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This is going to be angsty but will end with fluff so don't worry!!
TW:abuse in the past/ptsd


Arthur's POV
"There was something wrong with Merlin. And I know what you're thinking. But don't say it." Said Arthur. He was currently talking to Percy because he seemed like the best option at the time.

You see the past few days Merlin has been staying away from physical contact. And I know you're thinking. 'Well if he doesn't want to be hugged then don't hug him.' But it's more than that because I saw him the other day giving a basket to one of the maids and their hands happened to touch and he pulled away very quickly, too quickly.

But I wasn't one to judge maybe she scared him and he jerked away because of that.

But it got worse. Sometimes I would see him doing his chores and someone would walk in and start talking to him and he would tense. Like major tensing.

I began to get really worried when one day I saw him talking with Gaius and I knew they were close so when I saw Gaius go to pat him on the back I thought nothing of it. But the next instant I hear him scream and stumble away from the old man.

Today I was going to confront him. I was going to make sure he knew that he could come to me if anything was bothering him. I already knew he had magic so what could be worse?

( little did he know it could be much worse, and it was. Sry I love foreshadowing )

Well it was time.

"Merlin?" I asked. He flinched.

Then responded. "Yes sire?"

"Are you okay?"

"Quite fine sire. Why do you ask?" He assured but it was too strained to be the truth.

"Quit lying! I know you're not okay!" I accidentally yelled. Losing my temper at his lies.

He flinched really bad and then with a shaking voice and shaking hands replied quietly, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"

"Woah woah woah. Why are you sorry?"

"I'm sorry I exist! I know I'm only a bother! I'll leave if you want me to just don't hit me!" He exclaimed.

"Hey! Hey. Shhhhh. I'm not gonna hurt you. And you're not a bother. We all love you here! We need you here! I need you. I.Love.You."

He looked up with wide eyes. Then he started to cry. And I asked if I could touch him and he said yes. So I slowly got down onto his level and hugged him.

He eventually leaned into my grasp and started to lean into my chest. Also calming down.

We sat like that for hours and he eventually fell asleep. I then took him to my bed and tucked us both in.

I knew he wouldn't be perfectly okay tomorrow but we will work together to help get him better. Today was the start on a long path to recovery.


Hi guys!!! I hope you enjoyed! If you have any other ideas for stories tell me and I will most likely write them!!
Love you all!!!

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