Freya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.
We all arrive to the Church the next morning for Ambrose's "execution". I put on my best sad face and everyone gives me a sorry glance as we make our way to our seats. Sabrina, Aunt Hilda and I sit in the fourth row, making sure we didn't end up right in front. While I thought people might think that this was weird, they respected our decision to not be close to our loved one as he is murdered in front of the whole coven.
"Show time ladies." Aunt Hilda says and I twirl the pair of scissors attached to the underside of my dress. I kiss Ambrose's protection ring on last time before focusing my attention to the front of the Church.
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"In the absence of any new evidence, the execution of Ambrose Spellman will proceed as planned." The councilman says. I see Father Blackwood smile and whisper something into Aunt Zelda's ear. Prudence must of overheard because she stares at him in shock.
"No! No!" Ambrose grunts as he is dragged into the Church by a couple of the Judas Boys. He looks like shit. And I never thought I'd live to see the day where that was sad. The bags under his eyes have deepened. His eyes were bloodshot from crying. His clothes were damp and dirty. I desperately wanted to run up and grab him. A couple of witches and warlocks laid eyes one me, watching to see if I might try to do so. They lead him to the front of the room and lock his neck into the guillotine.
"Executioner. Carry out the sentence." Blackwood says as he stares down Sabrina who stares right back at him. The executioner pulls the rope and the blade is about to come crashing down when everything freezes. The council and the Blackwood turn to stare at Sabrina. They are too busy watching her to notice what I'm doing.
The executioner gurgles and chokes before his head comes clean off, as if he was on the chopping block. Everyone screams and freaks out. This gives me the perfect amount of time to slide the scissors back into the slit of my dress and tuck the now headless doll of the executioner under a pew so no one will know.
Ambrose starts laughing hysterically from inside the guillotine. Father Blackwood scans the crowd before his eyes land on one of his Judas Boys. "You, Marcus, carry out the sentence." He demands. My heart stops. This wasn't supposed to happen. There was supposed to be so much chaos that the execution would be pushed back. This would then give us time to prove Ambrose's innocence.
"NO!" Ambrose cries out again. We lock eyes and we both start to cry a little. The Judas Boy hesitates. "If you want my cousin dead so badly, Father Blackwood, why don't you do it yourself." Sabrina quips. I turn to look at her in disbelief. Father Blackwood seems to like this idea and he takes the stand himself. My heart starts racing.
"No! Not you!" Ambrose screams. At the last second, Father Blackwood turns to face the crowd. "I have a better idea. You do it Miss Spellman." He said evilly. I see Sabrina tense up and her hands go into fists.
"Enough!" A voice yells from outside. We all turn to see a growling Dark Lord. We all drop to our knees in a bow. That's when I notice the sweat starting to drip from Sabrina's brow. I look at the Dark Lord and then back to her. He looks slightly different from the day he asked me to poison Dorcas. Then it makes sense. Another one of Sabrina's miracles. I see Prudence scan the crowd to see if Sabrina is doing this. I quickly wrap my hands around Sabrina's clenched fist and loan her some of my energy. Masking her struggle to make this work.
"Are you so blind to my will?" The Dark Lord asks, well, you know what I mean. "Dark Lord... Master..." Father Blackwood states. "Silence pretender. You degrade this coven with your pettiness. By my cloven hoof, Ambrose Spellman is spared. So let it be." The Dark Lord says before turning into black ash before the entire coven. We all start to rise and Nick has to support Sabrina because she is still a bit shaky.
"Thank you." She whispers under her breath to me. "The Dark Lord has spoken!" The councilman says rising to the front of the Church. "Ambrose Spellman is reprieved." He says. Ambrose laughs with glee and I can't help but feel my heart race. Tears sting my eyes. We did it. We fucking did it.
"You, release him." He demands. A member of the Judas Boys climbs up to Ambrose and frees him from his restraints and the guillotine. I honestly give no fucks at this point and I push people out of my way as I sprint up to the front of the Church. I grab Ambrose and we drop to our knees hugging and crying.
"Might I suggest-" "Might you not Faustus." The councilman says cutting him off. "But Sabrina Spellman-" "Sabrina Spellman is a child! We saw no display of dangerous power from her. What did become clear is you displease the Dark Lord, Father Blackwood." The councilman says.
"Father?" Blackwood questions. "You are hereby stripped of your titles of Interim Anti-Pope." The councilman says. Father Blackwood looks at him stunned. The councilmen all file out of the Church. Followed by some of the Judas Boys. Slowly everyone exits the Church until it's just Ambrose, Sabrina, Nick, Aunt Hilda and I. Aunt Zelda still had to pretend to be under a spell, so she went with Father Blackwood.
"I told you everything would be okay." I say kissing all over his face. Everyone else joins us on the floor and we all hug and cry for a bit.
"I love you Ambrose Spellman." I say after a moment. "I love you too Freya Hale." He says before kissing me.
"Alright! Alright! We get it. Can we please go home now?" Sabrina asks laughing. I give her the finger and kiss Ambrose again. Nothing will ever stop us ever again.