His shirt

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Arthur knows about Merlin's magic and they are best friends but not lovers.


Merlin's POV
I woke up to knocking on my bedroom door and without much thought opened the door to find none other than my best friend and long time crush prince-fricking-Arthur at my door step.

And you might be thinking well what's the problem here Merlin? What, are you naked?

Well no but this could be compared to that very closely. You see I am wearing one of Arthur's shirts that he let me borrow one time and no pants so I'm practically naked.

I was about to slam the door in his face but he stopped me mid door swinging closed and said,  "why are you closing the door? We have seen each other naked before. And also I won't pretend that I haven't dreamt of the day I wake up to see you wearing my shirt. Frankly I think it's hot."

"Oh shut up you dollop headed buffoon! And stop fake flirting with me. Who do you think you are?"

"Oh I don't know, I think I'm pretty charming and the ladies do too"

"Yeah, yeah. Cut the crap and turn around." I said while pulling on a pair of trousers.

"Why? Do you think I'm gonna get embarrassed when I see you have no muscles?" He said as he turned around.

Well that wasn't exactly the reason because I do have muscles. The last time Arthur saw me without a shirt was when we were very young and I was very scrawny.

"No it's not that at all it's just I don't feel comfortable because I'm not confident in my body. You know this."

"Well why is that I like you and your body no matter what you lo-," he turned around just as he said that and I still wasn't done changing yet so I just froze.

Arthur's POV
I turned around when he was changing only to find the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in front of me. And don't even get me started on the fact that he has abs.

"H-Hot Mama." Dang I stuttered. He's going to make fun of me for the rest of our lives.

Is head shot up at my words and he saw me practically drooling over his chiseled chest. He quickly pulled the shirt on and walked out the door pulling me with him.


It was getting to the end of the day and I was doing paperwork on my desk while Merlin was folding and putting away my clothes in my dresser when I got an idea.

He was just finishing folding the last of my shirts when I told him to come over and bring the shirt with him. He looked confused for a second but complied.

When he came over I stood up and asked him to help me into my pajamas. He did so and went to put the clean shirt away since I don't wear a shirt to bed.

Before he could get more than a foot away I pulled him back and into my bare chest. I whipped him around facing me and started to pull his shirt up and off of him. He asked what I was doing and I simply stated that I would like to see him wearing my shirt again and only my shirt.

His face burned an adorable shade of red. And he nodded and agreed telling me to stay put and going behind the screen to change. I honestly didn't see the point of the screen at this point but if it helped him feel better the okay I guess.

When he came out from behind the screen I don't think I had ever seen a more adorable sight than him standing in my too-big shirt.

We cuddled and he fell asleep in my arms and I in his.


Hi! Sorry I haven't been active I have had a lot going on and I was losing motivation so here's a little something also if you would like to request something just comment it here!!! Love you guys!!! Also thank you for 400+ reads!!!

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