Freya's POV
I help Ambrose up the last few stairs before throwing open the door to our room. Ambrose stumbles in before gently lowering himself onto our bed. I scramble around the room and pull all the blankets that I can find.
"Darling?" I pull one of Ambrose's robes and a fresh set of clothes. "Darling?" He says again. I walk by the bed to grab some new pillowcases when he reaches out and grabs my arm. "Freya. Please. Just sit down." He says. I sigh and toss all the blankets onto the bed.
"One second." I tell him before disappearing into the bathroom. I return a moment later with a bowl of hot, soapy water and a washcloth. I peel off my bloody shirt and slip out of my bloody jeans before crawling behind Ambrose.
"You almost died tonight." I tell him as I dip the wash cloth into the bowl and begin washing away the dried blood on his back. "I know. If I knew dying meant that you'd take your clothes off, I would have tried to-" "Don't finish that sentence." I say with a groan. He mumbles an apology before letting me continue washing the blood off his skin.
"Thank you." He says after a few moments of silence. "No need." I tell him as I crawl around to face him. I begin washing off his chest and arms. "There is a need. You saved my life." He tells me. I shake my head. "Sabrina saved your life."
"You kept me alive while she saved the coven. It was the both of you, magics combined, that healed me." He says grabbing my wrist. "Dying is scary. But the idea of leaving you all alone was scarier." He says. I pull him in for a tight hug. Well, as tight as one can hug without injuring him further.
"I've never been so scared in my life." I admit into his chest. He kisses the top of my head. "You didn't show it." He says teasing. "I had to be strong for you. For Aunt Hilda." I say rolling my eyes. He pushes my shoulders back gently so he can look me in the eyes.
"My life was in your hands. Literally. And you managed to stay strong and keep hope even when I had lost it. When I was laying there, dying, I just kept focused on you. It was the only way to keep my heart beating. The only thing keeping me alive." He admits. Ah fuck. Here come the tears again.
"I didn't mean to make you upset." He says taking the washcloth from me. I shake my head to tell him that it's not his fault. He dips the wash cloth in the water and begins wiping my face. Getting rid of the tear stains, the smudged makeup, and his own bloody handprint. "You are my life Freya." He says after a moment.
"And you're mine." I tell him. He turns and throws the washcloth into the bowl. "Come here." He says holding out his arms. I oblige and crawl into his arms while he leans us back. He groans and I try to scoot away to give him space, but he pulls me right back in. I lay my head on his chest and look up at him.
"I love you, Ambrose." "I love you too Freya." "Do me a favor?" I ask. "Anything for you." He replies with a cheeky smile. "Try not to die again." I say with a huff. He chuckles. "Anything for you." He says as he lifts my chin with his fingers. Pulling me in for a kiss.
"Good. Because if you die I'll bring you back just to kill you myself." I tease before cuddling into his side. "Sounds fun. Then I'll get to haunt you for eternity." He jokes back.
"Don't threaten me with a good time."
Freya's POV
"And how are you, cous?" Ambrose asks as Sabrina marches into the kitchen the next morning. Aunt Hilda brings over the kettle to refill our teacups. Apparently all Ambrose needed was a good night's sleep. He's back to his charming, yet annoying self. His attitude is bright and sunny compared to the downpour outside.
"Considering everything that happened last night?" Ambrose asks. Sabrina sighs and sits down at the table. "Me? Oh. You know, I'm fine." She says casually. "Yeah, you only died." I say sarcastically. Sabrina sends me a playful glare.
"But how are you feeling?" Aunt Hilda asks, pushing the matter. "Emotionally." Hilda adds. "We're worried about you." I admit. "You're not a healer, my love. You've never been a healer." Aunt Hilda points out when Sabrina doesn't respond.
"Or maybe I've always been a healer and I just didn't know it." She says with a smile. "I don't think it works that way." I point out. "Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. That's one of the questions I'm going to ask Miss Wardwell." Sabrina says as she grabs a piece of toast and stands.
"Come on Brina, stay home with us today." I plead grabbing her free hand. "Something happened, to all of us, a trauma. And we have to batten down the hatches until Aunt Zelda gets back from her honeymoon." Aunt Hilda explains. "My execution day, you mean." Ambrose says sadly.
"There's no way that's happening, Ambrose. You were instrumental in defending the school from witch-hunters." Sabrina explains. I find his hand under the table and give it a reassuring squeeze. "You'll be pardoned." I tell him with a small smile. Well so much for him being in a good mood.
"By Father Blackwood? I highly doubt that." Ambrose says taking a sip of his tea. "The only ones who know the truth are myself, Blackwood, and poor, dead Leviathan who is in the trash at Dorian's." Ambrose explains. Ah yes, a major plot point that I should explain. Turns out that Leviathan wasn't missing at all. Turns out Father Blackwood put Leviathan inside of Ambrose and used him to control Ambrose. I wasn't thrilled when I found out either.
"I think we should throw a blanket down on the parlor floor, sit by the fire, and have a picnic, yeah?" Aunt Hilda says trying to change the subject. "I think that's a great idea." I tell her, trying to ease the tension building in the room. "Besides, it's raining cats and dogs out there!" Aunt Hilda says with a smile.
"Maybe it will clear up." Sabrina says. I look out the window and as if on cue, the rain pours harder. "Yeah... about that." I say. Sabrina follows my gaze out the window. She quickly closes her eyes and the rain subsides. The sun comes shining through the window and onto the kitchen table.
"And look, turns out to be a beautiful day." Sabrina says taking a bite of her toast. She throws her bookbag over her shoulder and heads towards the door. I just sit there, mouth open in awe.
"She controls the weather now?" Aunt Hilda asks quietly. Ambrose and I just stare blankly at her.
What the heaven is going on?

Strange Magic *Ambrose Spellman*
FanficFreya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.