"That should be the last one." Ambrose huffs as he puts the last box down on the floor of his room. I laugh and look around at all the boxes that I eagerly shoved all my shit into. You could barely see the floor. There was only a path the leads from the door over to the bed.
"Thank you for helping me move all my shit." I say placing a kiss on his cheek. "It wasn't easy. You sure have a lot of stuff." He jokes as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into his chest. At first it was cute... until I realized that we were both pretty sweaty.
"Ambrooosseeee. Let go of me. You're sweaty." I say gently pushing him. He just pulls me in tighter and refuses to let go. "Sorry love. You did make me carry heavy boxes up a flight of stairs. And besides," He says flicking a bead of sweat off my arm. "You're a little damp yourself." He says with a wink. I roll my eyes. Of course Ambrose would take a moment like this to make it vaguely sexual.
"Come on. It's two in the morning. Let's get cleaned up for bed." He says pulling me into the bathroom attached to his room. I haven't really been in here much, but it's beautiful. It's kind of like Sabrina's but a tad bit smaller and a tad bit darker. It's also rather messy but what do you expect from Ambrose? I reached for a washcloth to wet my face when Ambrose turned on the faucet to the claw foot tub in the center of the bathroom.
"I'll wait for you outside." I say going to exit the room but Ambrose grabs my wrist before I can make it out. "Wait. I was hoping you'd get in with me." He tells me. I search his eyes and my face turns bright red. Me? In a bath with him? He does realize that means we have to be naked right?
"We don't have to do anything Frey. It's just been a long night and I thought we could both use some time to unwind." He pleads. I sigh and nod. "Fine. But if we are going to do this, it has to be the right way." I saw walking towards one of the cabinets. I pull out some bubbles and lavender oils.
"I like the way you think." Ambrose says. I smile and turn towards the tub and begin pouring the bottles into the water. The room instantly fills with the relaxing scent of lavender and the water turns soapy and bubbly. Just the way I like it. The room gets a little brighter and I turn to see Ambrose lighting candles. I send him a questioning look and he just laughs at me.
"Setting the mood. A relaxing mood that it." He says with a smile. I roll my eyes and finish setting up the bath. Ambrose comes and stands next to me. He sighs in content and pulls me to him by my waist. He leans down and places his lips on mine. Nothing aggressive. Just a small, lingering kiss. When he finally pulls back, he reaches for the hem of his shirt and that's when I turn bright red.
"You don't have to get fully undressed if you don't want to." He tells me when he notices my hesitation. "It's fine. I just... I've never really undressed in front of anyone before." I say kinda embarrassed. I honestly don't know why I'm embarrassed when I say this.
"Don't worry babe." He says as he undoes the button to his pants and I watch as they drop to the floor. Babe. There's something I'm not used to hearing. I feel like my hands are shaking, but I still grab the hem off my shirt and pull it over my head. Ambrose gives me a reassuring smile. I slide off my shorts. Surprisingly, this was the easiest part. Ambrose has seen me in my underwear before. It's usually all I wear besides his shirts when I sleep.
And then that's when he drops his last article of clothing onto the floor. I try not to look but how could I not. I mean the man is undeniably hot, but the lines and curves of his body really only point to one this. And I'm not disappointed by what I see. I've been turned on before... but never quite like this. I realize that I'm starting to stare at him and my cheeks flush to a crimson color. He smirks to himself and sinks into the tub. At least now I can look at him without staring because the bubbles reach up to his chest.
"I can close my eyes until you get in...if that helps." He suggests. I shake my head slowly. "No. No need." I say as I reach my arms behind my back and unclasp my bra. I take a deep breath and slide the straps off my shoulders and watch as my bra falls to the ground. Now it's Ambrose's turn to stare. He doesn't say anything right away and I begin to panic. My arms cross in front of me and all I want to do is shrink down into nothing and hide.
"You're beautiful Freya. You don't need to hide. Especially not from me." He says. I slowly unfold my arms from my chest and try to stop my heart from racing. I slip a finger under the waistband of my underwear and start to pull down. Shimmying a little as it falls down my legs. Now I'm totally naked. Standing there in front of the man I love. And I've never been so scared and excited at the same time in my life.
"Careful. It's a tad bit hot." He says as he holds out a hand for me. I take it and start to climb in. I hiss a little when I dip my foot in. He's right. It's hot. Yet it feels so good and I can already feel myself begin to unwind. I swing my other leg over and slowly sit down. Ambrose wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me so that my back is against his chest. I try to shake away the feeling of something else on my lower back.
"Relax Frey." Ambrose whispers into my ear as he pushes my hair to one side so that he isn't constantly getting it in his mouth. Between the oils, the hot water, and Ambrose's voice, I start to relax and I lean into him. Resting my head on one of his shoulders so that I can turn to see him.
"See isn't this nice?" He asks. I nod and hum in agreement. "It's nice now that I'm not so nervous." I say with a small laugh. "Yeah I tend to have that affect on people." Ambrose says with a cheeky grin. I roll my eyes before closing them. Trying to relax.
"You know, you're the first person to see me like this." I tell him with my eyes still closed. "Well I'm honored. You really are the most beautiful girl in the world Freya. I mean that. Besides, you're the first girl that I've ever taken a bath with." He says with a chuckle. Now it's my turn to laugh.
"So you're telling me that you have had witch orgies and have done sex magic with witches and warlocks, but you've never taken a bath with another person?" I ask opening my eyes to look up at him. "It's true. Sure I did those things. But when it comes to this romantic kind of stuff... well I'm still trying to get used to that." He says with a shrug.
"Well you're doing an amazing job. Consider me wooed." I say which makes him chuckle. "You're the first person that I've ever said I love you to." I say after a moment of silence. "I wish I could say the same. But somehow, this time is different. It's a different kind of love. The kind of love that I have for you is like no other love that I have ever felt before." Ambrose explains. I sit up and turn so I'm facing him.
"So I guess you really do care about me." I say half joking. He smiles. "Of course I do Freya. I love you. Today was terrifying and while everyone was in danger... I could only think of you. I wanted to be there with you so badly. When Luke-" "Let's not say his name right now when we are having fluffy bath time talk." I say cutting him off. He laughs at this.
"Well... anyway just know that I love you Freya." He says. "I love you too Ambrose." I say with a smile before leaning in and kissing him. He kisses back instantly. It's a sweet kiss. Romantic and soft. Only that's not what I want or need right now. I shift in the bath and some of the water splashes out as I turn to straddle Ambrose.
"You know that this isn't what I had planned right? I don't want to pressure you into anything. I just wanted a romantic evening." He says pulling away. "Yeah well this was an amazing gesture but now I need something a little different." I say with a smirk. That's when I feel something against my thigh.
"Oh the things you do to me." He says as he quickly stands in the tub and pulls me up with him. He carefully climbs over the edge and I wrap my legs around his waist. He carries me back into his room and gently tosses me down on his mattress.
"Ambrose! We're still soaked! The mattress-" I start to scold him but he climbs on top of me and leans down and kisses me. And it shuts me up alright. "I don't care about that right now. Just you." He tells me as he moves down to my neck. This makes me giggle for a second before I'm a moaning mess.
"You're sure you want to go through with this?" He asks as he looks into my eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a short and sweet kiss. "Of course I do. Besides, we can add it to my list of firsts." I say with a smile.
And the rest of the night is just for us to know.

Strange Magic *Ambrose Spellman*
FanfictionFreya Hale only wanted to have a normal life. Everyone had always said that there was something different about her. It only took someone special for her to realize that they were all right.