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Merthur idea/prompt thing:
Possessive Arthur: pulls Merlin's hips to his while spooning. Buries face in crook of his neck and just overall has a tight possessive grip on him like constantly.

Okay so 👆the prompt is above and enjoy!


3rd POV
Merlin woke up surrounded by warmth and he was content to stay in that warmth till the end of time if he could. But as he gained more consciousness he realized that this 'warmth' was breathing and usually pillows don't do that. And all of a sudden Merlin's eyes pop open and he looks around slightly panicked.

Merlin's wide searching eyes finally land on his king who is right behind him breathing evenly, still in the world of dreams. And when I say Merlin panicked I mean the physical embodiment of panic came upon him. And in a fit of adrenaline Merlin started to push/pull himself from the royal's grip.

But the prat wasn't having this. As Merlin struggled Arthur's loosely draped arm over Merlin tightened. The next attempt that Merlin made to escape was quickly squashed by the knight's large and strong hands grabbing his hips and slamming them back towards his own (😏😉🙃) and then wrapping his arms around Merlin once more keeping the two impossibly close together.

Merlin was about to start trying to free himself again when the king nuzzled into the nape of his neck and eventually settled his head down in the crook of Merlin's neck. Then the king took a deep breath inhaling Merlin's scent and somehow tightened his grip even more (my boy Merlin bout to be squeezed to death).

Merlin was now internally screaming because his long term crush was hugging him, being possessive over him. But Merlin knew that this bliss would soon have to end because the two had things to do.

So Merlin, with a sense of finality, decided he was going to wake his king up and leave his bliss.

Merlin quickly spun himself around in Arthur's arms and grabbed his shoulders. The he started violently shaking the beefy man until he was jostled awake.

But instead of the king retracting his arms from around him(which is what Merlin expected) the grip on him stayed the same and did not falter. Arthur was now groggily looking up at Merlin. Once he registered that Merlin was in his arms he started to smile.

"Good morning Merlin" Arthur greeted. His voice was deeper than usual because it was still riddled with sleep but Merlin wasn't complaining.

Then Arthur did something even more unexpected. He buried his head in Merlin's neck again and inhaled his scent. Merlin's eyes widened at this, why was he acting like this? Does he like me? What is going on?

But Merlin was not ready to deal with this yet so he started trying to set himself free from the knight's grasp. He started pushing at Arthur's shoulders so he could get up and start the day.

But Arthur wasn't having this, and he started growling and tightened his grip on Merlin even more. Merlin was confused, so he decided he was actually going to ask Arthur instead of avoiding him.

"Arthur... is everything okay? Why aren't you letting me go?" Merlin asked this in the softest, most soothing voice he could muster.

But when Arthur responded his response was muffled by Merlin's shoulder.

"Can you say that a little louder? I can't hear you." Merlin said running his fingers through the king's hair and keeping his voice soft as to not provoke the king into doing something rash.

"I said, that I don't want to let go because if I do you leave and then you talk to other people and they are gonna take you from me." Arthur said looking up at Merlin with a pout.

Merlin didn't know how much of this adorable man he could handle. And before he knew it he was hugging Arthur like his life depended on it, squeezing him just as tightly as he was being squeezed.

"Oh I would never leave you Love ." Merlin whispered into his ear.

Arthur pulled back from the hug with wide eyes. Did Merlin really just call him love?

"Did you mean that?" Arthur asked with some kind of urgency behind his voice.

Merlin was not ready for rejection so he squeezed his eyes shut and nodded his head then waited with baited breath to get a response.

Arthur brought a hand up and placed it on Merlin's cheek. But as he did so Merlin flinched. Soon Arthur spoke.

"Hey" he spoke in a soft tone trying to calm Merlin down. "Look at me Love."

Merlin's eyes popped open and were immediately met by Arthur's piercing blue gaze.

"Can I kiss you?" Arthur asked. (Consent is key kids!!) Merlin nodded.

Arthur's eyes slowly closed and he connected their lips. And as he did Merlin's eyes closed as well. They didn't start making out or anything. (Neither of them were ready for that) but they had tested the waters.

And now it was time for the couple-of-the-century's story to start. But as we all know today, historians will say they were just friends.


I don't know if I like how I ended that but it is what it is. I wanted to get a chapter out to you guys because I feel like it has been way too long. So y'know I'm not dead.

I hope you enjoyed that story. I know I enjoyed writing it. If you have any stories you would like me to write just comment and I will most likely write it! Be sure to check out my other stories if you are interested. And have a good day/night my lovelies!💚

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