Feast of Feasts

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The next 24 hours are filled with chaos at the Spellman house. Aunt Hilda and Sabrina are prepping all the food, Ambrose is cleaning, I work on decorating the dinning room, and Aunt Zelda is off to invite the Blackwood's to tonight's meal. It's almost time for everyone to show up and I'm lighting the last candle in the chandelier. I carefully step off of the chair and admire my work.

"Looks beautiful." Ambrose says walking in. I take a second to admire how good he looks all dressed up for the meal. "It better. I spent so much time on all of this." I say gesturing to all of the decorations in the room. "I was referring to you, but it does look good in here." He says placing a kiss on my cheek. I grin and playfully push him away. 

The doorbell rings and I go to answer, but Sabrina beats me to it

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The doorbell rings and I go to answer, but Sabrina beats me to it. 

"Father Blackwood, Lady Blackwood, please come in." She says with a smile. "Happy Thanks- Feast of Feasts." She says correcting herself. Nice save Brina. "Blessed Feast." They both say. Sabrina leads them into the dining room right as the Weird Sisters come down the stairs. I offer my hand to Prudence so she doesn't trip in her lovely gown. Ambrose offers his arms to Dorcas and Agatha, but this doesn't bother me. After all, he did tell me that ha wanted a monogamous relationship. I give Prudence a knowing smile before we walk into the dinning room.

"Oh Prudence, you look stunning. You must be filled with such-" "I'm filled with ecstasy, Lady Blackwood." Prudence says cutting Lady Blackwood off. We all sit around the table. I sit next to Ambrose and Dorcas, with Prudence and Sabrina directly across the way from me.

"May I?" Father Blackwood asks. "Thank you to Queen Prudence for the sacrifice she makes tonight, for the coven." He says. We all nod our heads in respect and begin the delicious meal that Sabrina and Aunt Hilda worked on all day.

Dinner flies by. It's filled with small talk. It's not awkward, but it's not exactly the nicest environment to be in. Dinner and conversation dies down as Sabrina carries in the most beautiful cake that I have ever seen.

"And now, for the piece de resistance. Aunt Hilda's brown butter marchpan cake with brandied currants." She says setting it down towards the head of the table, where Father and Lady Blackwood are seated. 

"Mmm. Looks delicious, but I want to save room for later." Lady Blackwood says looking at Prudence. Prudence just gives her a sickly sweet smile. I instantly grow nervous, the whole plan would be ruined if she didn't have a piece of cake. Ambrose senses my stress and puts his hand on my thigh to calm me down. Only it does the opposite. It makes my heartbeat race even faster.

"Nonsense, Lady Blackwood. You're eating for three, remember?" Aunt Zelda says saving the day. Lady Blackwood looks to Father Blackwood for his approval and he gives it to her. Lady Blackwood smiles with glee and reaches her hands out for a slice. She gets a slice and hands it to Father Blackwood. Good. That works even better. The two of them take a big bite into their slice while the rest of us watch in anticipation. 

"Are you enjoying this year's Feast Day?" I ask Lady Blackwood once Sabrina gives me the signal. "Oh I'm thrilled by it." She says with a smile. Well at least we know that's the truth. "I hope you're satisfied with your last supper, Prudence." Sabrina says. "We'll all miss you when you're gone." She adds. 

"I won't." Lady Blackwood says. She gasps and covers her mouth. "and why is that?" Prudence asks. "You're a stain an we're better off without you." She says with a horrified look on her face. I'd be worried too if I couldn't control the truth pouring out of my mouth.

"Constance. Prudence is our Queen." Father Blackwood scolds. "No, she's not my queen. She's a bastard." Lady Blackwood spills. I reach under the table and grab onto Ambrose's hand, trying to keep myself grounded rather than laugh at the scene in front of me.

"When was the last time you cast a spell, Lady Blackwood?" Sabrina asks. "The night of Feast Day lottery. I enchanted the ballot box to favor Prudence as queen." She says. She looks over to Father Blackwood, fear in her eyes. "Why would you do that?" He asks slamming his fork down.

"Because she and her slut sisters are your seed. Because you are a voracious slut yourself and that means trouble for my children." She says. The room falls silent. Ambrose picks up his drink and takes a swig from it. I choke on my laughter. "I'm so sorry, husband. I'm not sure why I'm unburdening myself like this." She says trying to get herself out of trouble.

"It's because you're queen requested a special cake for her last supper." Prudence says with a smirk. "My Aunt Hilda's truth cake!" Sabrina says with glee. Lady Blackwood looks mortified. However, Father Blackwood looks even more mortified as he has just finished the last bite of his own slice. Game on bitches. 

"Are you my father, then?" Prudence asks Father Blackwood. I watch as he tries to fight himself from saying it. He fights himself so hard that the glass in his hand shatters. "I am." He admits finally. My grip on Ambrose's hand tightens. "And my mother?" She asks. "Dead. She threw herself in a river because I would not marry her." He exposes. Prudence looks down sadly at the thought that her mother killed herself over this horrible man. 

"Are we your daughters too?" Dorcas and Agatha ask in unison. "No. You are just orphans." Father Blackwood says. No truth cake needed for that part. Prudence sniffles and hangs her head. "So the Dark Lord doesn't want me to be his queen." She says crying. Now this is a sight I never thought I'd see. 

"The coven must meet straight away." Father Blackwood says standing. "Maybe the Dark Lord came to you with a new revelation. One that compels you to outlaw the feast." Sabrina offers as an idea. "And then what's been revealed at this table tonight will never be spoken of again." She says with a smirk, knowing she's won this battle.

And she has.



All of the coven gathers in the church. Some with forks and knives, ready to devour Prudence, who waits on the throne of skulls in the center of the church. There's chaos and commotion until Father Blackwood strolls in. The church goes silent, ready to pounce.

"Brethren, sister, a very unholy night to you all." He starts. "Each year, the Feast of Feasts commemorates the selfless sacrifice that saved our coven. However," He says clearing his throat. "tongiht I must be the bearer of dark tidings. In an unexpected turn of events, through circumstances which none of us can control.... Prudence Night cannot fufill her duty as Queen." He says. The coven loses their shit. Witches and Warlocks alike are yelling and complaining. 

"Freya lives! Praise Satan!" A witch yells. She runs to the front of the room and slits her own throat, collapsing at Father Blackwood's feet. Her blood pools around her. Father Blackwood wastes no time before yelling-

"All hail Mildred! Queen of the Feast!" And then they all pounce. All I can see is knives and blood everywhere. I jump up onto a pew and pull Sabrina up with my so the blood doesn't stain my shoes. Unfortunately, this only gives me a better view of the horrors in front of me. Aunt Zelda grabs our hands and we starts climbing over pews to escape the evil that has happening. I take one last glance over my shoulder and witness Father Blackwood taking a bite of something bloody. We manage to make it out of the church before I hunch over and release all of what I had for dinner.

Maybe it's time to be a vegetarian.   

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