh. "What choice do we have?" I argue. "None. So what's the plan?" Harvey says interjecting himself into the conversation. "Are we going to find this guy and kidnap him?" He asks.
"Well, actually, I appreciate the gusto, Harvey, but I think for this next step, it might be a little less suspicious if it's just us girls." Sabrina tells Harvey and Theo. The boys nod their heads in agreement.
Freya's POV
I quickly dust some of the dirt off the flowers I picked from the neighbor's yard as we approach the Anderson house. We had to think of a plan and thing of something quick. Sabrina knocks on the front door and we wait until we hear footsteps approaching. A young woman opens the door and peers out at us.
"Excuse me, are you Lucy Anderson's mother?" Sabrina asks. The woman nods and opens the door for us to come in. She leads us to the living room where she sits on the couch and begins to cry. I gently put the flowers down on the coffee table as Roz, Sabrina, and I sit on the couch across from her.
"My name is Sabrina. This is Freya and Roz. When we heard about how Lucy went missing, we just wanted to help." Sabrina explains. The woman just looks at us and cries. "I am so sorry about your daughter." I say after a couple of seconds. The woman wipes her eyes and sniffles.
"The police have no leads." She admits. "How could she just disappear without a trace? She's still alive. She has to be." She says as she cries some more. "Mrs. Anderson, do you have any pictures of Lucy that we could borrow? To make flyers and get the word out?" Roz asks.
"Or, actually, could you tell us about those." Sabrina says as she points to multiple drawings of pinwheels underneath a vase of, you guessed it, pinwheels. I raise my eyebrow at Sabrina. "Lucy collects pinwheels. She had one with her when she-" The woman begins crying again.
"I'll go get you that picture." She says as she quickly stands and rushing out of the room, sobbing. Roz quickly stands up and walks over to the pinwheels. The second her fingers brush up against the stem of one, she tenses up and her eyes glaze over. Please let this be working.
"I found one." Lucy's mom says as she walks back into the room. "This was taken last spring." She says as she hands me a picture of the same little girl, only her little blonde braids were a few inches shorter.
"We're going to find Lucy and bring her home, Mrs. Anderson. And the man who took her will be condemned to Hell and tortured there for all eternity." Sabrina says as she looks at the picture. I see Mrs. Anderson tense up, obviously not expecting this from Sabrina.
"Oh. Well, Thank you?" Mrs. Anderson says. "Would you mind if we took one of Lucy's pinwheel with us, would you?" I ask with a sweet smile. "No, you wouldn't." Sabrina says as she narrows her eyes at the woman. Mrs. Anderson's shoulders relax and she smiles.
"No. No I wouldn't." She tells Sabrina. Roz and I are confused but we quickly put the pieces together that Sabrina had used magic to convince the woman that not only she should give us the pinwheel, but also told her to go get some rest and forget that we were ever there.
Remind me to ask Sabrina how she did that later.
Freya's POV
"It's called a whispering gallery spell." Sabrina explains to Roz as I finish lighting the circle of candles that we put on the floor of Sabrina's room. I blow out my match and join the two on the floor in the center of the candles. We all hold the pinwheel in the center.
"Like when you're standing under a dome, and you whisper something into a wall, and your voice travels somewhere else. If Lucy still has her pinwheel, I might be able to reach her." Sabrina says. We all take a deep breath and Sabrina begins the chant. The pinwheel starts spinning as if an invisible force was blowing on it.
"Hello? Lucy?" Sabrina calls out. "Are you there?" She adds. "Hello? Who is that?" A little voice calls out. I sigh. She's alive. "A friend." Sabrina answers. "Listen, we're trying to help you, Lucy, but first, you have to tell us, is there a man with you?" I ask.
"No, he said he's come back, but it's been a while. Can you call my mom to come and get me?" The little girl says. Ouch. I'm trying little girl. Hold on. "Can you see where you are?" Sabrina asks. "It's a big refrigerator." Lucy says.
"He's got he in a freezer." Roz says quietly. My heart starts racing. "Okay. Can you read anything in the refrigerator that tells you where you are?" I ask. "Are you close? I'm really sleepy?" Lucy says. Her voice getting weaker and weaker.
"No! Lucy don't fall asleep." Sabrina says as she grabs a blanket off of her bed. "I'm coming!" Sabrina tells the little girl. "Wait- what? We don't know where she is." I whisper so the little girl can't hear me. "This could be dangerous." Roz warns.
"She needs us." Sabrina says. "This is dangerous Sabrina! Let's think about this." I cry out. But it's too late, Sabrina disappears before my very eyes. The pinwheel falls to the ground between Roz and I.
"Shit. ShitShitShit." I says as I climb to my feet. "Where did she go?" Roz asks. "I don't know!" I yell as I start running to the door. "Where are you going?!" Roz yells.
"I'm going to go kill Jimmy Fucking Platt."

Strange Magic *Ambrose Spellman*
FanfictionFreya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.