The merthur shipper of the century

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Arthur watched in horror as Morgana approached Merlin. She was going to kill him. Merlin was in the castle library studying some stuff for Arthur (he's lazy and Merlin apparently, 'helps him learn' or something).

Arthur had been kidnapped by morgana's men and was watching Merlin through a magic orb. Morgana herself had gone to kill Merlin just for fun and to hurt Arthur.

Merlin was so invested in the books that were stacked up around him that he hadn't noticed Morgana (or so everyone thought).

Morgana was getting closer and closer with the poisoned knife in hand. Until she was about half a foot away.

"Take one more step and you're dead." He said this in an eerily calm voice that held neither spite nor vengeance but simply hatred.

She paused. Not even taking a breath. He hadn't even looked up from his book.

All of this made Arthur a little more anxious for his servant because what could he do? 'Don't go getting brave on me Merlin. You could die!' He thought.

Suddenly she asked, "can I ask you something?" He paused and looked up from his book, confused.

"Yes?" He said questioningly.

She sat down in a chair next to him and started talking to him in a quiet manner and he started conversing with her like it was no big deal.

'Darn it Merlin what are you doing now! Don't just go conversing with the enemy! Camelot has a reputation to uphold!' Arthur thought as he watched this transaction go down.

Merlin POV

When Morgana asked if she could talk to me I was surprised but I mean talking instead of fighting! That's a heck of a deal!

"How do you do it?, how do you deal with that insolent prick that is my brother?" She asked in a hushed tone.

"Well I'll be the first to tell you it isn't easy." I said.

"And what has he got you doing here? Why does he have his serving boy in a library? Does he think you're dumb? Because, Merlin I can tell you in full honesty you are far from dumb."

"Thank you Morgana for your concern but it is not necessary, Arthur has me here studying for one of his speeches. Apparently, and you didn't hear this from me," he beckoned her to scoot closer so no one would hear, "he learns better when I teach him because I put it into terms he can understand."

"Really? Well sweetie I think he just likes to hear your voice." She stated and smiles.

3rd POV

Morgana has always been a merthur shipper, and would sometimes put aside her evil doing to check up on her otp.


I started this awhile ago and never really finished it but if you guys would like to seem more of this kind of funny fic just comment your ideas! Also it any of you have story ideas I am open! Help me I am constantly losing motivation for this so yeah... have a great day/night my lovelies!!! Bye~

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